Monday, January 21, 2013

It's What's For Supper

I don't like to cook. It's definately not my cup of tea. Fortunately, my husband is such a wonderful cook he could be a gourmet chef. So, whenever my husband goes off to visit some of his family (long story, don't ask) [grin] he always fixes me a lot of nourishing food so I won't gobble on hot dogs and cereal.

This is what he fixed me this time: pot roast with chopped onions, small red potatoes, carrots, garlic cloves, spices and peas.

This thing has been slow cooking since about 9 this morning.

The aroma has been whafting through the house all day and it's driving me nuts! [ha ha]


It's What's For Supper.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

There's Someone More Dangerous Than Guns

And, continuing in the same vein of yesterdays post that more people have died from other types of violence not involving guns.

Drone Strikes Kill Maim And Traumatize Too Many Civilians, U.S. Study Says

Many of those killed have been innocent children and two of them where American citizens. Murdered without warning or a trial.

Obama is nothing less than a Seriel Killer. In a suit. With armed guards. And apparently there's no stopping him. The real assault weapon danger is our out-of-control 'president' and his henchmen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A God-given Right To Self-Defense

GRIZZWELLS® by Bill Schor

I've been waiting for inspiriation (and, yeah, a good cool down on my part) before commenting on the illegal Obama's continued attack on our Second Amendment Rights.

I am so sick of this administration and the brain dead idiots that voted for him. Obama has already pretty much destroyed the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech). So I knew eventually something would happen where he would try to remove the Second Amendment from our list of rights. He is now blaming inanimate objects (weapons) for real or imagined violence. This entire Administration is continuing to use the Constitution for toilet paper. Obama hates us, you know. He wants all American ideals dead and rebuilt in his hatefilled image.

First off, it's a fact that there are more people injured or killed by Energy Drinks than by gun violence. The statistics have doubled since 2007. In 2008 alone, there were 16,000 documented incidents.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A new government survey suggests the number of people seeking emergency treatment after consuming energy drinks has doubled nationwide during the past four years, the same period in which the supercharged drink industry has surged in popularity in convenience stores, bars and on college campuses.

From 2007 to 2011, the government estimates the number of emergency room visits involving the neon-labeled beverages shot up from about 10,000 to more than 20,000. Most of those cases involved teens or young adults, according to a survey of the nation’s hospitals released late last week by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Source: Waycross Journal-Herald, Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Continuing with that line of thinking, how about the fact that there is ALWAYS a death in an abortion clinic but since that's sancitioned by the government and one of the Left's sacred cows, that is never mentioned.

Also, there were more fatalities in auto accidents in 2010 (32,885 people) than by gun violence. Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

And the comparisions can go on and on and one. Some not-so-well-meaning people need to calm down about "the gun issue" and look at the facts before giving up the right to defend themselves.

Ok, so I didn't cool down all the way. But, why should I?! And why should you?! This issue is extremely important. Passion for truth and justice is needed by good people to stop the tsunami of communism in our country. Here in the South, where we are still relatively free, gun and ammo sales are through the roof. Even we have taken steps to beef up our "stash". I hope everyone else is doing the same. It may be one of many important steps to insure that we preserve our God-given right to self defense. Everyone has the right to not be molested any bad guys, even elected bad guys. It is a God-given right to employ lethal force if necessary to protect the life of yourself and others.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Country Surprises In Pictures

Living in the country, sometimes one sees all manner of nature. Today, driving down a frequented nearby road, I spied a sleeping Barred Owl on a branch. He was a few feet off the road, so, I managed to snap this photo from inside the vehicle.

I made sure to not disturb his beauty rest.

Below, I saw this long ago abandoned barn on Scuffletown Road on our cold, sunny, winters day and had to stop and take a photo.

When I see it I wonder, "Why is the barn abandoned? Are the owners long gone?"

My hubby snapped the photo below of a pond, also on Scuffletown Road. Scuffletown is located in Pierce County, Georgia.

I always see God's handywork in nature. It's His signature on His beautiful creation.

"And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” Genesis 1:20 ESV

Thank you God for reminding me who You are and who I am in your creation.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

North To Alaska

Alaska was purchased in 1867 from Russia, it is our 49th State. With as many television shows that have premiered recently, you'd think it was our ONLY State! Has anyone else noticed how many Alaska themed shows were on last season? I counted at least a dozen:

Alaska: The Last Frontier - [link] One of our very favorites. I’m glad to see the show has been renewed this season. It’s primarily about the Kilcher family who live in an isolated community near Homer. They are subsistence hunters. This is one of our favorite shows.

Alaska’s Artic Wildlife - [link] Lots of pretty pictures of wildlife but boring. Until I looked it up for this blog post, I didn‘t realize it was originally aired in 1997.

Alaska Magazine TV - [link] - Never watched it. It appears it was more pretty pictures.

Alaska Marshal - [link] - I haven’t had the opportunity to view it but the website states they “track down dangerous fugitives”. Sounds exciting.

Alaska State Troopers - [link] - I don’t care for this one because it shows the underbelly of living in the far North. Alaska has a lot of ridiculous laws thanks to the criminal tendencies of the Indians and Eskimos.

Bering Sea Gold - [link] - A good show but none of the featured personalities have any admirable traits.

Buying Alaska - [link] - From their website, “ … looks at properties that feature a range of unique offerings, including the ability to hunt and fish from the back deck, to extreme seclusion. But living in Alaska also comes with disadvantages, including no running water, electricity, indoor bathrooms, or access roads, as well as run ins with bears.” Boy, they’re not kidding about the bears either! They are literally everywhere and so are moose (equally dangerous). It’s advisable to always be armed in Alaska. I especially like this one because I enjoy looking at houses and undeveloped land. It’s fun to see how others live. I get ideas for how to improve our little home that way too.

Flying Wild Alaska - [link] - This show featured the Tweto family. The father, Jim, moved to Alaska in the 1970’s, married a local girl and started his own bush pilot business. It’s now a multi-million dollar enterprise. I think he sold the business or was going to sell it by the end of last season. Sadly, the show is off the air but it was one of our favorite Alaska themed shows.

Gold Rush - [link] - A very popular show. This season is especially interesting. We have our favorite ‘characters’, of course, and are rooting for them to get the Motherload. All the guys on Todd Hoffman’s crew seem like decent, hardworking people but my favorite personality is Dave Turin. He works hard and has good business sense. I think they would be lost without his dedication. The worst person on Gold Rush is the 17 year old Parker Schnabel. He’s a foul-mouthed, temperamental, hot head that will either end up murdered or in jail. He was even recorded saying nasty things about the Producer (not a smart move). Mama didn’t spank him enough growing up, in my opinion.

Ice Road Truckers - [link] - The program follows HGV drivers as they cross frozen lakes and dangerously-thin ice in temperatures of minus 30 degrees in Canada and Alaska. This one was good until they dropped Lisa or she left. It’s no longer on my DVR list.

The Alaska Experiment - I never could get the gist of this show. I think someone was dropping select volunteers off in the vast Yukon wilderness and they had to get back to civilization by a certain time. I found that boring.

Yukon Men - [link] - From their website, “In one of the most remote Alaskan villages, every day is a fight for survival.” And that’s what they do: fight for survival by subsistence hunting, while putting up with the BS laws passed by the government. It’s a good show.

I have no desire to live in Alaska, especially after watching all these shows. It must truly be a beautiful place during the very brief summer. They breed mosquitoes the size of Buicks and the seemingly never ending winter (8 months) would be too much for this native Florida girl. I would be on drugs for sure! Anybody else enjoy Alaska based shows?

(For more about Alaska, visit their website:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

You Spend 16 Trillion, And Whaddya Get? Another Day Older And You're Deeper In Debt.

Obama Supporters Going For A Stroll

I can't really tell by the news accounts, but I think the House Republicans are holding firm on Fiscal Cliff budget for more tax cuts? Like the school yard bully he is, Obama has threaten Speaker Boehner with the Lame Stream Media, saying that he would "tell on Boehner" if he didn't give in to all his demands. "So, what else is new," would be my response. If asked. And House Majority Leader Eric Cantor apparently is opposing the Senate bill in its current form. 'Course, the Senate has shot down the budget from the House for four years! HELLO!! At any rate, if passed, it will be the first so-called budget in over four years. I sure miss having a real President.

And some loser by the name of Louis Michael Seidman with the now openly communist New York Times thinks the US Constitution is "evil" and should be abolished: Let's Give Up On The Constitution. No wonder so many yankees are not saved. We really are two countries. There needs to be secession from the Union by the South and Mid-west! The Northeast lacks teachings in self-reliance, the spirit of individualism, and the Judeo-Christian values that support marriage and family! Such values have been driven out by a government that wants the people to depend on it rather than on themselves, their families and their faith. The States of Maine and Maryland are now allowing the mentally ill sodomites to pretend to be married. Lord have mercy.

Oh, yeah, the New Year is starting off with loads of ... uh ... 'love' from our government. Stay tuned folks.

"Saint Peter don't ya call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the Government Store ..."

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year Greetings

It's been quite a year, hasn't it!? For us it's been crazy weather, too many surgeries, traveling, remodeling projects, new motorcycles and a few unplanned adventures. Except for the last election, it's been mostly good events. Life is like a box chocolates, one never knows what one will get.

To celebrate the New Year, we're attending an annual cookout with very dear friends up in Baxley. They live way out in the country too. There will be rifle shooting, 4 wheelin', mass consumptions of wild game and homemade cakes, weenie roasting next to an open fire and more! We will definately be sugared up by early evening. It's always loads of fun. I hope everyone also has family and friends they can hang out with tonight.

Thank you for following my blog and for your always welcome comments. I guess y'all know I do appreciate each and every one of you.

Remember to
keep the shiny side down

ride safe everyone!