Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And That's The Administration In A Nutshell

I think I'll ... "
by the California artist Ed Ruscha.
It deals with the subject of indecision.

The Obamas’ taste in art is as revealing as their politics. This piece of crap was selected to hang in the White House by Michelle Obama.

Fits, doesn't it?

Reminds me of BHO's way of dealing with the war in Afghanistan.

If you're not going to fight to win the war, Obamanation, bring our men and women home now.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This has to go under the "this is really gonna hurt" catagory.

Breaking News: Al-Qaida has adopted a technique from drug smugglers that allows suicide bombers to breach even the tightest security. One of the terrorists who tried to assassinate a Saudi prince hid explosives and detonator in his rectum.

Qaida man hid bomb in rectum CBS News (thanks Atlas Shrugs)

Abdullah Asieri avoided detection by two sets of airport security and palace security, in his mission to eliminate prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, head of Saudi Arabia's counter terrorism operations. Taking a trick from the narcotics trade - which has long smuggled drugs in body cavities - Asieri had a pound of explosives, plus a detonator inserted in his rectum, reports CBS News.
The bomber persuaded the prince he wanted to leave al-Qaida, setting a trap. Al-Qaida has an animated movie showing the meeting between the bomber and the prince. Asieri says more senior Qaida figures want to surrender and convinces the prince to talk to them on a cellphone.

In the conversation recorded by al-Qaida, one can hear a beep in the middle of two identical phrases that are repeated by the bomber and his handler. Explosives experts told CBS News that beep was likely a text message activating the bomb concealed inside Asieri. The Trojan bomber hands the phone to the prince. He's standing next to him, and 14 seconds later, he detonates.

Better hope the dude doesn't have gas too ... ouch.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Meet Another Obama Deviant, Kevin Jennings

Just musing out loud here …

Obama has for many years surrounded himself with radicals, debased sicko misfits, malcontents and weirdos. So, the following news report is probably no big shock to most people. I tell ya, after watching that show on Discovery the other night about "The Vril Society" in pre-Nazi Germany, I'm not shocked anymore. I think the Obama Administration is The Vril only they are the far Left instead of the far Right.

These are dangerous times my friends. Dark and dangerous times. Especially for our nations little innocent children. I don't understand how anyone can hurt a child!? I rest assured that my fellow readers will also find this appalling. Just simply appalling and I apologize for the language and subject matter. But the truth must be shared verbatim.

Firstly, I find it very amusing that the Obamanation and Orca Winfrey flew clear across the ocean on our tax money just to lose the bid for Chicago’s Olympics. But, it’s so funny I forgot to laugh, only because they used our tax money.

Just more corruption for you "Change" people.

Next is, the latest to the mix of misfits that we are just learning about is Kevin Jennings, a supporter of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association). Another Obama connection deviant and hater of family's and good works. Someone who should be kept from children at all costs and belongs in jail, if not under the jail in chains forever. But what does the Obamanation do? Appoints this evil monster pervert deviant as a “Safe School’s Czar”! Oh, really!?

President Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) — which sponsored the conference that produced the notorious “Fistgate” scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including “fisting”) — to head up “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education. (link)

This filthy creature is making me physically ill. Whatever happened to protecting children?!? This is child abuse and molestation plain and simple. I think this may be coming from the fact our nation advocates the murder of unborn innocents. We must stop murdering all these innocent babies. It’s adding to how the nation has become calloused to precious life and perverted in it’s actions.

Now it’s said that Obama is a closet homosexual. Hmmmm. Not sure about this one but there are many indicators that this could be a fact. One of his alleged lovers was murdered and one is ready to testify in court concerning this very matter. Read on …

"... Obama says "I am a Christian [now THAT'S funny!] and pray to god every Sunday." [god of the air, no doubt, surely not God the Father] Then Jeremiah Wright is shown "preaching", [where Obama allegedly prays], what he says is shocking: "God damn America" and lots of nonsense about Nagasaki and chickens coming home to roost and a lot of other BS.

Wright was not Obama's kindly, elderly mentor but his sex-partner and that's why he was so hurt when Obama broke off relations with him. They however still see one another clandestinely. But Obama's long-year lover was Donald Young, the choir master at the infamous unholy Trinity Church who was murdered on Dec.23, 2007 to get him out of the way, as knowledge of his existence could have been detrimental to the image of Obama that was being created. [It was Young who served as an in between with Larry Sinclair, who was pilfered $750,000 to keep his story quiet]. This story was only published in one newspaper, The Globe, with big red and yellow headlines and Obama is implicated in this murder in an oblique way. In another, Obama admits his Muslim belief ....”

There’s a lot about Donald Young's murder and connection to Obama across the 'net. Here's a few that might be helpful:
Larry Sinclair
American Free Press
Citizen Wells

Off subject, happily I see that Michael Moron's new movie "Capitalism, A Love Story" is so far a big flop. Is he happy or sad about the news? Must be quite a quandry for the idjit. Meanwhile, I'm too busy laughing out loud at the irony.

Also, I see that the Obamanation has also thrown Israel and, as far as I can tell, all our eastern European friends under the bus. Now they’re at the mercy of Iran too.

If this Congress lets any of his legislation pass … well, let’s just say that We The People are getting scared out here Senators and Congressman. Coming home for ya could get nasty. You’d better get some backbone and fight this vile piece of illegal crap on every piece of legislation.

Obama should be removed from office NOW!! He is tearing the country apart, endangering our freedoms and children, mocking our Christian ideals which made this nation great with his anti-American, anti-family, radical left-wing nut job communist ideals.

Those of us who believe in our loving Lord Jesus Christ, need to stay focused on Him. Witness, witness, WITNESS!! The days are dark my friends and people need Christ more than ever. There is a Light at the end of the tunnel of all this madness. We will be rewarded by our blessed God the Father for sharing Christ's love and His truth with these lost souls.

And that's My Thoughts Exactly.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Warning Concerning The 2010 Federal Census

Just when you think it's safe to get back into the water ... the sharks (Fed's) start circling again. The criminal organization ACORN has been removed from the duties of Census taking, but now, something new and terrifying has been added.

I am an avid family genealogist. I've spent years pouring over one Federal and State Census after another, tracing my treasured ancestors through all their travels. Without the tireless work of past Census Takers, this task would have been darn near impossible on such a large scale. Now, the Fed's have gone and screwed up my beloved census! I'm so mad I'm spittin' nails!

Check out this post by Legal Insurrection:

"Yes, the Census questions are highly intrusive, asking about household plumbing, how many people live in the house, etcetera. On a personal level, my natural inclination would be to say "none of your damn business" as to many of the questions.

But most of these intrusive questions have been asked for decades, and in some cases, for centuries. This doesn't make the questions any less intrusive, but it is hard to claim the 2010 Census is out of the ordinary as to most of the questions.

With one exception. The Census document listing the questions which will be asked reflects a new multi-part question (beginning at page 68), which collects information regarding health care insurance coverage. Question 15 on the new Census asks whether each of the following forms of insurance apply to each person in the household:

a. Insurance through a current or former employer or union (of this person or another family member)
b. Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (by this person or another family member)
c. Medicare, for people 65 and older, or people with certain disabilities
d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes or a disability
f. VA (including those who have ever used or enrolled for VA health care)
e. TRICARE or other military health care
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan – Specify"

(There's more legalize at the website, which is quite good and easy to understand)

Can you see where this is heading folks? Yep, jail time for anyone who doesn't comply with what the gangster government DEMANDS that you do! I'm still going to put THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and stapling the questions Glenn Beck said we should ask of Obama on the Census!

Gosh, I hope everyone is ready for this next War 'cause, if something doesn't change (i.e. vote out Demoncrats and many Republicans), it's coming.

When's the next Tea Party? I am so there.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Texas Thunderboxes

I've been a little under the weather this week. Feeling glum because of some severe hip pain brought on by bursitis. I had a cordizone shot in the hip today. [ouch!] Now all I can do is sit on the couch and feel my behind grow. I'll be back and tweeting from my bloggy nest in a day or two.

So, here's something to tickle your funny bones for awhile. I thought it fitting as to the current political climate.



Gosh, I love Texas.

Chances are you've never used one, and all this month, some of the prettiest outhouses in Texas are on display in downtown San Antonio at the Menger Hotel.

There are 12 full-sized "Thunderboxes" or outhouses painted and decorated in true Texas style.

Sonja Howle with the Thunderbox Road exhibit says "It was created to pay tribute and showcase the talent we have in the Hill Country artists."

In February, the exhibit will be at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. After their tour, the outhouses will be auctioned off to benefit medical research and The Western Art Museum in Kerrville.

"Hey, honey, get the checkbook! I want the one with the flames shooting out the side please!!" :))

Hey, Nanny Goats In Panties this one's for you! [giggle]

This would look great at any castle.

"Remember The Alamo!" [boom]

Ok, I gotta have this one ...
the neighbors are already convinced I'm weird,
might as well confirm it. [tee hee]

I wonder if the painter felt a little hen pecked?

Bean, beans the magical fruit,
the more you eat the more you toot,
the more you toot, the better you feel,
so let's have beans for every meal!

Now this just bites. [giggle]

See, it wasn't ME thundering!
It was the horses.

I guess afterwards,
one does feel like howling at the moon?

Heavenly relief lies within.

Now, that's just plain weird ...
maybe I need the right medication to 'understand' it?

"I'd like to be
under the sea
in an octopus' garden, with you ..."

Wasn't that fun?!:P

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Glenn Beck 9/12 Call To Action: Let's Quarantine Corruption And Refound Our Nation

You can count me in for this prayer to refound our nation back to it's original principals. We must return our nation to the Constitution.

"It’s time to reconnect with our founding principles. Fifty-six men signed the original documents that every American patriot still believes in with all their heart over 200 years later. Fifty-six men changed the world forever. We currently have 535 people in the United States Congress. ..." click here for remainder of No Sheeples Here post

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh Boo Hoo ... Cry Me A River

I remember so many of us saying that when I was in my childhood, "oh boo hoo, cry me a river". Usually, I would say it in a snide way to someone who wanted something that rightfully belonged to yours truly. They would pretend to act all contrite and 'cry' to enlist sympathy. I soon learned that such actions were entirely bogus.

Americans seem to be waking up now and are yelling back at the government "NO WAY". Good going fellow patriots!! I am so proud of you.

But, on to my subject matter.

First, let me say right now, I am sick and tired of these whiny cry babies that say America is not compassionate. Excuse me, but which country is usually at the forefront of help when there's a disaster in the world?? Huh?? Wait for it ... AMERICAN'S!!! We almost always first to send money, food, clothing, our sons and daughters into danger zones to help you. We send prayers, Bibles, supplies, telephones to call your loved ones, the list is endless. So, don't bring that "Oh, if you we were only compassionate enough, we would have universal healthcare in America" crap around me. Universal Healthcare is Socialism / Communism and it does not breed compassion, it breeds contempt and helps no one. It will also add to the national debt in a way that we will never recover. Just look at the Euro-weeny countries that have gone broke: England, France, Belgium, Canada (yeah, they're on our continent, but they're weenies too) etc. etc. They're all broke!

Now, we've got the biggest bogus crier of all time with all these liberals in Congress and the head weeny Mr. Obamanation. Make no mistake, this Healthcare debate is not about Health care at all, the present administration does not have our best interests at heart. They just want to control our every thought and movement.

You professed Christians out there that support Obama, how will you feel when the Holy Bible and Churches are banned like in the Soviet Union? Who is your 'god' anyway? If our Representatives and Senators don't stop Obama and his shadow government of "Czars", it's coming, make no mistake. I know my history and this is a true threat.

This whole Healthcare debate, including Cap & Tax and now this phony baloney "financial crisis", is about our very economic freedom.

It's about our freedom to decide how many children we desire.

It's about allowing us the freedom to self-defense as law-abiding citizens.

The freedom to drive any vehicle we can afford.

It's about the freedom to achieve, or not, whatever you want to do.

The freedom to have a cheeseburger instead of tofu.

The freedom to go to any doctor we can afford instead of having a death panel decide we have lived past our usefulness.

It's about the FREEDOM to chose. To be grown-ups. To live our own lives unfettered by the confines of communism and a runaway government.

It's about FREEDOM period.


Barak Hussein Obama (the boy formerly known as Barry Soretoro) is surrounded by deviants and law-breakers. Again, they do not have our best interests at heart. Remember, character matters!

Please write, & put a stamp on it, to your congressman/woman, Senators, the White House, everyone that you are AGAINST OBAMACARE, Cap and Trade, or anything this White House wants to force on us that is unconstitutional.

Also, let's all make it a point to witness for Christ to someone today. I really believe that trusting Christ is where the answer to all troubles lie. The more people trust in Him and not the government or any other outside influence, the better all the world will be. It 'pays' to stay focused on God's Holy Word. :)

Thank you all for praying so ferverently that God the Father through our blessed Lord Jesus Christ will have mercy on us. So far, He has shown abounding grace and mercy.

And those are My Thoughts Exactly.

NOTE: Photo is the authors, taken during the winter months in Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge near Brunswick, Georgia.