Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

There is a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher nesting in our yard! So far, I've spotted a Summer Tanager, Orchard Oriole, Blue Grosbeak, and several other unusual sightings. I can't get over what a variety of wildbirds are hanging around this year. As we used to say in the '80s, "Totally Awesome". *lol*

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on nest photo 20150421_62_zpsj47xszlz.jpg

[click photo to enlarge & view at PhotoBucket]

If time be sure to check out the other photos while at Photobucket. Hubby snapped several of Hummingbirds too.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

PBS: Ancient Roads From Christ To Constantine

A few weeks ago, I happened upon a very interesting six hour mini-series on PBS titled “Ancient Roads From Christ To Constantine” by London based Jonathan Phillips. It’s a very well done. So far, I’m impressed by how thorough Mr. Phillips was in researching the history of the time. He couldn’t quite get it right about the Apostleship of Paul (Saul of Tarsus) and Paul’s importance to the Gentiles though. Perhaps Mr. Phillips has not been taught the Grace Message and why Paul was raised up after the stoning of Stephen but he did seem to get the history of all his journey’s and writings correct. With all the persecution going on at that time and then the twisting of the truth when merged with the still pagan Roman culture, it’s amazing that the message survived at all. The Grace Message given to Paul was kept safe in the Netherlands for many centuries during the time of the Roman conquests. God always keeps His Word safe so that all may hear and be saved.

But, back to the series, I admit, I’m very weak on this part of history because I don’t understand Middle Eastern customs or how they live. Quite frankly, never been overly interested. I’ve been so focused on learning what God wants for me in this life that sometimes I forget about the humans surrounding Him during the time that He walked the earth. This production has more-or-less fleshed out what that area was like back then. Until the series, I had never heard of Josephus (born Joseph ben Matityahu, lived 37 AD to 100 AD) and one of his writings titled "The Jewish War". I looked his writings up on Amazon, thinking that I would like to read it, but after reading the reviews, I think the book would too deep for me.

Sometimes I forget it was such violent, unstable time then. I do recommend the series. It's aiding me in learning about Christ during His time on earth. 

Here's a promo at Vimeo of "Ancient Roads". Enjoy!

(If it's visible on your end, please excuse the strange font changes and sometimes it goes "bold" without my asking it too. Blogger is messing up again.)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Funny Friday ~ Non Sequitur

One of the many items I miss about receiving the daily newspaper are the "funnies". Good thing some of them are still available on Yahoo! Comics. Non Sequitur was consistently one of my favorites.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Our First Home #tbt #florida

Today for Throw Back Thursday, I have chosen to share a couple of photos of our first house. I was in my 20's then, freshly married, living in Jacksonville, Florida, when we bought the already old house in October 1981 for around $38,000.

The original owners had painted it
white with battleship gray trim.
No curb appeal at all.

I researched the history a bit after purchase, and the whole neighborhood was built around 1955. It was older than me! That poor house was just about a total wreck from neglect when we first moved in. There were roaches everywhere, cracks and fist-sized holes in the stucco walls, no doors on the bedrooms, the yard had been ignored since forever, no central heat or air, window panes as thin as paper, etc. The yard was more of a sand pit and only slightly larger than a postage stamp (65 x 120). It had only one very small 6' by 6' bathroom. But, we where young and, oh, so happy to have a place all our own. Through the years the house became The Ongoing Project (nice name for Wallet Sucker). Most of our spare money, which there wasn't much of then, went into the maintenance and upkeep of said abode. And the government calls a house an asset! "Asset" my big toe! *lol*

First thing on the agenda, after bug bombing the stew poopie outta the place, was repaint the house, inside and out. The outside became Hudson Brown (no lie! that was the name at Sherwin Williams) with dark brown trim. It looked rather classy, I thought. Then, it was time to tackle the yard.

Now that's curb appeal!
[click to enlarge]

I think it was worth the effort. I became accustomed to having strangers stop and talk while I worked outside. They would say such flowery, honey laced comments about how much better the place looked it fairly made my head swell. *blush* Ok, ok, I relished it. *giggle*

Then we moved to Southeast Georgia in 1993 to our current custom built home. I don't miss the old neighborhood but I do miss our lovely neighbors. We all kept up with each other for a long time until some began to die off and others move away. It was a fun place to live for awhile but I am exceedingly grateful to be living in the country now.

Monday, April 13, 2015

From Death Comes Life

Winter has released its icy grip. Migratory birds in new plumage pass through heading North. There are a multitude of ravenous raptors bringing joy on their wings at the feeders. Their enthusiasm can only breed encouragement to those who will observe. Rain replaces ice. Trees bud. Flowers bloom.

The vegetable garden flourishes in the warm sunshine. Color replaces stark, barren branches.

As the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection subsides, I too feel a simultaneous renewing of spirit. Past love’s fade into cherished memories but, if allowed, I am reminded that with tender care new love can flourish.

From death comes life. Spring has arrived. Not only on the calendar, but also in my heart.

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.”  1 Thessalonians 4:14