Saturday, September 11, 2010

9-11 Tribute: Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning

9 11 never forget Pictures, Images and Photos

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
[George Santayana, philosopher]

How true!! Now we have a muslim deviants in the White House who don't have our best interests at heart.

Well DUH!

Where was I that day? I was in bed, doped to the hilt with pain killers, recovering from my second carpal tunnel surgery. I had had surgery the day before. I think it was my right wrist that time. So there I was all safely ensconced in our queen sized bed, and my husband came tearing into the bedroom, and changed the TV channel to Fox News without a word. I thought the TV images were all fake, maybe a movie promo or something. But my husband said "No honey, this is real." There were the live images of people dieing, being burned alive or leaping to their deaths to the pavement below. I remember watching as those brave firefighters and others tried to get into the burning building to save others. It was horrible! My husband and I prayed together. I cried and felt numb for days. Those images will stay with me for all time. I know it changed my life forever.

Now we have a Muslim, illegal immigrant for president. Gosh, some people have short memories. Didn't see that one coming.

So, where were you when the world stopped spinning?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nutjob Holds Discovery Channel Hostage

URGENT! Prayers needed for the nutjob and the hostages being held with a bomb by the nutjob [sorry, don't know his name yet] at the Discovery Channel TV station.

The man holding hostages at Discovery HD has posted his list of demands. He is an anti-capitalist Malthusian who wants the Discovery Channel to stop any programming that promotes capitalism, human birth, progress, or the ponzi economy. (via Ben Smith)

The hostage taker also claims to be an atheist. I pray he doesn't die in his sins! It's so unnecessary. He's really sick and needs Christ. Perhaps there can be a peaceful solution to this.

Y'all please pray for all these folks? Thanks. :)

Source: Business Insider

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

News: Toxic Seafood Warning

Being from coastal Florida, my husband and I tend to eat a lot seafood. After watching the report below, we're gonna quit eating anything we don't know is harvested here in America.

Buying American has a dual purpose anyway:
Protects our economy.
Protects our health.

I hope this report helps others to avoid a very dangerous health risk.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sparky And The Horse

I have had a nice break from typing and posting this month. I hope everyone is having an enjoyable July? We haven't done much of anything except survive. It is unbelievably hot (the heat index is 110 as I 'pen' these words) and incredibly humid in southeastern Georgia. We can barely go outside for the gnats, horseflies, deer-flies, yellow-flies! They are atrocious this year!

We decided to go for a ride this morning anyway. We left early, of course, before the air reached the current unbearable temp. I needed a hair cut anyway, so, a nice little jaunt to the barbershop was in order. Apparently, some of our neighbors had the same idea. There were a lot of people out ... for our area anyway.

As I was cycling down our one-lane country dirt road, I spotted the horses approaching us at a gentle pace also. I slowed my speed as a courtesy, not wishing to cause the horses to become alarmed. My husband very wisely came to a full stop but I soldiered on in first gear, being careful not to make any unnecessary moves. I love horses too but know they can get weird on ya in a moments notice.

As I approached one horse, I glanced at him and noticed he was a young stallion. "Uh oh!" I thought. This is not good. He's not calming down. Suddenly, he turned so that his hind legs were INCHES from my bike! "HOLY CRAP!" flashed through my mind in an instant. He was preparing to KICK me and bike! Thank my precious Lord, the rider was able to calm him and prevent a catastrophe. It happens really quickly on the video. It's at about 3:24 on the timetable.

Well, I'll go back to relaxing for awhile. I had to share this little event. That the closest I'd come to having my life flash before my eyes in a long time.

I pray your summer is a lot less dramatic.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th Of July

Happy 4th Of July Everyone!

Try not to drink too much beer
unless you're veggin' on the sofa ...
tee hee

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heart To Heart

Our pastor had a heart transplant on Mother's Day. He healed so rapidly and has had no rejections! The hospital released him last Monday so he and wife high-tailed it home the next day. For today, we had planned a big welcome for them at the church. I took my new digital video camera and recorded some of the event.

Please excuse the poor picture quality at the start. I'm still new at this. :)

Pastor said his first sermon since the surgery will be the 3rd Sunday in July. We can't wait!

This is such a blessing for the recipent, of course, and such a tragedy too. We've been praying for the donor's family, that they be comforted and know the peace of believing in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Thank you all for your prayers too.

I hope y'all have a blessed Sunday! :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gopher Tortoise

A mature Gopher Tortoise come up into our yard today. Needlss to say, the dogs were not happy! After they voiced their loud opinions, I locked them inside and helped the tortoise to move on into the woods. They are a protected species.

Gosh, I just love living out here. :)