Saturday, June 6, 2009

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream

In honor of the 44th President of the United States
Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor: "Barocky Road."

Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes.

The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient.

The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow.

The cost is $100.00 per scoop.

When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the ice cream is taken away and given to an undeserving person in line behind you.

You are left with an empty wallet and no change, holding an empty cone with no hope of ever getting any ice cream.

Now, isn't that stimulating!?

Now, how about a funny video just for good measure:

Have a great weekend y'all! :o)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Don't Tread On Me Postcard

Don't Tread On Me

“In my weak judgment, a government is strong when it applies to the most important end of all governments – the rights and privileges of the people.”
-- Patrick Henry

These postcards are new and are available through an Internet company called Zazzle. They are also fighting for our 10th Amendment rights (States rights).

Rattle Snake

And kinda on the same subject, a real "don't tread on me" wandered into our country backyard a day or two ago. I was mowing and luckily missed the visitor with my multiple cutting blades. Being good stewards of the land, we didn't kill it, but shooed this little bad boy into the neighboring woods. Pretty, isn't he? He had just shed his skin and was all shiny.

Join us every Friday for Postcard Friendship Friday hosted as always by the lovely and gracious Marie at Viola! Vintage Postcards. Everyone, even snakes, are welcome.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Did Anyone Else Catch That?

"Shine your shoes massa?"
Did anyone else catch that on the news tonight!? Mr. Obama sitting with the Saudi King said to the camera's he reverently said he "wanted to visit the birthplace of Islam"!!!! Proof positive about where his heart lies. All the while bowing & scraping like a lap dog.

This is scandalous behaviour on our 'leaders' part!

Now I hear that Al-Qaeda is planning a bigger hit on us than 9-11. You know with ol' weak knees in office there will be no prepartion, or subsequent retaliation, for any such actions.

If you're not worried, you're not paying attention.

A Tribute To A Southern Hero

I received this in an e-mail from one of my husband's cousins in Texas. I thought y'all might enjoy the history too.

An Article by Calvin E. Johnson, Jr.
Remembering Jefferson Davis: American Patriot & Southern Hero
May 23, 2009

Let’s not forget Monday May 25th is Memorial Day!!

Once upon a time, school children were taught about great Americans like Jefferson Davis whose 201st birthday is June 3rd.

The statue of Jefferson Davis and his two sons, Joe and Jim Limber, is nearing completion and will be placed at Beauvoir, the last home of the Confederate President, on Mississippi’s Gulf Coast. Jim was the Davis’ adopted black son. Read more about this Sons of Confederate Veterans Project.

On Sunday, May 28, 1893, a few days before "Memorial Day", in New Orleans, a story began that overshadowed all other events.

This was the day when the remains of Jefferson Davis, former president of the Confederate States of America, was taken to Richmond, Virginia for final burial.

Jefferson Davis died in 1889 and over 200,000 people witnessed his temporary burial at Metairie Cemetery in New Orleans. Four years later on a rainy Saturday, on May 27, 1893, the remains of Jefferson Davis was removed and taken to Confederate Memorial Hall in New Orleans.

At 4:30PM, May 28th, a funeral service was held for Mr. Davis and a moving memorial address was delivered by Louisiana's Governor Murphy J. Foster as thousands listened. A reverent silence fell among the people as the casket was given to the commitment of veterans from Virginia.

The procession then formed for a slow march to the railroad station on Canal Street.

Train No. 69, with Engineer Frank Coffin, waited patiently as the casket was taken to the platform and passed through an open observation car to a catafalque.

Train engine No. 69, of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad slowly pulled out of New Orleans Station at 7:50PM for the 1,200 mile trip.

After a brief stop at Bay Saint Louis, and a slow-down at Pass Christian, where hundreds of people lined the tracks, the Jefferson Davis Funeral Train stopped at Gulfport, Mississippi, near Beauvoir the Southern president’s last home.

Uncle Bob Brown, a former servant of the Davis family and a passenger on the train, saw the many flowers that the children had laid on the side of the railroad tracks. Brown was so moved by this beautiful gesture that he wept uncontrollably.

In Mobile, Alabama, the train was met by a thousand mourners and the Alabama Artillery fired a 21-gun salute. Locomotive No. 69 was retired and Locomotive No. 25 was coupled to the train. The new train's Engineer was C.C. Devinney and Warren Robinson was its fireman.

The Atlanta Journal reported, quote, "The Cradle of the Confederacy is ablaze with life and light tonight. Everything is ready for honoring the memory of Jefferson Davis. Tomorrow morning with the rising of the sun the funeral train from New Orleans will reach Montgomery.” unquote.

Church bells rang in Montgomery, Alabama when the train pulled into the city at 6:00AM on May 29th. A severe rainstorm delayed the funeral procession to about 8:30AM when a caisson carried the body of Davis to Alabama's state capitol. A procession carried the casket through the portico where Jefferson Davis, in 1861, had taken the oath of office as President of the Confederacy.

The casket was placed in front of the bench of the Alabama Supreme Court. Above the right exit was a banner with the word "Monterrey" and above the left exit was a banner with the words "Buena Vista." During the War with Mexico Jefferson Davis was a hero at Monterrey and wounded at Buena Vista.

At 12:20PM the funeral train departed over the Western Railway of Alabama and Atlanta and West Point Railroad for Atlanta.

At 4:30PM the funeral train pulled into Union Station in Atlanta, Georgia. It is estimated that 20,000 people lined the streets as the funeral procession made their way to the state capitol. When Davis’ body lay in state at the Capitol, it was guarded by Atlanta’s Gate City Guard which had served as Company F, 1st Georgia (Ramsay’s).

At 7:00PM the train went north on the Richmond and Danville Railroad. The train traveled through Lula, Georgia, Greenville, South Carolina and stopped at the North Carolina capitol at Raleigh.

A brief stop was made in Danville, Virginia where a crowd of people gathered around the train and sang, "Nearer My God To Thee" as city church bells toiled.

Finally, the train reached Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday, May 31, 1893, at 3:00AM. It was Memorial Day. The casket was taken to the Virginia State House.

At 3:00PM, May 31st, the funeral procession started for Hollywood Cemetery.

With Mrs. Jefferson Davis were her daughters, Winnie and Margaret. Six state governors acted as pallbearers. It was estimated that 75,000 people attended this final salute to President Davis. The ceremony concluded with a 21-gun salute and "Taps."


There is a memorial to Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy here outside of Irwinville, Georgia: Jefferson Davis Memorial Historic Site. We visited the site after moving to Georgia. It is well worth the visit.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Kodak Moment

I thought I'd share a couple of the photos from last week. Steve traveled to his sister's house to visit for awhile. I stayed home with the doggies.

Amberlee (5 yrs old)

Isn't she a doll? She is officially my husband's niece and the little rascal wormed her way into my heart when still newborn. My nickname for her is 'cuddle bug'. When she was an infant, her mom put one of those bibs on her for feeding. The bib had 'cuddle bug' stitched on the front and it just kinda stuck.

Amberlee sitting on a 2009 Triumph Bonneville T100

Boy, they start early, don't they? That's me all over at that age and I'm told that Amberlee is the same way. If there were wheels nearby, especially anything on 2 wheels, I was so all over it. [lol] Her Uncle Steve said Amberlee made a bee-line for the green & cream colored Bonneville T100, which happens to be one of my favorite bikes. Good girl!

Amberlee is having an MRI this morning. To-date, it has not been determined what caused the sudden seizure and fever from a couple of weeks ago. Plus, now she has persistent rash and cough! Something is array with this little girls health. Hopefully, the MRI will assist the doctors into making an intelligent diagnosis that she may be healed.

I am in prayer this morning for my little cuddle bug. She's got to be well so she can go riding with her Aunt Sparky! :o)

Deuteronomy 7:15And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee. (KJV)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Al-Qaeda Kidnaps Obama's Teleprompter

In an audacious raid Friday, al-Qaeda terrorists managed to slip past White House security and seize President Obama's teleprompter. Their demands were released in a grainy video, which apparently showed the president's teleprompter, bound and blindfolded but unharmed, while heavily armed masked men stood behind it, quoting from the Qur'an. The content of their demands is not being released.

Mr. Obama, visibly shaken, attempted to address the White House press corps on his own. "Words, uh, um, I, uh, heh-heh, well ..."

Bravely attempting to continue his speech without the teleprompter, Mr. Obama said, "Um, let me be, uh, clear. Um, this barbaric act will not be, you know, tolerated. And... We call on all nations to help us fi-fi-find that, uh, you know, teleprompter. You're either with us or, um, against us. And... I have authorized CIA director, uh, Leon Panetta to use, um, enhanced interrogation techniques to be e-e-employed to help us gain, um, like facts and stuff... that these uh, you know, evildoers may have. And... I have directed that one prisoner be executed every 30 minutes until they-they-they restore that, uh, you know, teleprompter."

Vice President Joseph "Fightin' Joe" Biden spoke next. "Let me at 'em!" the former senator growled. "I know where these people work. After our helicopter was forced down in Afghanistan, I held these thugs off for a week in bitter hand-to-hand fighting. You'd better mark my words: the only language these Neanderthals understand is brute force, and they're messing with the wrong man. Sure everybody thinks we're a bunch of imbeciles up here, and that may be true, but let me tell you, they've got another thing coming. We're in this fight for the long haul, or as I like to say it, 'If necessary for years, if necessary alone.'"

"Until that teleprompter is found," fumed Senate majority leader Harry Reid, we must, and we will prosecute this war to victory. I assure the president of the full, bipartisan support of the US Senate. Defeat is not an option."

"Why these terrorist animals aren't on the rack having their bones slowly pulled out of their sockets is beyond me," complained House speaker Nancy Pelosi. "I mean, I know that the 9-11 attacks were totally inappropriate, and like all Americans I was shocked by the environmental damage, but this latest action is beyond the pale. Clearly, it points to the failure of the last administration," continued Pelosi. "Contrary to my urgings to use any medieval form of torture they could conceive of, they insisted on being overly concerned about the rights and humane treatment of these, these, ugh! I don't care if I personally have to pull out their fingernails with rusty pliers! That teleprompter must be restored to the American people."

In the meantime, the Pentagon has cancelled all leave while anonymous sources report that the Strategic Air Command and nuclear missile submarines have had their level of readiness raised to DEFCON 1.


Hey, it could happen ... [lol!!!]