Friday, July 10, 2009

Things Are Getting Ugly For Freedom

I received this information from another politically astute cousin.

"United Press International & have 'cleansed' their biographies of Obama, at his instruction.

The first executive order, makes revealing information about any president, past, present & future, a CRIME.

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic
UPI, Snopes change location within hours of WND report

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Hawaii upgrades 'certification of live birth'
State dumps exclusion on document for home lands program

Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Neal Boortz, even Rush Limbaugh & their ilk have become vital to our freedom. Yes, it is that late. We really will soon see Talk Radio killed by Fairness Doctrine & laws against Hate Spreech.

Surely they will also kill or choke the internet at that time.

This fellow is the 'Alex Jones' of Denver-calm, highly educated and very intellectual. People on the left call his show every day expressing their sudden revelation that he is speaking the truth. I have listened to Peter Boyles for many years, since I have been comming regularly to Denver over the past 15 years.

A serious author who is no nut job. He knows how the government works-and how it will grind us down-until we REACT.

Matt Bracken was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1957 and graduated from the University of Virginia in 1979 with a degree in Russian Studies. He was commissioned in the US Navy through the NROTC program at UVA, and then graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training class 105 in Coronado California. He served on east coast UDT and SEAL teams, taking a Naval Special Warfare detachment to Beirut in 1983.

Mr. Bracken left active duty at the end of 1983 after completing his obligated military service, but he remained in an active reserve status through the remainder of the 1980s. Matt is a self-described freedom addict who loves ocean sailing above all for the pure freedom it often permits. He is a constitutional hardliner who believes in the original intent of the founding fathers of our country. After six years in San Diego, he has now relocated to Florida with his family."

The 2010 elections are critical for our survival-so we may have more elections.

Don't ever use SNOPES as saying such-and-such. They are henceforth an unreliable source for anything!


  1. Scary! I giggled at your tag - Obama Bin Lieing Again. lol Checking in and seeing how you are doing. I've dropped by a couple of times but my boss has a problem here lately with me commenting and reading blogs. I don't know what's got into him!

  2. Just wanted to wish you two a great weekend and thank you for your prayers and kindness for Nalley - it's been a roller coaster week for sure. You're a great friend and I thank you!

  3. Snopes, another member of the BHO socialist state run media. Give me liberty or give me death! Ole Patrick had it right.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell