Monday, June 1, 2009

Al-Qaeda Kidnaps Obama's Teleprompter

In an audacious raid Friday, al-Qaeda terrorists managed to slip past White House security and seize President Obama's teleprompter. Their demands were released in a grainy video, which apparently showed the president's teleprompter, bound and blindfolded but unharmed, while heavily armed masked men stood behind it, quoting from the Qur'an. The content of their demands is not being released.

Mr. Obama, visibly shaken, attempted to address the White House press corps on his own. "Words, uh, um, I, uh, heh-heh, well ..."

Bravely attempting to continue his speech without the teleprompter, Mr. Obama said, "Um, let me be, uh, clear. Um, this barbaric act will not be, you know, tolerated. And... We call on all nations to help us fi-fi-find that, uh, you know, teleprompter. You're either with us or, um, against us. And... I have authorized CIA director, uh, Leon Panetta to use, um, enhanced interrogation techniques to be e-e-employed to help us gain, um, like facts and stuff... that these uh, you know, evildoers may have. And... I have directed that one prisoner be executed every 30 minutes until they-they-they restore that, uh, you know, teleprompter."

Vice President Joseph "Fightin' Joe" Biden spoke next. "Let me at 'em!" the former senator growled. "I know where these people work. After our helicopter was forced down in Afghanistan, I held these thugs off for a week in bitter hand-to-hand fighting. You'd better mark my words: the only language these Neanderthals understand is brute force, and they're messing with the wrong man. Sure everybody thinks we're a bunch of imbeciles up here, and that may be true, but let me tell you, they've got another thing coming. We're in this fight for the long haul, or as I like to say it, 'If necessary for years, if necessary alone.'"

"Until that teleprompter is found," fumed Senate majority leader Harry Reid, we must, and we will prosecute this war to victory. I assure the president of the full, bipartisan support of the US Senate. Defeat is not an option."

"Why these terrorist animals aren't on the rack having their bones slowly pulled out of their sockets is beyond me," complained House speaker Nancy Pelosi. "I mean, I know that the 9-11 attacks were totally inappropriate, and like all Americans I was shocked by the environmental damage, but this latest action is beyond the pale. Clearly, it points to the failure of the last administration," continued Pelosi. "Contrary to my urgings to use any medieval form of torture they could conceive of, they insisted on being overly concerned about the rights and humane treatment of these, these, ugh! I don't care if I personally have to pull out their fingernails with rusty pliers! That teleprompter must be restored to the American people."

In the meantime, the Pentagon has cancelled all leave while anonymous sources report that the Strategic Air Command and nuclear missile submarines have had their level of readiness raised to DEFCON 1.


Hey, it could happen ... [lol!!!]


  1. Let my prompter go! he sang. I'm for sending Jimmy Carter to negotiate it's release or I would be happy for an even trade and they could keep him. I heard there was a run on poster boards and magic markers, so the WH staff could write his prepared speeches and hold them up during his hundreds of conferences. Very Good, Sparky. LOL

  2. Obama just needs to offer some TARP money to the terrorists. I mean, what's a couple of billion when the president's prompter is at stake.

  3. Now y'all made ME laugh out loud with these comments!! I'm so glad it's such a hit.
    Thanks for stopping by. [giggle]

  4. Now what are you doing over here? ha ha You remind of my government class in high school where people who do SNL skits based on the weeks political events. HEY WAIT A MINUTE! This would make a funny skit, you should email this to them! ha ha

  5. I thought it was pretty clever too. Unfortunately, today's SNL writers / actors have no talent. I quit watching SNL when the old crew left: Chevy Chase, etc. The show has not been entertaining since they moved on.

  6. This is hilarious! Have you seen the Democrats on Escalators one at Jenny's site (I'm Having a Thought Here)? It's pretty funny.

  7. bwwaaaa hhaaa ha. thanks for the laugh. I needed that!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell