Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh Boo Hoo ... Cry Me A River

I remember so many of us saying that when I was in my childhood, "oh boo hoo, cry me a river". Usually, I would say it in a snide way to someone who wanted something that rightfully belonged to yours truly. They would pretend to act all contrite and 'cry' to enlist sympathy. I soon learned that such actions were entirely bogus.

Americans seem to be waking up now and are yelling back at the government "NO WAY". Good going fellow patriots!! I am so proud of you.

But, on to my subject matter.

First, let me say right now, I am sick and tired of these whiny cry babies that say America is not compassionate. Excuse me, but which country is usually at the forefront of help when there's a disaster in the world?? Huh?? Wait for it ... AMERICAN'S!!! We almost always first to send money, food, clothing, our sons and daughters into danger zones to help you. We send prayers, Bibles, supplies, telephones to call your loved ones, the list is endless. So, don't bring that "Oh, if you we were only compassionate enough, we would have universal healthcare in America" crap around me. Universal Healthcare is Socialism / Communism and it does not breed compassion, it breeds contempt and helps no one. It will also add to the national debt in a way that we will never recover. Just look at the Euro-weeny countries that have gone broke: England, France, Belgium, Canada (yeah, they're on our continent, but they're weenies too) etc. etc. They're all broke!

Now, we've got the biggest bogus crier of all time with all these liberals in Congress and the head weeny Mr. Obamanation. Make no mistake, this Healthcare debate is not about Health care at all, the present administration does not have our best interests at heart. They just want to control our every thought and movement.

You professed Christians out there that support Obama, how will you feel when the Holy Bible and Churches are banned like in the Soviet Union? Who is your 'god' anyway? If our Representatives and Senators don't stop Obama and his shadow government of "Czars", it's coming, make no mistake. I know my history and this is a true threat.

This whole Healthcare debate, including Cap & Tax and now this phony baloney "financial crisis", is about our very economic freedom.

It's about our freedom to decide how many children we desire.

It's about allowing us the freedom to self-defense as law-abiding citizens.

The freedom to drive any vehicle we can afford.

It's about the freedom to achieve, or not, whatever you want to do.

The freedom to have a cheeseburger instead of tofu.

The freedom to go to any doctor we can afford instead of having a death panel decide we have lived past our usefulness.

It's about the FREEDOM to chose. To be grown-ups. To live our own lives unfettered by the confines of communism and a runaway government.

It's about FREEDOM period.


Barak Hussein Obama (the boy formerly known as Barry Soretoro) is surrounded by deviants and law-breakers. Again, they do not have our best interests at heart. Remember, character matters!

Please write, & put a stamp on it, to your congressman/woman, Senators, the White House, everyone that you are AGAINST OBAMACARE, Cap and Trade, or anything this White House wants to force on us that is unconstitutional.

Also, let's all make it a point to witness for Christ to someone today. I really believe that trusting Christ is where the answer to all troubles lie. The more people trust in Him and not the government or any other outside influence, the better all the world will be. It 'pays' to stay focused on God's Holy Word. :)

Thank you all for praying so ferverently that God the Father through our blessed Lord Jesus Christ will have mercy on us. So far, He has shown abounding grace and mercy.

And those are My Thoughts Exactly.

NOTE: Photo is the authors, taken during the winter months in Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge near Brunswick, Georgia.


  1. Now you will have a least one brilliant comment. Way to go. Pappy

  2. I concur and second the plea for Americans to speak out and fight back while we still can. All it takes is a few presidential special orders and we will wake to find all our liberty gone and the apathetic masses crying out, What Happened? Joe Wilson's shouting out," You lie" could be the new patriots Paul Revere call to action.

  3. Texican ~ [with a big grin] I know, my writings were so profound that they rendered you speechless ...?? Right ... right?? ROFLOL

    Carey ~ Joe Wilson is a new type of Paul Revere. It is a call to action. I do want others to become involved. This a a war, plain and simple. And we must be diligent to fight the adversary until there's no breathe left in us if necessary.

    Thanks y'all for stopping by. :)

  4. I have often wondered how Christians supported BO.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell