Sunday, November 9, 2008

Duuuude, I've Got A Dell

Ta da! I took delivery of a 'new' 17" Dell laptop the other day. It's new to me but it's a reconditioned Dell (got it half price, check it out if interested y'all!). My old laptop has a 15" screen, also a Dell, and it has been donated to my husband so he may play his computer card games and not kibitz me while 'working'.

For some unexplainable reason, even though I'm still using the same type Windows XP, I am having a dilly of a time getting all my programs to be compatible. Somehow I've lost my favorite graphics program (Print Shop Pro) and had to buy a new one. Now I have to wait patiently (????) for it to arrive in the mail before I can be creative again ... BUMMER! The Lotus 1-2-3 word processing program won't load and my favorite solitaire card games won't play. Hmmm .... where's a friendly geek when you need one.

Well, in spite of my 'problems', the new laptop sure is nice. The picture quality and boot up speed is so much better. Can't wait to use it for the Grape Escape.

I guess Bigger really is Better! [LOL] ♥ ∞

Maxie VS The Vet

Maxie, our 10 year old miniature schnauzer, has developed a fatty lump on her breast that is sticking through her rib cage. I just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow she visits her doggy doctor and may also be 'under the knife'. Whisper a prayer for her bloggy friends, pretty please? Thanks. I knew I could count on y'all.

Maybe that's all that is really wrong? I'm petting her too much? Nahhhhh .... :o)

This is how we view cats, 'ey Maxie?

Oh, heck, I know she'll probably do just fine. I'm the one that will probably have to be sedated!! [lol]
Have a great Sunday everyone! ♥ ∞

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fallen For You Award

This lovely autumn award created by Lavinia Ladyslipper was graciously bestowed upon your's truly from my bloggy pal, Muse-Swings. Thank you my dear! I feel greatly honored and touched (but not in the head, I hope). [lol]

Again, thank you so much! :o) ♥ ∞

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Beauty That Surrounds Us

We took a stroll down our one lane dirt country road this morning. The fall colors are finally reaching our little corner of the world.

I hope you also enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. :o)

Bay Tree (green)

Red Maple and Slash Pine

Eastern Baccharis (Groundseltree)
Good morning bumbly bee!

Tallow Tree

Close up of Tallow leaves.

"Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Luke 12:27 ♥ ∞

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Be Sure To Edify One Another

The morning after .... sounds like an advertisement for a pill, doesn't it? The morning of November 5th there were many Americans very happy and many extremely sad, broken hearted, frightened.

For all who feel anxiety, I do humbly pray that I may edify them.

Here's a nice quote I found from someone called "Daddy Brown" (I don't know who he is/was):

"Do not be shocked or amazed at anything that takes place in America today as the America you are talking of is no more. It is a new America whether we like it or not. But remember, the America in your mind and heart died a while back. (A little at a time she died and many were not watching). As we took the prayer from our schools, allowed abortion clinics on every corner, people come over our borders with no background checks - Criminals, drug runners, and we allowed drugs and gangs to take our streets, she gave and gave till there was no more to give and America died... Love the old America, the place you were born, the country that once gave Hope, the land that you were so proud of and just learn how to live in this new America and pray for the souls of mankind as the Rapture will soon arrive.

If people are not ready, they will go to hell and there is nothing you and I can do to stop it except make sure those around us know the TRUTH so we can join one another in Heaven.

This America belongs to Satan for now. Just know there is a better tomorrow-No matter what happens in America."

That's a good point. We mustn't worry. Doing so won't add a day or a moment to our lives. God cares even for the little sparrows and knows all the hairs on our heads. He knows the ultimate outcome and will hold His believers in His loving hands. That's amazing to me how much He loves us ... even when we humans deliberately perform destructive acts and sacrifice the next generation to the false god of convenience. ♥ ∞

Our 4 Year Old Niece, Amberlee

♥ ∞

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Little Election Day Humor

Today is the *big day* here in America, when our voices and opinions can count more than ever. Well, what's done is done.
Let's just reflect on our actions.
There's no turning back now.
The die is cast.
So, here's a little humor along the way.
Hopefully the ride in that handbasket will seem a little merrier....

"Take it from me -- elections matter." Al Gore [Really?? Well, duuuh!]

"I'm older than dirt, I've got more scars than Frankenstein, but I've learned a few things along the way. " Sen. John McCain

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies." Groucho Marx [I'm with you Groucho.]

"To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government." Mark Twain
♥ ∞