Even as an avowed Libertarian (have been for about 8 years now - had a kind of Spiritual awakening, if you will) I'm really not much of a political person and have only recently heard of the Southern National Congress.
What or who are they?
Apparently, they are a group of men and women who will help the South maintain and exercise our sovereignty, if I have the wording correctly. I find this very encouraging. If the Marxists keep pushing our buttons, there's going to be conflict and the ARMED FORCES WILL BE ON OUR SIDE!
Well, alrighty then.
I received the 50 pocket US Constitutions I ordered from The Heritage. My husband and I are slowly passing them on to neighbors, law enforcement, church family, etc. People are very receptive to "the good news" as I call it. We must have a Godly law to live by (we have that in the Constitution) or there will be chaos and the bad guys will win.
We must not let that happen. There must be order and method.
I received what's below from another true Patriot and this has further encouraged me to feel that we are not alone in wanting to obey the US Constitution. So, I thought my fellow Southerners would find this edifying as well.
Be sure to leave me your comments and thoughts on this. Praise God for my fellow Patriots!! Together, with God's help, we can hold the fabric of this country together.
Enjoy and spread the good word! Print out whats below and take it to your local law enforcement people. We need them to be alert and appreciate them very much.
Resolution and Appeal (Review Draft)
To the Sheriffs, Police Agencies, Adjutants General, Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers of the National Guard and State Militias of the Fourteen Southern States
We the Delegates of the Southern States, in Congress assembled, find and affirm the following:
The Southern people have traditionally been strong supporters of the rule of law, properly founded upon impartial justice. Instructed by our history, culture, and religion, we grasp the nature of human evil and understand that threats to the commonwealth exist. They must be restrained, sometimes by force. This is the principal role of civil government, from which it derives its legitimacy under God and in covenant with the People. However, the Southern tradition does not embrace order at the expense of liberty. When government becomes lawless and despotic, it forfeits its legitimacy, and thereby the allegiance and obedience of citizens.
Southerners respect our uniformed public servants and honour their high calling to be protectors, not punishers. They are to be agents of justice, not injustice. Their powers, including the proper use of physical force, up to and including the use of deadly force, exist only as delegated to them by the People and are for the protection of the community, not its oppression and enslavement. This responsibility may include protecting the People from government officials when they act in a lawless and despotic manner.
We acknowledge the dilemma peace officers face when given wrongful orders by a rogue government. But the state is not exempt from the rule of law. Police have been confronted with such fundamental moral choices before, and history does not exonerate those who follow tyranny rather than God’s law and their own good consciences. “Just following orders” has never excused anyone for committing unlawful, cruel, or oppressive acts against innocent citizens.
We believe today’s emphasis on “law enforcement” is destructive to our society and changes the mission of police toward enforcing the will of the government upon the people rather than protecting and serving the public. Police procedures requiring abject, immediate obedience and deference under the threat of unwarranted force is unnecessarily demeaning and threatens the well-being of good citizens who may only have been accused of a minor violation or misdemeanor.
We believe most peace officers are rightly patriotic and dedicated to the welfare of the citizens in their jurisdictions. However, in these troubled times, converging challenges to public order – economic, social, and political -- may test as never before their fidelity to their oaths to uphold their State constitutions, the U.S. Constitution, and just laws made in pursuance thereof.
We now suffer under a regime in Washington that treats Americans as if they were the enemy. Its open contempt of the rule of just law demonstrate that “national security” is a pretext for grasping unlimited power. Its increasingly unconstitutional and unlawful acts, including the militarization of local police, are ignored or abetted by the Congress and insufficiently restrained by the courts, which are supposed to safeguard our freedom.
Today law-making is no longer rooted in timeless Godly principles, but is the prize of the highest bidder, especially the moneyed interests whose vast sums have purchased a compliant Congress that scarcely bothers to read the bills brought before it. As government increasingly puts itself above the law, raw power and greed have become the coin of realm. The deterioration of law as an institution demands greater moral courage on the part of law enforcement officials. They must be more steadfast, not less, in keeping their oaths of office. More than ever, they must know and understand the Constitution they have sworn to defend.
We note with alarm the preparations by Federal authorities for massive unconstitutional acts in the event of a national emergency, which the Government itself may declare at will. Such acts may include unleashing the Armed Forces on the population in violation of posse comitatus and habeas corpus, and mass arrests of citizens for dissident speech, public assembly, or political associations, even though these are fully protected by the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.
Police and military officers who obey unlawful orders and take part in suppressing liberty no longer possess any legitimacy. In the event of civil strife, which their acquiescence to despotism will have partly caused, they must not expect obedience, much less the deference they now demand, from an oppressed, aroused, irate, yet armed citizenry.
Therefore, in light of the foregoing findings and affirmations, and in the name of the Southern People, we appeal to all law enforcement officials, the National Guard, and State militias to:
Remember whom you serve. Remember your oath. Remember that your moral authority comes from loyalty to the safety and well-being of the People and the commonwealth, not loyalty to the temporary occupants of political or judicial office.
Practice and demonstrate moral courage, especially in troubled times when it is needed most.
Defend the lives, property, and liberty of the citizens in your jurisdiction from all threats, even that of the lawless state, and treat them with as respect and dignity.
Interpose yourself when necessary between the People and open acts of tyranny by Federal or State officials.
Refuse any order to disarm citizens or in any way restrict their lawful means of self defence.
Refuse to conduct warrantless searches of citizens, or of their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects; for example, house-to house searches for weapons or persons.
Refuse to participate in mass arrests or to obey an order to detain citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal without due process of law.
Refuse to obey orders to impose martial law or a state of emergency on a State, or to enter with force into a State or County, without the express consent of the governor or sheriff, respectively.
Refuse orders to invade and subjugate any State that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that State entered the Union.
Refuse orders to force citizens into any form of Federal detention camp under any pretext.
Refuse to confiscate the property of citizens, including food and other essential supplies, during a natural disaster or under a declared national emergency or similar pretext.
Respect the right of the People to free speech and worship, to assemble peaceably, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.
Recording Secretary ____ ________ _______ Chairman _______________________
Adopted September __, 2009 by the Second Southern National Congress at Delta, Alabama and ordered to be transmitted to the Governors, County Sheriffs, State Police, and Adjutants General of the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia; and to the President of the United States; and to the Congressional delegations of the Fourteen Southern States.
O I wish I was in the land of Dixie. That may be the cry of many Americans soon if this regime continues to try and goose step all over us. The Confederate motto was Deo Vindice-God be vindicated. Sounds good to me, especially now.