Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Operator, Please Connect Me To 1982

Today, they bury the former Charlies Angel star Farrah Fawcett. She died last Thursday in Los Angeles of anal cancer. Farrah was only 62 years old. There is a very lovely obituary for her at Legacy.Com.

I don't keep up with what celebrities do much. Unless they're on Fox Business News I have no idea what they're up to most of the time. I didn't know that she and Ryan O'Neal were an 'item' for many years. They even had a son together. Didn't know that.

I remember watching her on TV and enjoyed almost all her performances. To me she was especially good in the made for TV movie The Burning Bed. I thought her star really shined in that one.

Farrah Fawcett

Remember how so many of us young girls wanted to look like her too? Yeah, that's me below.

April 1977
I also sewed this dress.

Well, I tried to copy her anyway. :o)

So, this is my humble goodbye to you Ms. Fawcett. We will miss your shining smile and pretty face.

God bless to her family and friends. We grieve for your loss too.


  1. Very nice tribute, Sparky. I'm sure she would be pleased. Like you, I thought she was fantastic in The Burning Bed.


    Nice dress and hair, by the way.

  2. Thank you for the tribute. She picked a crowded day to die, and got ignored in the process. Maybe her family is grateful, come to think of it, not to be mobbed as badly as would usually have happened. I remember when everyone wanted the Farrah Fawcett hair. I held out as long as I could - finally went for it and got butchered. Oh well. I like the photo of you.

  3. She was the girl to be like back when I was younger. Did the hair thing and wanted to look just like her. I thought her recent TV doc on her illness was amazingly brave and informative. I and others will send her up a little prayer and pray the family finds peace too.

  4. Sparky,
    Thanks for the reminder of Farrah in "The Burning Bed". I had forgotten all about that and she was wonderful in it!

    How is hubby today? Much better I hope!

  5. very nice tribute! I loved Farrah and have a few uber groovy photos of myself from about that time trying with the hair thing trying to happen :)


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell