Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2009

Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) on Your World with Neil Cavuto TODAY

Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) will appear on FOX News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto TODAY at 4:00 p.m. (eastern) to discuss the resignation of Van Jones, President Obama’s Green Jobs Czar. In addition, Congressman Kingston will discuss his ongoing efforts to bring more transparency and accountability to President Obama’s specially-appointed czars. For more information, check your local listings or click here.

Earlier this year, Congressman Kingston introduced legislation which would withhold any funding from President Obama’s czars unless they are confirmed by the United States Senate. [another answer to prayer folks!!] With Mr. Jones the second czar to resign amid scandal, shouldn’t those given unprecedented power undergo the same scrutiny as more than 1,000 presidential appointees granted much less power?

For more information on the issue, floor statements by Congressman Kingston, and clips of previous media appearances, please visit


And My Thoughts Exactly ?? .... Georgia Rules and Obama Drools!! ha ha

More Happy News ~ Judson Hill (R-GA)

Judson Hill (R-GA)

God is being so merciful, beyond measure.

Judson Hill (R-GA) has proposed an amendment here that would keep the federal health plan OUT OF GEORGIA!! No fascist Obamacare for us, thank you very much! Wahoo!! Praise God for answered prayer. Y'all keep praying for this resolution to pass please.

And, if you would, please call (404.656.0150) and/or write ( Mr. Hill and tell him Thank You. He needs to know that we support him with this amendment. I am going to do so when his office opens tomorrow. I have been praying for this since I learned it is legal for a State to do so under the 10th Amendment in the US Constitution.

Have a happy day folks! I know I will. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Box Car Prisons For American Dissidents

Dang, now there's something else to worry about! And this has been around since 1999 ... let's see that was under President Bill Clinton, right? [sigh] Yeah, and President George W. Bush too. I also learned that Pres. Bush passed a bill that now requires all baby's born in the USA to give DNA samples while they're still in the hospital. This is FORCED on the baby! That is awful. The more I learn about him, the more I realize what a horrible president he was.

Anyway, here's more to worry about: Box Car Prisons For Those Who Oppose Obama Communism

Do you really think they'd ever get me in one of those things conscious? Noooooo.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Southern National Congress

Even as an avowed Libertarian (have been for about 8 years now - had a kind of Spiritual awakening, if you will) I'm really not much of a political person and have only recently heard of the Southern National Congress.

What or who are they?

Apparently, they are a group of men and women who will help the South maintain and exercise our sovereignty, if I have the wording correctly. I find this very encouraging. If the Marxists keep pushing our buttons, there's going to be conflict and the ARMED FORCES WILL BE ON OUR SIDE!

Well, alrighty then.

I received the 50 pocket US Constitutions I ordered from The Heritage. My husband and I are slowly passing them on to neighbors, law enforcement, church family, etc. People are very receptive to "the good news" as I call it. We must have a Godly law to live by (we have that in the Constitution) or there will be chaos and the bad guys will win.

We must not let that happen. There must be order and method.

I received what's below from another true Patriot and this has further encouraged me to feel that we are not alone in wanting to obey the US Constitution. So, I thought my fellow Southerners would find this edifying as well.

Be sure to leave me your comments and thoughts on this. Praise God for my fellow Patriots!! Together, with God's help, we can hold the fabric of this country together.

Enjoy and spread the good word! Print out whats below and take it to your local law enforcement people. We need them to be alert and appreciate them very much.


Resolution and Appeal (Review Draft)

To the Sheriffs, Police Agencies, Adjutants General, Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers of the National Guard and State Militias of the Fourteen Southern States

We the Delegates of the Southern States, in Congress assembled, find and affirm the following:

The Southern people have traditionally been strong supporters of the rule of law, properly founded upon impartial justice. Instructed by our history, culture, and religion, we grasp the nature of human evil and understand that threats to the commonwealth exist. They must be restrained, sometimes by force. This is the principal role of civil government, from which it derives its legitimacy under God and in covenant with the People. However, the Southern tradition does not embrace order at the expense of liberty. When government becomes lawless and despotic, it forfeits its legitimacy, and thereby the allegiance and obedience of citizens.

Southerners respect our uniformed public servants and honour their high calling to be protectors, not punishers. They are to be agents of justice, not injustice. Their powers, including the proper use of physical force, up to and including the use of deadly force, exist only as delegated to them by the People and are for the protection of the community, not its oppression and enslavement. This responsibility may include protecting the People from government officials when they act in a lawless and despotic manner.

We acknowledge the dilemma peace officers face when given wrongful orders by a rogue government. But the state is not exempt from the rule of law. Police have been confronted with such fundamental moral choices before, and history does not exonerate those who follow tyranny rather than God’s law and their own good consciences. “Just following orders” has never excused anyone for committing unlawful, cruel, or oppressive acts against innocent citizens.

We believe today’s emphasis on “law enforcement” is destructive to our society and changes the mission of police toward enforcing the will of the government upon the people rather than protecting and serving the public. Police procedures requiring abject, immediate obedience and deference under the threat of unwarranted force is unnecessarily demeaning and threatens the well-being of good citizens who may only have been accused of a minor violation or misdemeanor.

We believe most peace officers are rightly patriotic and dedicated to the welfare of the citizens in their jurisdictions. However, in these troubled times, converging challenges to public order – economic, social, and political -- may test as never before their fidelity to their oaths to uphold their State constitutions, the U.S. Constitution, and just laws made in pursuance thereof.

We now suffer under a regime in Washington that treats Americans as if they were the enemy. Its open contempt of the rule of just law demonstrate that “national security” is a pretext for grasping unlimited power. Its increasingly unconstitutional and unlawful acts, including the militarization of local police, are ignored or abetted by the Congress and insufficiently restrained by the courts, which are supposed to safeguard our freedom.

Today law-making is no longer rooted in timeless Godly principles, but is the prize of the highest bidder, especially the moneyed interests whose vast sums have purchased a compliant Congress that scarcely bothers to read the bills brought before it. As government increasingly puts itself above the law, raw power and greed have become the coin of realm. The deterioration of law as an institution demands greater moral courage on the part of law enforcement officials. They must be more steadfast, not less, in keeping their oaths of office. More than ever, they must know and understand the Constitution they have sworn to defend.

We note with alarm the preparations by Federal authorities for massive unconstitutional acts in the event of a national emergency, which the Government itself may declare at will. Such acts may include unleashing the Armed Forces on the population in violation of posse comitatus and habeas corpus, and mass arrests of citizens for dissident speech, public assembly, or political associations, even though these are fully protected by the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.

Police and military officers who obey unlawful orders and take part in suppressing liberty no longer possess any legitimacy. In the event of civil strife, which their acquiescence to despotism will have partly caused, they must not expect obedience, much less the deference they now demand, from an oppressed, aroused, irate, yet armed citizenry.


Therefore, in light of the foregoing findings and affirmations, and in the name of the Southern People, we appeal to all law enforcement officials, the National Guard, and State militias to:

Remember whom you serve. Remember your oath. Remember that your moral authority comes from loyalty to the safety and well-being of the People and the commonwealth, not loyalty to the temporary occupants of political or judicial office.

Practice and demonstrate moral courage, especially in troubled times when it is needed most.

Defend the lives, property, and liberty of the citizens in your jurisdiction from all threats, even that of the lawless state, and treat them with as respect and dignity.

Interpose yourself when necessary between the People and open acts of tyranny by Federal or State officials.

Refuse any order to disarm citizens or in any way restrict their lawful means of self defence.

Refuse to conduct warrantless searches of citizens, or of their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects; for example, house-to house searches for weapons or persons.
Refuse to participate in mass arrests or to obey an order to detain citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal without due process of law.

Refuse to obey orders to impose martial law or a state of emergency on a State, or to enter with force into a State or County, without the express consent of the governor or sheriff, respectively.

Refuse orders to invade and subjugate any State that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that State entered the Union.

Refuse orders to force citizens into any form of Federal detention camp under any pretext.

Refuse to confiscate the property of citizens, including food and other essential supplies, during a natural disaster or under a declared national emergency or similar pretext.

Respect the right of the People to free speech and worship, to assemble peaceably, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Recording Secretary ____ ________ _______ Chairman _______________________
Adopted September __, 2009 by the Second Southern National Congress at Delta, Alabama and ordered to be transmitted to the Governors, County Sheriffs, State Police, and Adjutants General of the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia; and to the President of the United States; and to the Congressional delegations of the Fourteen Southern States.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A New Madam Trillion Dollar Deficit

I guess you hear that Madam Deficit (i.e. His Royal Lowness Obama) has declared that our national debt has been bumped up to $9 TRILLION DOLLARS!? And they want to take control of our health care??!!

No way Jose!

I'm a bit of an amateur historian. This morning we watched the special on History International called "The French Revolution" (1789–1799). The show explained how the politically impudent King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette where overthrown by the common people. In a nut shell, it's how the nobility lived high on the hog, the cost of flour sky rocketed from high taxes and famine causing the average people to starve to death. The economy was in shambles.

Having had enough, the down trodden people called for "an enlightenment" and stampeded the government, taking it apart (literally) brick by brick.

It was the end of monarchies in France, but it led from one tyranny to another.

There's a lot of parallels between what happened in pre-French Revolution and what's happening here now.

Our country is deeply (irrevocably?) in debt. We feel like our politicians are NOT listening to us. Even my beloved Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) who has faithfully voted against the Pres. George W. Bush 'stimulus' plan, has been making some statements about this Healthcare debacle that really has me riled. Now he feels like he can school us on how to eat to reduce costs!? "Excuse me!? Get the heck out of my life Jack!" I'm tired of others thinking that they are better than us and can tell us how to live.

I very much fear that because of the ineptitude's of this administration and the previous one, we are heading for another Civil War.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope you'll join me in prayer that our 'revolution' will be a velvet one ... peaceful and lawful. We still have the Constitution of the United States. I believe in this documents words with all my heart because it reflects God's word in it's equalities and common sense.

I believe this so wholeheartedly that I've ordered at my own expense 50 pocket US Constitutions to carry around and hand out to those interested. They are available from The Heritage Foundation.

Be careful, you politians, that you don't utter "Let them eat cake" for I fear this will cause many to storm the gates and demand some heads on a stick next elections.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Now Frommer's Calling Us Names!

Arthur Frommer

As all my friends know, I'm a strong pro-carry person. I always carry a gun, even on the motorcycle. It's everyone's right as a law abiding American Citizen to be armed. I think this is especially important for women to be properly protected. There's been a couple of times that simply a quick branishing of the weapon has kept a possible 'perp' from getting out of hand.

Now it seems that Arthur Fromer of Frommer's Travel Guides, thinks that because I, and many other patriotic citizens, carry weapons we are "thugs" and "extremists". Well, I take exception to that and am deeply offended. I will never use his travel books again! And we travel frequently.

Just thought y'all might want to know about this little development.

Travel Icon Says He'll Avoid Arizona Because of Gun Laws
Associated Press Source

PHOENIX — Travel icon Arthur Frommer says he won't be spending his tourism dollars at the Grand Canyon, or anywhere else in Arizona, because the state's laws allow people he described as "thugs" and "extremists" to openly carry firearms.

The author of budget-travel guides said on his blog Wednesday that he was "shocked beyond measure" by reports that protesters openly carried guns and rifles outside a Phoenix building where President Barack Obama spoke on Monday.

Frommer says he won't personally travel in a state where civilians carry loaded weapons as a means of political protest.

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon says he spoke with Frommer Thursday and invited him to visit the city to clear up any possible misconceptions about safety.

...apparently Frommer does ...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Brother Gets Big Black Eye, Runs Home Crying To Mommy

More good news! It appears that all our e-mailing and complaining TO the WHITE House has paid off.

I even 'flagged' myself with a "come and get me" dare. Why don't you flag yourself too? Take the graphic and put your own picture in it. Go ahead ... have fun!

I found this article referenced at Facebook from one of the many patriot groups I follow there (Small Business Against Big Government).

FOX News' Major Garrett contributed to the on-line report "White House Makes Security Changes to Web Site Following Complaints Over E-Mails" here

Apparently, the illegal e-mail address has been taken off-line.

Keep up the good work folks! We've got them running home to Mommy, scratching their backsides, crying foul.

[playing worlds smallest violin]

[tee hee]

Sunday, August 16, 2009

News Alert: ObamaCare May Be Dropped!

Our prayers are being heard! I have been on a self-imposed 'fasting' and praying stint for our country and situation. Please, keep praying dear Saints in Christ! God loves us SO MUCH and hears our prayers! He is working miracles. Even though our country certainly doesn't deserve mercy for allowing the murder of untold thousands of unborn and other things, Jesus is graciously showing great compassion to us.

Here's the news ...

From John Thune: "It appears the administration might be prepared to drop plans for a government-run health program. As I told a South Dakota newspaper last week, all 40 GOP Senators would stand firm against a government-run plan. Please continue to s...peak out against ... health care run by government that places committees of politicians between you and your doctors.

Get the latest news and sign the petition here."

I see that there are other blogs I follow with similar information. Even in the commie lib central San Francisco, ObamaCare is not very popular!! Thank you! Thank you ... to all how are protesting, praying, signing petitions, educating our neighbors and taking a stand. It pays to be civil and trust God.

Now, we need to please keep working on elimating the Cap & Trade bill, Cash For Clunkers, Czars and other things. But we're whittling away at the evil eating our collective American souls.

Y'all have a blessed day. I know I am. Thank you for stopping by. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Town Hall Meeting In SE Georgia

Rep. Jack Kingston, R-GA
Official Biography

Our Rep. Jack Kingston is planning to meet with any constituents that wish to discuss current bills before Congress. The meeting is Wednesday (August 5th) from 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM in Brunswick at the College of Coastal Georgia Conference Center.

Please follow the link for more information. I hope many can attend and help voice our concerns over the encroaching communism in our country.

Rep. Kingston has consistently voted against all this socialism, even when President George W. Bush pushed through many unconstitutional bills. We need to show Rep. Kingston our support.

NO to ObamaCare

NO to Cap and Trade

NO to more Cash For Clunkers

Hope to see y'all there! God bless.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Time To Abolish Homeland Security

I think this story is self-explanatory. 'Course, this did happen in Lousy-anna (Home of ACORN). They lost their souls a long time ago.

Suspect detained over 'extremist' bumper sticker
'Don't Tread on Me' puts driver in 'watch' category in DHS report

Posted: May 07, 2009
10:45 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A Louisiana driver was stopped and detained for having a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker on his vehicle and warned by a police officer about the "subversive" message it sent, according to the driver's relative.

The situation developed in the small town of Ball, Louisiana, where a receptionist at the police department told WND she knew nothing about the traffic stop, during which the "suspect" was investigated for "extremist" activities, the relative said.

A man identifying himself as a police officer from Ball called WND later to report that the town's records of traffic stops did not include this situation. He suggested it might have involved one of several other agencies that work in the area.

It followed by only a few weeks the release of a Department of Homeland Security report, "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment", which prompted outrage from legislators and a campaign calling for the resignation of DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano.

The report, which cites individuals who sport certain bumper stickers on their vehicles as suspect, was delivered to tens of thousands of local law enforcement officers across the nation.

WND is withholding the driver's name and the relative's name at their request.

However, the situation was described on the American Vision blog.

According to the relative, it happened this way: Her brother-in-law was driving home from work through the town, which has a local reputation for enhancing its budget by ticketing speeders. He was pulled over by police officers who told him "he had a subversive survivalist bumper sticker on his car."

Are you ready for a second Declaration of Independence? Sign the petition promoting true freedom once again!

"They proceeded to keep him there on the side of the road while they ran whatever they do to see if you have a record, keeping him standing by the side of the road for 30 minutes," she told WND.

Finding no record and no reason to keep him, they warned him and eventually let him go, she said.

The company that sells the bumper sticker is The Patriot Depot, where Chief Operating Officer Jay Taylor told WND the woman had told his staff about the situation while ordering more bumper stickers.

"It's rather shocking," he said. "We supposedly have freedom of speech in our country.

Proclaim to everyone: "Don't tread on me!" Get your own Gadsden Flag here!

"We joke around every now and then how our spouses will come to visit us in jail," he continued, citing his products that say, "The Audacity of Nope," "Taxed Enough Already," "Born Free, Taxed to Death," "Bring Home Our Troops: Send the Democrats" and "I'll Keep my Guns and Money, You Keep the 'Change'."

"We hope people realize this is serious," he said.

American Vision noted the "background check" that was done on the driver.

"Why? [He] had purchased and displayed a conservative 'Don't Tread on Me' bumper sticker.""

The commentator wrote, "The bumper sticker is based on the famous flag designed by American Revolution era general and statesman Christopher Gadsden. The yellow flag featured a coiled diamondback rattlesnake ready to strike, with the slogan 'Don't Tread on Me!' underneath it. Benjamin Franklin helped make the rattlesnake a symbol of Americans' reluctance to quarrel but vigilance and resolve in defense of their rights. By 1775 when Gadsden presented his flag to the commander-in-chief of the Navy, the rattlesnake was a symbol of the colonies and of their need to unite in defense of threats to their God-given and inherited rights. The flag and the bumper sticker symbolize American patriotism, the need to defend Americans' rights, and resistance to tyranny's threats to American liberty. Those threats included-and include-illegal taxation, profanation of Americans' rights, and violation of the fundamental principles of American law."

American Vision continued: "The notorious Department of Homeland Security memo, which was apparently based on the infamous Missouri State Police Report that described supporters of presidential candidates Bob Barr, Ron Paul, and Chuck Baldwin as 'militia'-type potential extremists and potential terrorists, is not the first effort of leftist radicals to slander their political opponents as 'extremists.'"

"'Liberals' and other leftists have been calling defenders of traditional American limited, constitutional government, free enterprise, and individual liberty 'extremists' since at least the 1964 election," the Vision America statement said. "Small town police misled by phony left wing 'reports' are bad enough. Federal government agencies and their armed agents under the direction of leftist radicals are exponentially worse."

WND reported earlier on the DHS report, which advised about the "extremism" that could be expected from returning veterans, those who support homeschooling and oppose abortion, post certain bumper stickers on their vehicles and other factors.

The DHS not only issued that report, but also an earlier memo defining dozens of groups, members of animal rights organizations, black separatists, tax protesters and others as "threats."

That item, the "Domestic Extremism Lexicon" reportedly was rescinded almost immediately, but Benjamin Sarlin of The Daily Beast recently obtained and published online a copy of the unclassified memo, dated March 26, 2009.

It defines the "tax resistance movement" – also referred to in the report as the tax protest movement or the tax freedom movement – as "groups or individuals who vehemently believe taxes violate their constitutional rights. Among their beliefs are that wages are not income, that paying income taxes is voluntary, and that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allowed Congress to levy taxes on income, was not properly ratified."

It states that tax protesters "have been known to advocate or engage in criminal activity and plot acts of violence and terrorism in an attempt to advance their extremist goals."

Apparently, the DHS analyzes the "threat" level of Internet news websites like WorldNetDaily, for the lexicon defines "alternative media" as "a term used to describe various information sources that provide a forum for interpretations of events and issues that differ radically from those presented in mass media products and outlets."

WorldNetDaily Exclusive

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The ACORN Link To Barak Hussein Obama

The Apollo Alliance
(there is a short advertisement at the start)

As Obama continues to try and distance himself from his ties to ACORN, The Glenn Beck program has showed the link between all the side government he keeps creating. The corrupt Obama Administration's social justice and "green" jobs are tied to ACORN and there are some new organizations that are important to learn about too: The Tides Center and The Apollo Alliance for example. They all tie into ACORN (now known as COI - Community Organizations International).

This is so very important y'all. Please take the time to listen and learn. As we the American people who love the Constitution and our freedoms bring this infectious bacteria of evil to the light, it kills the organism.

All our efforts matter and this is not going unnoticed.

But we must keep fighting and learning to win against the forces of darkness.

God bless you fellow Prayer Warriors!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Recommended Website ~ HawksCafe

Our nations illustrious leaders are involved in international organizations (ad hoc, not overtly recognized) which actively carry out criminal actions. Of course, the mainstream media, except for occasionally Fox News, is not reporting any of this. Glenn Beck is telling us as much as he has time for, but I can't think of anyone else on TV that is.

I hope the following may be useful to explain some aspects of what one can see at the following recommended website.

Two men run a small but very efficient Yahoo! Group where they post hard data about our politians and others nefarious activities. The two men began to work together when they worked to discover why & how the Able Danger group was stopped from pursuing Osama Bin-Laden before 9/11. Now I have your attention! Yep. The military stopped persuing said criminal under our government's orders.

Hawks Cafe began as a news source at a legitimate web based news site called Canadian Free Press. Hawks Cafe 'broke' the story of Able Danger, because they found it, entirely on their own. The rest of the 'net world gave it a yawn and went on with the usual political football game. The two men became collaborators, and dug deeper to discover much uglier background data on left wing elite. No doubt this very serious work is archived, disseminated and read carefully by countless people, around the world thanks to their hard work and risking their lives to tell the story.

Able Danger was a US Special Forces under Southern Command, in Florida, set up to 'search or 'data mine' the open internet, in order to find Osama Bin Laden, et al, before 911. Turns out that members of the Clinton administration were stopping them because of many well connected, wealthy individuals who had illegal business dealings with Bin Laden.

The two men who run the Hawks Cafe Yahoo! Group are highly respected. One is a former Schlumberger field & research engineer with credentials & education in physics which boggle the mind. The other is a straight-up retired military fighter jock & longtime airline pilot - some 52 years military & civilian airline.

I suggest that anyone interested in getting a handle on what sort of international criminals are actually running 'the show' we see, take a look at perhaps two dozen of the posted messages on Hawks Cafe. I had a hard time at first, but don't be discouraged by the jargon, and the density of what you see. You may scan many messages and find some which are more easily understood - allowing you to begin to see which of our more famous elite are involved with the darkest of law firms, unusual alliances and overt business enterprises (all of which carry out peculiar activities). The messages posted have of necessity run in an ever-wider pattern-like a spider web which grows geometrically, as the people, activities and connections expand-over a growing territory.

It's a lot like ACORN and their nefarious activies, which, I think the 'poo' is about to hit the fan on that. At least I'm hoping that's so and will believe it when it happens. There's a group of politicians (I forget whom) are bringing corruption charges against ACORN. Good show guys! We need to pray for them that the truth will be brought to light.

The retired military/airline fellow, Field McConnell, has removed himself from his substantial family ranch in the Dakotas, to Kazakhstan, and, after reading their work for several years, I can see why. No doubt he needed to be in a place where he could hire the sort of protection he required, and a place which would allow his security people to actually defend him. If things continue as they have, all of us who believe in freedom may be moving there soon too! Hawks Cafe has exposed the very highest corruption, and they have the most powerful govenment at their beck & call.

Among the things I have seen at Hawks Cafe Group is the incredible story on how a great deal of money is raised for villainous activities by bad people. For instance, the practice of buying huge numbers of life insurance policies on unsuspecting peasants and other folks in third world countries -- who are about to be killed in civil insurrections. A nice legal game, and innocent people die. Consider that the fellows at Hawks Cafe have explained that this is how the infamous George Soros began: by buying insurance on his fellow Jews, then betraying them to the Nazis.

Neat trick.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just Say No

I thought y'all might be interested in these new taxes being proposed, if you haven't heard about them already. The Demoncrats are trying to pass some new tax laws:

Food and Beverage Tax The Food and Beverage tax is especially heinous for they will definately hurt the poor and those on 'fixed' incomes.

Performance Tax on Radio Stations This should essentially kill any free speech from that arena.

I'm sure there are other tax proposals but I'm not aware of them yet.

It's all part of the Demoncratic plan to fund your 'free' trillion-dollar healthcare overhaul bill by taxing "wealthy" Americans (i.e. Middle Class).

Saturday, July 11, 2009

29 Czars And Counting!

It ain't legal, moral or ethical
and he doesn't care

Check out how many made up "Czars" we have now!! And they're in charge of Billions of Taxpayer dollars and accountable to no one except Mr. Obama.

Is anyone else scared or angry yet? And most of America's Senators and Representatives must be neutered before going to Washington, DC too! Where's our representation? Who will fight this evil!?

I think that Obama is such an empty suit, that he is incapable of handling being President. Not only is he an illegal citizen but he's also inept.

I'm just sayin'.


When one hears the word Czar, it conjures up images of Russia. As we move closer to fascism, here is a current list of our very own United States Czars:

1. AfPak Czar (Afghanistan/Pakistan): Richard Holbrooke
2. AIDs Czar: Jeffrey Crowley
3. Cybersecurity Czar: TBD as of 6/15/2009 Also referred to as Cyber-Security Czar
4. U.S. Border Czar: Alan Bersin
5. Car Czar: Steve Rattner
6. Climate Czar: Todd Stern
7. Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske
8. Economic Czar: Paul Volcker
9. Energy Czar: Carol Browner
10. Faith-Based Czar: Joshua DuBois
11. Green Jobs Czar: Van Jones
12. Guantanamo Closure Czar: Daniel Fried
13. Health Reform Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle
14. Infotech Czar: Vivek Kundra
15. Intelligence Czar: Dennis Blair
16. Iran Czar: Dennis Ross (also Persian Gulf / Southwest Asia Czar)
17. Middle East Czar: Mideast peace envoy George Mitchell
18. Non-Proliferation Czar: Gary Samore
19. Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg
20. Persian Gulf/Southeast Asia Czar: Dennis Ross
21. Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein
22. Science/Weather Czar: John Holdren
23. Stimulus Accountability Czar: Earl Devaney
24. Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration
25. TARP Czar: Herb Allison Also referred to as Bank Bailout Czar
26. Terrorism Czar: John Brennan
27. Urban Czar: Adolfo Carrion, Jr.
28. War Czar: Lieutenant General Douglas Lute
29. WMD & Terrorism Czar: Gary Samore

Courtesy of Freedom's Fight

Other Sources:
Kuwait Times
U.S. News And World Report

Friday, July 10, 2009

Things Are Getting Ugly For Freedom

I received this information from another politically astute cousin.

"United Press International & have 'cleansed' their biographies of Obama, at his instruction.

The first executive order, makes revealing information about any president, past, present & future, a CRIME.

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic
UPI, Snopes change location within hours of WND report

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Hawaii upgrades 'certification of live birth'
State dumps exclusion on document for home lands program

Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Neal Boortz, even Rush Limbaugh & their ilk have become vital to our freedom. Yes, it is that late. We really will soon see Talk Radio killed by Fairness Doctrine & laws against Hate Spreech.

Surely they will also kill or choke the internet at that time.

This fellow is the 'Alex Jones' of Denver-calm, highly educated and very intellectual. People on the left call his show every day expressing their sudden revelation that he is speaking the truth. I have listened to Peter Boyles for many years, since I have been comming regularly to Denver over the past 15 years.

A serious author who is no nut job. He knows how the government works-and how it will grind us down-until we REACT.

Matt Bracken was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1957 and graduated from the University of Virginia in 1979 with a degree in Russian Studies. He was commissioned in the US Navy through the NROTC program at UVA, and then graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training class 105 in Coronado California. He served on east coast UDT and SEAL teams, taking a Naval Special Warfare detachment to Beirut in 1983.

Mr. Bracken left active duty at the end of 1983 after completing his obligated military service, but he remained in an active reserve status through the remainder of the 1980s. Matt is a self-described freedom addict who loves ocean sailing above all for the pure freedom it often permits. He is a constitutional hardliner who believes in the original intent of the founding fathers of our country. After six years in San Diego, he has now relocated to Florida with his family."

The 2010 elections are critical for our survival-so we may have more elections.

Don't ever use SNOPES as saying such-and-such. They are henceforth an unreliable source for anything!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Less Electricity = New Fee In Missouri

This is one of those "you're not gonna believe this!!"

The residents of Missouri who use less energy than average will be charged a new fee on their utility bills.

The purpose of the fee? Why, to promote using less energy, of course!! Now, would anyone use less energy if one was charged extra for doing so!?


Yeah, de be stoopid, and you can read the whole story here.

"In an insane world, the sane man must appear insane."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The T.E.A. Party In St. Simons Island, GA

Who knew that Patriotism had so much sex appeal?

My husband and I attended our 2nd T.E.A. Party in St. Simons Island yesterday. It was nice being surrounded by other right-minded, brave people.

I'm glad we made the one hour trip to attend the event and sign petitions being presented to our politians. It is so comforting knowing that many are trying to stem the tide of higher taxes and more government intrusion.

Too bad it was so hot yesterday or we would have stayed longer. There was games for the kiddies, good music and lots of grilled food. YUM! But between husband getting over a bad bout of kidney stones (he was hospitalized last week) and me with my wacky internal temperature gauge, we couldn't stay long. But all-in-all it was a good day.

I hope y'all had a good day too! What did you do yesterday? :o)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

4th Of July TEA Parties

This 4th of July, as many prepare to celebrate the birth of our Nation, the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Parties are taking place all across our wonderful country. These are our non-violent way of protesting the gangster government. If you're tired of them constantly finding ways of raising taxes and infringing on our God given freedoms, join in the protests.

I fear that we're heading for such a major civil unrest in our country. I keep praying for sanity to prevail. If ObamaCare passes and the Cap and Trade bill passes there will be higher taxes, less freedom, massive unemployment and homelessness.

By the way, did you know that the Cap and Trade bill gives the EPA unprecedented power AND THEY WILL BE ARMED NOW!! The EPA can then come in your home any time unannounced with no warrants or due cause. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. (read here) Gosh, these are such dangerous times.

This insanity has to stop.

Our 'local' TEA Party will be in Saint Simon's Island (Brunswick) at the Gascoigne Park from 11am - 3pm. The Gascoigne Park party is hosted by The Golden Isles TEA Party Patriots. Y'all can find your TEA Party here.

Well, I really hate being hot and I do not seek out crowds. I usually hide all summer until about September or so in the A/C or in water somewhere but I'll suffer for a bit for my country.

I keep reminding myself that our forefathers suffered even worse while fighting the British and in other wars. I can take a little 100 degree heat [sigh] and the press of human flesh for a few hours.

So, hope to see you 'there'! Have a wonderful weekend fellow Patriots!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Operator, Please Connect Me To 1982

Today, they bury the former Charlies Angel star Farrah Fawcett. She died last Thursday in Los Angeles of anal cancer. Farrah was only 62 years old. There is a very lovely obituary for her at Legacy.Com.

I don't keep up with what celebrities do much. Unless they're on Fox Business News I have no idea what they're up to most of the time. I didn't know that she and Ryan O'Neal were an 'item' for many years. They even had a son together. Didn't know that.

I remember watching her on TV and enjoyed almost all her performances. To me she was especially good in the made for TV movie The Burning Bed. I thought her star really shined in that one.

Farrah Fawcett

Remember how so many of us young girls wanted to look like her too? Yeah, that's me below.

April 1977
I also sewed this dress.

Well, I tried to copy her anyway. :o)

So, this is my humble goodbye to you Ms. Fawcett. We will miss your shining smile and pretty face.

God bless to her family and friends. We grieve for your loss too.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another Tax Productive Americans And Give To Foreign Countries

In the middle of a global financial crisis, our government is debating about signing into law a heinous Cap and Trade bill. The very same type of legislation that countries like New Zealand, France, and others are repealing BECAUSE IT DIDN'T SAVE THE PLANET (as the bill is toting for all the 'greenies') but instead caused a financial collapse of their economies. This new bill is the hell-spawned brain child of Mr. Obama and others. IT'S A TAX ON ENERGY and guess who pays it? Yep, you and me. EVERYTHING WILL DOUBLE IN PRICE FROM TAXES. EVERYTHING: fuel, food, energy, internet, TV, products, clothing, and on and on and on. There will be nothing left unsullied. The higher taxes will be especially devasting on the poor, deeply in debt and the middle-class.

One provision is the USA will be paying other countries to NOT cut down trees!

Also, the Cap and Trade Bill is a gateway bill for the government to control everything you buy and every decision you make. What little freedom we have left will disappear in the stroke of a pen. Yet another Obamanisum.

This bill has already passed the House on Friday by a narrow margin. The link leads to a web site of the individuals who voted on this Tax and Grab bill. For me, these individuals who caved and voted "Aye" are now in my cross-hairs.

Next it goes to the Senate.

House Vote On Passage: H.R. 2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 LINK

I can't emphasize enough how dangerous this all is but I guess very few who are listening. Many of these taxes and freedom stealers are going after non-Union employees! How unfair is THAT!? They'd do well to better remember that many of us have the guns, the resources and the ability to survive.

Sorry to be so harsh but I am very concerned and want y'all to Be Prepared financially, spiritually and emotionally. We are headed for some really tough times in America.