Showing posts with label remodeling projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remodeling projects. Show all posts

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We're Finally Done!

After much anticipation, we are FINALLY finished with the home office remodeling.

As you can see, Maxie 'helped' lay the flooring.
Riiiight! :)

Once we got away from the walls,
and all it's strange protrusions and angles, the floor went very quickly.

And, here 'tis! In all it's glory.
This is facing east.
How do you like my new Z-Line desk?
Smart looking, huh?!

I decided to put the two cabinets together
for a better effect. Looks like one long one now.

Now I have an excellent view of the
bird feeder & woods just outside these south facing windows.

There was also room for our fold out sofa.
The room can double as a 3rd bedroom when needed.

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed the tour. Even with all the new aches & pains and one trip to my Pain Doctor, it was worth all the effort. Our next project is rip out all the carpeting in the house and replace it with Pergo flooring.

But that's another post. :)

Hope you're staying warm and safe my friends! Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is Under Construction

We started on my home office remodeling project! By my request, Hubby very kindly gave me a new modern desk for Christmas. No, I'm not going to tell you what kind it is. You'll just have to wait for the photos. :) I got to thinking ...the desk will look so nice, why put this on that old ratty carpeting. Why not redo the floor first?

"Hmmmm. Good idea, sounds simple enough" I mumbled as I mulled the possibilities over. The mauve carpeting is outdated and looking every bit of it's age of 18 years. Now with three dogs it has aged even faster.

As most of y'all know, we live way out in the country. Trips into town must be planned or you'll spend all your time on the road and at over $3 a gallon, that's not a happy thought. Well, we made the trip to our local home improvement store and purchased the necessary replacement flooring. By the way, we'll be installing Pergo wood strips in a color that matches the existing wood blinds.

Got home. Since some of what's in my office must go into the attic, got to looking at what's there already.

"Hmmmm," said I, "You know ... this attic needs cleaning and straightening". Hubby agreed. [Whew!] So, first we had to spend two days in the semi-dark, cold Netherlands of our home vacuuming, sneezing, sweeping, sneezing, rearranging, getting rid of old junk, sneezing, throw out more old junk, on and on. By the end of this endeavor, my allergies where in a total uproar but it was looking so good up there, I thought, why not buy large plastic containers and repackage everything?

So, back we go on the 60+ mile round trip to the local home improvement store and bought more than a dozen storage boxes with lids.

Now the attic looks super but the office is still undone.

So, this morning we got down to brass tacks and spent the whole day in the office. First order of business was moving the desktop computer to an out-of-the-way location. It had to be reconnected and running to have Internet service. Of course, the Internet didn't work then, we had to start all over ... SIGH ... and after a phone call for help to the local Idjit Internet Service, we're up and running again. Then hubby broke down my old Island Size L-shaped particle board desk. This had to be one of the 12 Labors of Hercules! Simple!? HUH! Finally, poor guy, that's completed. Out to the trash heap it goes to be burnt.

And this is where we stopped this evening ...

Where the L-shaped desk once resided

This is where my new desk will sit

This wall will pretty much remain the same.

The slide out sofa / bed will sit
where my desk used to be.

Oh, and I just noticed that the baseboards and window sills need repainting before laying the flooring.

This simple project is beginning to snow ball! And now we both ache all over because our aged bodies are no longer accustomed to manual labor.

Well, who knows where this will end up?!! Hopefully, I'll have my "new" office soon. Maybe my next post? :)

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

Monday, January 12, 2009

On The Lighter Side

On the lighter side, my husband finished remodeling our dog washing area! YAY!

For those of you new to my blog, we have three dogs: two miniature schnauzers (Maxie & Sam Jr.) and one boxer (Lucy). The two schnauzers are small enough to pick up and bathe. Unfortunately due to a persistent neck pain from a ruptured disk, it's become impossible for me to stoop over long enough to care for them and they must be groomed sometimes twice a week (there's nothing worse than schnauzer smell!). The boxer still can be bathed comfortably on the ground but she only needs bathing once a month or so. I know I've said this before but Boxers are super! Not only do they have angelic personalities, they're low maintenance.

Anyway, below is a pic of what my Sweetie and his injured shoulders has done for lil 'ol me:

Our new dog washing area

This spot in our home used to be the laundry area and it's also the entrance from the carport. I grew so weary of having guests walk into our home through the laundry room! So, when Sweetie tired of hand loading, he sold said equipment and it freed up an entire room which is secluded away and to the end of our home. I repainted said room. Then a dear friend moved the washer and dryer there and re-plumbed. It looks really professional now. And my laundry days are nice and quiet too having them out away from the living room. No more weaving guests past our dirty laundry into the living room. Sweeeet.

Next project: the gate electric fence opener and field fence are going to be redone down by the front entrance. This is a dream I've had for quite some time now to have our entrance look friendly and clean. I'm having black 4 rail wood fencing (like the ones on horse farms) and a walk-thru gate down by the road installed. The existing electric gate will be redone also to match. It will be painted black to match the 4 rail, the lighting rewired for the lights on the posts, etc. I'm hiring a local well known fencing company for most of this project. Even though it costs a little more, sometimes it pays to hire a professional.

Our old existing mailbox has become rotten, so, it will be dismantled and Sweetie will build a new one with flower planters on each side. It's quite involved.

Part of what the area looks like now

So stay tuned Sports Fans.
I think all the 'fun' starts next week ...

I think the 'lighter side' of this is our wallets are lighter. :o)
Just doing our part to keep the economy going!

♥ ∞