Sunday, November 9, 2008

Duuuude, I've Got A Dell

Ta da! I took delivery of a 'new' 17" Dell laptop the other day. It's new to me but it's a reconditioned Dell (got it half price, check it out if interested y'all!). My old laptop has a 15" screen, also a Dell, and it has been donated to my husband so he may play his computer card games and not kibitz me while 'working'.

For some unexplainable reason, even though I'm still using the same type Windows XP, I am having a dilly of a time getting all my programs to be compatible. Somehow I've lost my favorite graphics program (Print Shop Pro) and had to buy a new one. Now I have to wait patiently (????) for it to arrive in the mail before I can be creative again ... BUMMER! The Lotus 1-2-3 word processing program won't load and my favorite solitaire card games won't play. Hmmm .... where's a friendly geek when you need one.

Well, in spite of my 'problems', the new laptop sure is nice. The picture quality and boot up speed is so much better. Can't wait to use it for the Grape Escape.

I guess Bigger really is Better! [LOL] ♥ ∞


  1. Duuuude! How cool is that! Enjoy your new laptop - once it starts behaving itself!

  2. great! i was so happy to get mine earlier this year, so as not to have to wait in ine for hubby's one.independence! yahoo, the name of the game!

  3. In the ads p.c. is bleeping MAC everytime he tries to say "Vista". I have the V program, and I use so little of it I guess I don't notice the problems. Always fun to get new toys. We'll be looking for professional quality stuff when you get your new software. The pressure is on. Pappy


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell