Thursday, April 23, 2009

Getting Some Delta Breeze On Our Knees

2007 Triumph Tiger 1050 (yellow)
2007 Suzuki V-Strom 650 (blue)

We decided to take a break from all the yard work today. The metal steeds were calling to us anyway and I thought a good, vigorous ride would shut them up. [giggle]

Hubby checked the bikes to insure a safe ride. Then we donned all our appropriate riding apparel and left the house riding north on Highway 84 to a flea speck of a town called Ludowici, where we turned onto the Elim Baptist Church Road. This road meanders to just a little outside of Walthourville. Then we headed north west on 196 to the small town of Glennville. From there we hopped on the Highway 144 west to a place called 5 Points. Then we headed south down through Surrency on Highway 121 to Highway 15 south. Then a little ways down the road is a nice little back road called Long Branch that parallels the boundaries of Pierce county and Appling county. Then it's a hop, skip, and a jump to home. It was a great big fun circle. All in all we road about 100 miles. It was grand.

Now we feel tired, but refreshed and ready for more projects.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Has Sprung And I'm Undone

We had a really productive day today. The weather is so pleasant that we just had to 'play' outside. :o)

Here's hubby burning debris that has gathered all around the property. The ashes can then be spread on various areas. Our soil is so acidic from the pines that using wood ashes 'sweetens' the soil. Flowers and centipede grass grow like crazy after spreading this around. And contrary to what some say, burning is good, for too many reasons to list here.

Maxie stopped to have a drink from the bird's little watering hole before I started ...

"Let's go Mommy! Make this thing move please."

... while Sam Jr. looked on ... riding in the golf cart is his favorite place when I'm working in the yard. Lucy, the boxer, is off somewhere chasing rabbits, real or imagined.

"It's Shake And Bake, and I heped!"

Remember that silly old commercial for Shake and Bake and the kid with the fake southern accent? That's what Maxie looks like she's saying. Yeah, she helped alright. Helped getting in the way! :o) Good thing she's so cute.

Now I'm tired from all that work. But, it's a good tired from achieving something and being productive.

Oh, and an FYI for anyone living in the SE Georgia / NE Florida area. There is a new classic country music station now and it is superb! The location on the dial is Country Legends 100.7 FM. I listen to it all the time. It's fun to listen to a song with a good Texas swing.

Oh, Really? Can They Spell 'Oops'?!

Colton, California

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Man Texting And Riding A Motorcycle In India

I've witnessed quite a few crazy motorcycle riders before, but never one like this.

Isn't that just the most insane riding you've ever seen!!?? I am amazed he didn't end up on the side of the road being carried off in a body bag. He must be a heck of a rider. I wouldn't even dare to attempt something this crazy. :o)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Resolution Passes Claiming Oklahoma's Sovereignty

I now like Oklahoma!

The lesson? That despite what some ex-hippie, brain dead, government paid baby sitters indoctrinate U.S. kids with in that place called a class room, this is the real reason for the original War Of Northern Aggression: States rights!

History appears to be repeating itself and we get to witness this one.

Texas fired the first 'shot' over the Federal bow this time, instead of South Carolina. Now the noble State of Oklahoma is wading into the fray. We are feverantly praying that Georgia will flip the Fed's the Big Finger and tell them "We don't need no stinkin' money".


Oklahoma City - State lawmakers have passed a resolution that claims the state's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

It comes a day after Texas made headlines for doing the same thing.

House Joint Resolution 1003 was authored by Republican Representative Charles Key of Oklahoma City and was championed in the Senate by Republican Senator Randy Brogdon of Owasso.

"The Tenth Amendment assures that we, the people of the United States of America and each sovereign state in the Union of States, now have, and have always had, rights the federal government may not usurp," the legislation reads.

The 10th Amendment states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The resolution passed in the Senate by a vote of 29 to 18. It previously passed in the House in February by a vote of 83 to 13.

"Today, thousands of regular citizens showed up at this state Capitol to say they want the federal government to follow the United States Constitution," said Key. "

Oklahoma became the first state to pass 10th Amendment legislation last year. But, the House resolution hit a road block in the state Senate when the legislature adjourned with no action being taken.

"We now have an opportunity to be the first state to have it signed it into law," Key added. "Once the resolution is on the governor’s desk, I hope he will quickly sign House Joint Resolution 1003 into law. I also hope that when it is distributed to President Barack Obama and other elected officials of the federal government that they will recall the oaths to the United States Constitution that they all took and take heed.”

The resolution is now on its way back to the House.


Roll, Roll, Roll In Zee ... Hey!?

Wouldn't you really hate to be the one to try and rescue him!?

By the way, he's not dead and badgers can give a nasty bite.

I wonder where this is? There are no wild badgers in SE Georgia. I received these images in an e-mail from a friend who did not state the location.

Got any stuck in hay jokes y'all ... that can be repeated in mixed company. :o)

Anyway, I am pretty sure this qualifies as one of the things that really pisses a badger off …

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Fencing Project And More

The projects down by the gate are finally completed! Well, almost, that is. The only thing left is to do is hire those nice strong fence guys again and have them complete the black creosote fence all the way down the front of our property (about 100 feet, give or take).

But, for the most part, our work is done!

"YAY! Party! Party!" [lol]

So, here's a few photos of the project.

In the beginning, the fence guys arrived and put up the start of the creosote fence. I had them keep the field fencing behind the new fence to keep our doggies IN and neighbor doggies OUT.

Doesn't that look lovely now? Wait until the fence runs down the entire front of our country property. I'm just waiting for the checkbook to catch up with my gardening ambitions. [smile]

Here's Sweetie laying down the first landscaping timbers to hold the top soil and mulch in place. There will be two of planters, one for each side of the gate.

There ... now you see what I'm talkin' about! Now to just fill them with top soil, plants and mulch ... in that order.

And one for the other side ...

I told Sweetie, "Quick, take a picture, I'm working!" Now there's proof. :^P

Ta da! All done. This side has lavender Lantana and one Bottle Brush plant (red).

Looks better, doesn't it? This side has yellow Lantana with one Bottle Brush (red). These should offer dramatic visual effects when blooming.

One of the really important things I've learned in flower gardening is to cluster the same colors together for a more dramatic effect. It draws the eye to one area at a time. It makes more of an impression that way (if that's what one is aiming for).

Now to call the fencing company and order the remainder of that fence ... oh, dang ... WAIT ... it's Sunday. I'll have to wait a couple of days.

Did I just hear the checkbook heave a big sigh of relief ... ???