Thursday, March 17, 2011

Erin Go Bragh Y'all

Sweetie and I are headed to a late lunch with friends at an Irish pub in Brunswick, and there'll be wearin' o' the green to be sure. I also have a flashing shamrock lights necklace to wear while drinking me green beer. YUM!

This has Embarrassing Moments written all over it, doesn't it!?

I'm sure there will be humorous photos to follow. :)

Hope everyone has a fun day. Be sure to post your funny photos tomorrow.

Erin Go Bragh Y'all!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Ultimate Random Act Of Kindness

I have had the privilege to believe in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord & Savior for many years. Well, since I was in my mid-teens, actually. I accepted Him while reading His word, then went to the “altar” in my heart at home, then at church on Sunday and kinda sealed the deal. :) I then attended church quite faithfully for many years.

Later, I became disillusioned by the earthly Church and quit attending when some of a previous congregation in which I was involved, turned against me when I had to divorce my first husband. Things were not going well in my life then. It was not a happy time and, justified or unjustified, I felt totally betrayed by my then so-called Christian friends. But that's another story.

I’m told I had a rough life but, in retrospect, it doesn’t seem like it. Not compared to what some people have had to deal with. My mother died suddenly when I was 10 years old. My father was exceedingly physically and mentally abusive. It seems like he was forever yelling, hitting, cursing over something. He was such a perpetual grouch and very unstable! As I grew older, I learned to tune him out. And I remember avoiding him at all costs and NEVER asking him anything if possible. It was impossible to have an rational conversation with the man. I only relate this, not for sympathy, but to lay the ground work for what happens next.

So, I thought, Ok, God was like that, right? Only LOUDER and SCARIER.

Today I read the article below by Rev. Billy Graham in our Waycross newspaper:
Q: If all our sins are forgiven, then why does the Bible say we’ll have to stand before God to be judged? Does this mean it isn’t enough to believe in Jesus and put our trust in Him as our Savior? — Mrs. S.L.
A: No, this isn’t what it means. One of the Bible’s greatest truths is that when Jesus Christ died on the cross all our sins were transferred to Him, and as we put our faith and trust in Him we are forgiven — freely and fully. The Bible says, “God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins” (Colossians 2:13).
This is why we don’t need to fear God’s judgment once we have committed our lives to Christ, for now we’ve been cleansed of all our sins. We deserved God’s judgment, for we were guilty of breaking His law — but Christ took all our sins upon Himself, and He endured the judgment that we deserved.
As the Bible says, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Why, then, must we still stand before God some day, even as believers? The reason is so God can reward us for what we have done for Him. The Bible doesn’t explain in detail what those rewards may be — but it reminds us that we are still accountable to Him for how we live. Our greatest reward, however, will be to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant .... Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:23).
Is your goal to serve yourself — or to serve Christ? Make sure of your commitment to Him, and then put Him first in everything you do.

Reading the article by Rev. Graham brought back memories of my very similar thoughts during a sermon at our church on “standing before God“ at the Judgment Seat a couple of years ago.

Not too long ago, after our Pastor’s heart transplant, he had a real revealing & moving sermon one Sunday concerning the glories of being in Heaven. He made everything seem like it will be so delightful in Glory. I remember asking him "So, does that mean that God isn't going to yell at me?" He chuckled and responded, "Of course not!" Then proceeded to explain in language I could understand, why God will not 'yell' at any of us who believe. We, who believe in the One True Living God, will not receive any punishment but will stand there to receive rewards.

Imagine that!

We who deserve punishment will instead receive kindness in it’s place because we trust in the innocent blood of Jesus Christ to save us [and He will too]. Don’t we have a cool benefit package folks? Jesus loves all us so "that all may be saved". We truly are SAVED BY GRACE.

I thought I’d share that happy truth tonight in case anyone else has these very thoughts and may feel troubled over it.

Hope this blesses all who read this.

Monday, February 7, 2011

More Remodeling: Hallway Project

As it is true in most of America this weekend, the weather has been dreadful: cold, wet, overcast, and just plain nasty. It's impossible to do anything agreeable outside for more than 5 minutes. So, we decided to proceed with our house remodeling project. I was going to wait for our finances to catch up, but, hey, it's only money.

We plan to install more Pergo flooring, same color as the office. Before installing the new flooring in the hallway, though, the walls had to be painted. They're all scuffed, dented and faded. It's been about 10 years since the last painting.

Yeah, it was time.

Here we go:

It takes a lot of preparation
before opening the first paint can
to get it right.

Sweetie had to do all the cutting in
higher than my face. My neck problems won't allow
such dramatics anymore.

Letting the first coat dry.
NEVER buy Velspar Signature Series (Lowes) paint.
There's no other word for it ... it's crap.
One coat covering my arse! It was as thin as water,
and we thought it would never dry!
It's expensive too. I should have demanded my money back.
Next time it's Sherwin-Williams all the way.

Many hours later, the latex paint is still drying!

Since this paint is so sorry,
and it's so expensive, I thought it best
to install a chair rail to protect our investment.

Sweetie installing the chair rail
with his new brad nailer gun.
Yeah, another expense ...
Well, we did need it.

There ya go! A nice new chair rail.

Our new living room wall!
The vivid colors really dress up the furnishings and pictures,
don't ya think?!
Nothing shy about the way I decorate. :)

Now comes the really fun part of repainting all six hallway doors bright white. And it's NOT the Velspar brand, thank you very much. The white paint on them now is so old it looks grey. Then comes the pulling up of almost 20 year old carpeting, cleaning the area throughly, and buying the multiple packs of Pergo flooring.

Then, of course, the actual installation. *sigh*

There went the budget this month ... *giggle*

I keep telling myself, "I'm having fun", *ouch* "I'm having fun" *ouch* ...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Texting For Seniors

Since Seniors are texting and tweeting, there appears to be a need for a STC (Senior Texting Code).

ATD: At The Doctor’s
BFF: Best Friend Farted
BTW: Bring The Wheelchair
BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM: Covered By Medicare
CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center
DWI: Driving While Incontinent
FWB: Friend With Beta Blockers
FWIW: Forgot Where I Was
FYI: Found Your Insulin
GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!
GHA: Got Heartburn Again
HGBM: Had Good Bowel Movement
IMHO: Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL: Living On Lipitor
LWO: Lawrence Welk’s On
OMMR: On My Massage Recliner
OMSG: Oh My! Sorry, Gas.
ROFL… CGU: Rolling On The Floor Laughing… And Can’t Get Up
SGGP: Sorry, Gotta Go Poop
TTYL: Talk To You Louder
WAITT: Who Am I Talking To?
WTFA: Wet The Furniture Again
WTP: Where’s The Prunes?
WWNO: Walker Wheels Need Oil

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We Are Barbarians In Gilded Cages

It has been my belief for many years now that this descent of women in the eyes of the world is also the descent of all mankind. Women always have been, and always will be, civilization itself. This is not meant as a slight to men. Y’all have your own important chores to perform. But it's up to us ladies to teach others what is acceptable, what isn't, and to care and nurture children. Our wonderful Western European culture seems to be reverting back to it’s old barbarian ways.

Recently, I read an article by Mr. Jim Mahoney in the American Thinker. He starts his article [The Descent of Woman] with these thoughts:
For over fifteen centuries in the world touched by Western civilization, Christ's mother embodied the feminine ideal. During this time, the Virgin Mary's dignity extended to all women.

She inspired the arts and literature. Most importantly, she inspired mothers who in turn inspired their children to honor and respect femininity. The age of chivalry was a product of the veneration of women who modeled themselves on the Mother of God.

Makes ya think doesn't it? Women used to enjoy a spot on a higher plane than what we’ve settled for these days. He goes on ...
Such women behaved and dressed modestly. Not only did their modesty conceal their physical charm, it also masked whatever blemishes nature may have imparted. Most of all, free of physical distraction men attuned to the spirit appreciated the vastly more important and enduring qualities of their women. They understood true beauty: the beauty of the soul.

Beauty of the soul. Think about that pearl of wisdom for a minute. Do we see any respectful representations of womanhood these days on the TV or in a film? Not very often. And ladies, lets admit it, do we deserve to be respected? Look at the Movie Stars or other prominent pig women [what I call them] we presume to admire in the media: Cameron Diaz, Lady GaGa, Madonna, any female “star” that comes to mind. It's slim pickens for proper young ladies to emulate out there!
If there were an enemy bent on destroying all humanity, he would find no better place to start than by destroying femininity. Despite social pressures to the contrary, women will probably always form the next generation. "Liberating" young girls from a model of purity and docility to God and supplanting it with a burden of guilt, shame, and rage would breed mothers who would inevitably infuse their children with resentments and hostilities thereby creating a self-propagating blight sure to infect future generations.

I'm one of the millions of women that are a victim of the “liberating” Feminist Movement and the Zero Population Birth garbage that was spouted with great vigor in the 1960s and 70s. All these things are a worse teaching than the New Math [Remember that one? Thought I never would learn how to multiply!]. Mind you, I enjoy voting and owning / inheriting property! Those rights should not have had to be fought for. Our female ancestors should have demanded that respect hundreds of years ago.

I thought to achieve and be "successful" I had to be more like a man in the business world. I neglected having a family because of it. At least I never murdered an unborn child, so, that’s not weighing on my conscience. But, it's still a barren, empty existence to have had a "wonderful" career but no children. Your career won't call you up on birthdays or holidays, nor care if you've eaten in three days or if the heater is still working on cold nights. It's an empty feeling indeed. It's much more important to be a good mother and wife. The rewards of being a loving parent outweigh any amount of money a person can make. Money is only created by governments so they can tax us. Money is fleeting. But real love ... love is everlasting. Love is forever.

Although late in life, in my own small way, I’m trying to better myself. Maybe in this one humble change, I can make a difference in our society. It's a rough road but I'm an eager student. I am: reading the classics [it’s valuable for learning manners, proper English, etc.], reading the Holy Bible more [for a better moral compass, trusting in Christ is essential!], reading history books [to preserve our culture], turning off the TV or only watching dignified shows. I’m trying to speak more respectfully to and about others, not be slanderous or vulgar. It’s OK to disagree and speak the truth but there’s no need to be rude. I try refraining from wearing clothing in public one couldn't wear to church [honest to goodness I wish printed T-shirts would go out of fashion] and so on. Of course, it’s impossible to dress nice on my motorcycle but at least I can try to look better.

If we could all teach the younger generation these values, our culture will benefit from it. It may take a whole generation, or it may take 20 generations, I don’t know, but things would get better again. Remember ladies our strength is in our feminity.

And those are My Thoughts Exactly.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sitting Alone Digging Up Bones

Myra and Dad
Early 1990's
Bostic, Rutherford County, NC

I was thinking [and that's dangerous for me] last night, that seven years ago, I got the cellular call from Dad that my step-mom of 36 years, Myra, had died. Hubby and I were up in Atlanta, GA, at one of the annual International Motorcycle Shows. I remember it as clear as if it was just yesterday. Poor thing had been in a nursing home for several months prior to this. We were expecting it but not this soon. Dad had had to put her in the home because of the Alzheimer's, which is such a horrible, devastating disease, and while there she contracted pneumonia. Dad's health was failing too and he couldn't take care of her properly anymore. That must have been a very difficult decision, not one that I would relish making. I'm so glad that she didn't have to spend years in that depressing home. Jesus was extra merciful and took her home with Him quickly that she may be in Glory.

Among Myra's many talents of sewing, crafting, painting, and housekeeping, she was first and foremost a superior cook! Her meals where always to be desired. And it's funny too because that was her maiden name. She was related to the famous Cook's who came over on the Mayflower. I still have many of her recipes and use them frequently.

Here's one of my favorites. This is really good! One can also substitute ground beef for the turkey. It actually tastes like pizza with no crust. It yummy and no heavy carbo's. [drool]:

Myra's Pie Pan Turkey

2 cups chopped turkey
1 1/2 cups diced sweet onions
1 cup shredded mexican cheese ~ or swiss or provolone, any you prefer
4 1/2 ounces mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups skim milk or any milk preferred
3/4 cups Bisquick
2 eggs

Combine topping ingredients. Let sit.
Combine turkey or meat, onions, cheese, mushrooms and seasonings in large baking dish. Mix. Pour topping over turkey, etc.
Bake at 375 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes or until golden brown.

If you're a member of Findagrave [it's free], won't you please take a moment to leave a virtual flower on her grave? The obituary I wrote for her is there also. I know she'd say Thanks and I do too.

Have a blessed day y'all.