Sunday, August 19, 2012

F-Word With Obama

"Vperod k kommunizmu" was a communist Soviet slogan (I'm told that roughly translated the slogan involves the "F" word Obama-Biden are so fond of using).

Iran named one of their satellites Omid (hope).

Ahmadinejad used "Yes we can" (Baleh, mi tavanim) as his own re-election slogan in 2009.

Birds of a feather....

The People's Cube

This election: let's educate ourselves with the facts on this Obamanation turdboy and all his heinous, underhanded shenanigans. The vile homosexual activists he's appointed to high office (Napolitano, Holder, etc., including Obama himself), all the laws he's openly and laughingly broken, the reported rampant drug abuse, etc. etc. Tell your neighbors, friends, enemies, loved ones, EVERYONE that will listen that this election is VERY important! Men especially must start voting again or our country and all our western European ideals of fair play and good works may be lost forever.

The future is in our hands. Only YOU with the power of God's help can knock this vile trash outta the White House for good.

To be f-warned is to be f-armed.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Obama Is Successful

It's official, U.S. economic growth (GDP) has slowed to 1.5%. Businesses all across America are closing their doors, probably forever. Depression levels of 25% of Americans are now out-of-work or are under-employed. Obama says his "economic policies have worked".

Obama has successfully "fundamentally change America" in his own image: a failure.

Seeee, this is why our Forefathers warned about electing a non-American to such a high position of power.

#ImpeachObama #ObamaEconomicsSuck

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Crossroads GPS $25 Million Adv Buy

The Peoples Cube

I found the link to the Crossroads GPS $25 million advertisment video at Legal Insurrection. To quote the Professor:
The first 20 seconds are powerful. Listening to Obama make excuses is powerful mockery, the most effective kind because it’s his own lame words. The last 10 seconds were not nearly as effective as listening to Obama make a fool of himself.


Let his own words be his downfall.

I PRAY that is so! I can't wait for this crapweasel to crash and burn. [Not literally if Big Bro is listening]

Let's all remember please to pray for all our fellow Patriots and especially for Crossroads and their donors. I hope this advertising campaign is effective.

Two Minutes With The Bible ~ It Is I

by Cornelius R. Stam
Berean Bible Society
Two Minutes With The Bible

"Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid" (Mark 6:50).

They thought they had seen a ghost!

Already bone-weary from "toiling and rowing" against a "contrary" wind, and still "in the midst of the sea" though the night was far gone, they saw something in the distance that frightened them even more than the storm itself.

It was a ghost -- they thought -- and a chilling fear gripped them as they were made to face something they had never experienced before. At first, doubtless, they were petrified, gripped with unspeakable terror. Then they "cried out" and in response came the reassuring voice of their own blessed Master and Lord: "Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid". The grim specter that had filled them with stark dread had turned out to be the Lord Himself, the One whom they loved more deeply than any other on earth. See their faces! Looks of terror have given way now to looks of relief and joy. Their faces now are wreathed in smiles.

What a lesson for God's people in times of crisis! When caught in the grip of unspeakable fear, unable to face what seems to lie ahead, it is infinitely blessed to hear His voice, saying, "It is I"; not merely "I am here too", but "it is I". "I am in this trouble you fear to face. Indeed, it is I you will find in all your troubles if you will look at them more closely."

Those who are so careless as to confuse the believer's standing with his condition and experience should take note that it is Paul, the one who writes of our position in the heavenlies, who says in his very last epistle and in its very last chapter: "At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me... Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me..." (II Tim.4:16,17).

It was a frightening experience to have to stand as a Christian before the wicked monster, Nero. And standing there alone, forsaken by all, served to add hopelessness to fear. Ah, but in his darkest hour "the Lord stood with him, and strengthened him". Yes, Paul knew something of this, and so might we when crises alarm us. So might we hear those encouraging, comforting words: "Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid".


May we also be of good cheer as we face down our own monster [type of anti-Christ] Obama and his minions of nauseating sycophants.

God bless and ...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Let's Lock Up The WH Switchboard

I think this is self-explanatory ...

Either we FIGHT THIS TOOTH AND NAIL or give up and be serf's.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obamacare Remains Law

After months and months of waiting and speculating, the Supreme Court has finally decided to let Americans in on their dirty little joke, that they think that Obamacare is legal. Well, the libtards on the court do anyway. [duh] The conversatives voted against the ruling but where out numbered.


This ruling must be especially disheartening for the youth who are politically savy since they know they will be forced at the end of a gun to pay ever increasingly high taxes. It is the young who will pay for our elderly care. Over, and over, and over again.

Even the Dow has dropped nearly 100 points in the hour after the Supreme Court Obamacare decisions were announced, just after 10am. It dipped to 12,462 at its lowest point after having begun the day at 12,626.

The economy is tanking and there's nothing to stop it.

Next up:
- You will buy a Chevy Volt ... or pay a special tax.
- You will not engage in "dangerous" activites (motorcycles, sky diving, scuba diving, etc) ... or pay a special tax.
- You will have a specific, healthy, body-mass index ... or pay a special tax.
- You will have a cholesterol level below 190 ... or pay a special tax.
- You will vote democrat ... or pay a special tax.
- You will renounce all religious beliefs and worship your god the government ... or pay a special tax.
- You will work at the job we give you for the salary we dictate ... or pay a special tax.

Also, with Obamacare in place, every time someone buys or sells a house, they will be forced to give 3% of the earnings to the Obamacare pot.


Of course, the crapweasel O'Blamo is congratulating himself over this ruling. This is what he's wanted all along, to destroy America, one tax at a time. I am hoping, though, this ruling will eventually come back to bite him in the butt. I don't know about you, but even though I am a staunch Ron Paul supporter, I plan to cast a vote against Obama in November. I hope everyone else is planning this also.

Because those of us who love our country must stick together or we shall all hang together.