Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Thermometer Says Winter But It's Dog Days Around Here

Sam is having such terrible skin and coat problems. He can no longer be sent to the groomers for this reason. After a grooming, it would sometimes take me a week to get his skin to look normal. He would turn beet red and just about scratch himself silly. The Vet suggested "Universal Medicated Shampoo" that he must be bathed in religiously. Plus he's on daily oral medication called "Catalyst" (soft chewables). All this seems to be working. At least I know how to groom miniature schnauzers but I had quit when my neck was in such bad shape. Fortunately, I no longer suffer from neck pain! So, using the nice new grooming table and area hubby made for me, I've been caring for the little guy myself. I'm afraid to clip any further back than his head, though, so now this is what Sam looks like.

Doesn't he look like a rat?

I've nicknamed him "Rat Boy". All he needs is a long hairless tail. Ewwww!

She needs a mirror so she can see
what a little bad dawg looks like?!

Maxie is still doing well. Except for the incident with the kidney stones, she's the healthiest little dog I've ever had. The kidney stones were caused by buying cheap Wal-Mart dog food. I'll never do that again!


Lucy is enjoying the sub-zero Antartic (just kidding) weather of late. It has been so cold here, I'm weary of barren trees and cold weather. I am so ready for this winter to be over. Anyway, I caught her laying on the leaward side of the big cedar tree in the sunshine. It was about 38 degrees and she was just a-soakin' up Ye 'Ol Sun. She's probably waiting for some hapless squirrel to come along. Such a funny dog. Our doggies have a pet door, with access to our fenced in and gated property, so, they can come and go as they please. Lately I've learned that she's spending most of the night outside too! She must be chasing rabbits again. I just hope she doesn't bring me a "gift" (dead animal) like she has done in the past.


Shhhh ... Secret Project

And, we have a Secret Project in the works. No, you have to wait to hear about it! The project is scheduled to start Monday. Wanna take a guess what it is? Dollars to donuts you'll never figure it out. [giggle]

Friendly Reminder: If you're looking for the politics, is over here now. God bless!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sam And The Snake

Sam Jr. and Maxie

Our miniature Schnauzer, Sam Jr., doesn't know when to quit. He's really bad about pushing an issue with whatever animal life is in front of him. He's so contentious that he always has to be Boss Dog in every situation. He darn near got killed by a German Shepherd that lived next door to dad in North Carolina.

For the newbies at my blog, Sam was my father's dog until he died in 2006.

Today, Sam encountered his first snake.

Well, not really his first. The first one that I know of was a Coral Snake in the back yard. I caught him flipping it up in the air one day and put a stop to that! Coral snakes are poisonous. I picked it up and put it out into the woods.

Yeah, I like snakes. So, I saved the little guy's neck (if he has one).

But this time, before I could react, Sam approached the snake, it instinctively coiled and struck Sam right in the throat. Ouch! Now he has two bloody tooth marks on his throat. Rat snakes have very sharp, needle-like teeth.

Actually, this is a good thing. We were hoping that he would mess with a non-poisonous variety first. Southeast Georgia has multitude of Rattle Snakes and they are pretty deadly. Whenever I go strolling in the woods, I'm sure to wear my snake proof boots. They don't always rattle, you know.

So, now poor Sam is laying on the floor, trembling and licking his feet. I put an antiseptic salve on the wound and comforted him as best I could. He'll feel better by morning. But that'll larn 'em. He was lucky ... this time.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shadetree Mechanic's R Us

My better half put a set of Lowering Links on my Suzuki V-Strom today. My bike has been just a little too tall to flat foot it at a full stop. With the Lowering Links in place, I can now rest my feet completely on the ground.

In the rear, he replaced the two factory suspension links with two after market suspension links which are about 1/2 inch longer. This raised the rear suspension by about 7/8 inch thus lowering the bike so I can reach the ground easier.

One of the new Lowering Links

I learned something new. I've owned this bike for over 2 years and didn't know the gears were plainly displayed on the front sprocket cover.

Everything went along dreamily until he got to the plastic pop rivets on the fairing. The fairing has to be open to reach the forks.

"These *&^% plastic pop rivets are making me vewy angry!"

"Now open wide and say 'Ahhhhh'"

The bike with the fairing open.

The source of all the cussing ... I mean, fussing.

Then he raised the front forks by 7/8 inch by loosening the pinch bolts on the front yokes. This lowered the front to the same as the rear. It has to be precisely balanced or it can be a disastrous ride!

I played with Maxie for awhile. I'm surprised she braved the torrent of flying insects. This little dog HATES bugs with a purple passion but she will walk over hot coals to play with that tennis ball.

Well, now we go out to eat and try to cool off ...

"This crab is really fresh, isn't it?"

I hope y'all have a great weekend. We're going riding!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Has Sprung And I'm Undone

We had a really productive day today. The weather is so pleasant that we just had to 'play' outside. :o)

Here's hubby burning debris that has gathered all around the property. The ashes can then be spread on various areas. Our soil is so acidic from the pines that using wood ashes 'sweetens' the soil. Flowers and centipede grass grow like crazy after spreading this around. And contrary to what some say, burning is good, for too many reasons to list here.

Maxie stopped to have a drink from the bird's little watering hole before I started ...

"Let's go Mommy! Make this thing move please."

... while Sam Jr. looked on ... riding in the golf cart is his favorite place when I'm working in the yard. Lucy, the boxer, is off somewhere chasing rabbits, real or imagined.

"It's Shake And Bake, and I heped!"

Remember that silly old commercial for Shake and Bake and the kid with the fake southern accent? That's what Maxie looks like she's saying. Yeah, she helped alright. Helped getting in the way! :o) Good thing she's so cute.

Now I'm tired from all that work. But, it's a good tired from achieving something and being productive.

Oh, and an FYI for anyone living in the SE Georgia / NE Florida area. There is a new classic country music station now and it is superb! The location on the dial is Country Legends 100.7 FM. I listen to it all the time. It's fun to listen to a song with a good Texas swing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some Southern Molearchy


I hope he knew his The Ten Commolements because he's now in Mole ... whatever.

Lucy saved the day as Maxie lazily looks on.

I'm going to get Lucy some "Have Boxer Will Travel" cards.

"You want a piece of me Mole??"

For your entertainment, I found a couple of websites pertaining to Mole humor. There is actually a Mole Day in October. Geez, who knew moles could be so humorous? They're just fur bearin' pesty critters in this yard.

Funny Moles Pictures And Some Jokes
Mole Day Jokes

I won't subject you to any mole, ah, I mean, more puns ...

... promise.

♥ ∞

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tough Toenails Bubba

Sam Jr.

Poor Sam. He's had a really rough week. He's getting elderly for a miniature schnauzer at over 10 years old, so, things are starting to fall apart. He's lost most of his teeth and his eye sight is failing. He had been groomed a few days ago and since then had been chewing his right toenail like there's no tomorrow. Every 5 mintues I've had to yell at him.

"Quit it!"

"Stop licking!"

"I'm going to slap a knot on your head!" (I didn't.)

Finally, I figured out that something is wrong. (I'm slow ... so sue me.) Hubby took him to the Veterarian in Waycross. Vet said the nail was 'ringed': broken clear back to the quick and all the way around. It must have gotten caught on the groomers cage by accident. In other words, the nail was hanging on by a thread and everytime he'd walk it would shove up into his foot! Owie! The base was cracked. Thus the intense pain. Well, Vet sedated the little guy and removed the entire nail. $146.80 later Sam is back home and sleeping off the drug on our living room floor. He can't jump up yet.

Oh and he's also on amoxicillin antibiotic ... again. I call it "the pink stuff" because I can never remember the drug name. He was on these same antibiotics not more than a few weeks ago from a head cold contracted from a kennel stay.

And the unexpected expenditures never end ... [sigh] Since the stock market seems to be improving, maybe I should invest in this company? My three dogs health 'issues' alone could keep this drug company afloat for years.

♥ ∞

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Leave It To Me ...

... to have something nice for 5 seconds and I have to trash it up! Y'all remember the new pearl white helmet I bought at the last International Motorcycle Show? Well ... the decals finally arrived!!

Check it out ...

The back now proudly displays "Sparky" in pink with a purple butterfly above the name.

While both sides now have purple flowers emblazed across the lid opening.

I've even got Hubby into the act! He put his National Guard Insignia on the back of his Nolan. He wants a sticker with his nickname of "Stumpshooter" now. (I've got groovy Jammie's there, don't ya think?)

We are getting so ready for our trip to the Texas Hill Country this April! Maybe Pappy could make the Blue Bonnets be in bloom for our visit? :o) Pray for rain, guys, pray for rain.

"I'm ready for my closeup now Mr. Damile."

You can see how 'helpful' the dogs all where. Lucy was tanning herself in my office and the schnauzers ...

"Is it time to eat yet."

... look like they need a Do Not Disturb sign! Lazy rascals. At least they could clean the pet hair off the sofa and pick up their toys. [lol]

♥ ∞

Monday, November 10, 2008

Redneck Picnic

Since I am freaking out that Maxie is under the knife this morning to have that lump removed from her chest, we decided to go garbage collecting on our dirt road. Sometimes I tire of picking up after the Pig People that live here but I hate looking at a trashy road.

Whilst being Good Bee's, we chanced upon the remains of a redneck picnic ...

... which consists of a case of Bud Light beer ...

... and yet another 'case' of empty Moon Pies!

We have such classy Pig People as neighbors.

For those of you uneducated in the ways of The South, a Moon Pie is really just a s'more wrapped and packaged for a quick buck. Moon pie's have been around forever and a day. Eating Moon Pie is a tradition here, like putting peanuts in our coke (the drink not the ... well, you know!). Anyway, not sure what a s'more is either? Doggone it y'all ... do I have to teach you everything!? [lol] A s'more is short for "Give me some more!". It's two graham crackers with a Hershey chocolate bar and marshmallow melted on a stick over an open fire, then squished into the middle. They are so yummy! We used to make s'more's while sitting around the campfire in Brownies and Girl Scouts. I also learned how to fry an egg on a used tin can over an open flame. Something I have never found useful in real life, but, there you are.

I was going to drill this little guy as to who the trashy perp's where but he wasn't making much sense. I guess I'll have to wait until he's sober for more questions.

So, we came home after all that hard work and had our dinner (lunch to you 'yankees') of fried baloney with melted cheese, macaroni and cheese, and speckled butter beans.

The only hard part was figuring out what wine goes with baloney. ♥ ∞

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Maxie VS The Vet

Maxie, our 10 year old miniature schnauzer, has developed a fatty lump on her breast that is sticking through her rib cage. I just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow she visits her doggy doctor and may also be 'under the knife'. Whisper a prayer for her bloggy friends, pretty please? Thanks. I knew I could count on y'all.

Maybe that's all that is really wrong? I'm petting her too much? Nahhhhh .... :o)

This is how we view cats, 'ey Maxie?

Oh, heck, I know she'll probably do just fine. I'm the one that will probably have to be sedated!! [lol]
Have a great Sunday everyone! ♥ ∞

Monday, September 8, 2008

Dog Day Afternoon

It's definately been a Dog Day Afternoon at our house!
And it's been a day of time wasted and pointless phone calls that nobody returns.
I really do not enjoy playing Phone Tag.
Been watching Hurricane Ike prepare to pound The Florida Keys.
So I escaped outside and played with my little buddies.
♥ ∞

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay "Aftermath"

We're in day three of several inches of rain. Our rain gauge registered 5.5 inches as of last night, and that's only one day of measuring! Wow! It's rained off and on today too, but I haven't checked the gauge yet to see how much we've received. When I drove out to get the Sunday paper this morning the two miles of dirt road to the paved road is almost completely destroyed. I wish that worthless County Commissioner would get on the stick and have our road paved! I still think there's something fishy going on with the way our county is being run.

Here's Sammy hiding behind my recliner during one of the rain onslaughts. He shakes like a leaf and hides. I still can't figure out why he hates rain so much. The other two do just fine. Maxie looks at Sammy like she's thinking "What's your problem silly? Mommy's right here. Relax." He's getting over a mild eye infection. Good thing I had the medicine right here. I didn't have to go out and get that in this wet mess.

This is a view from my office window during one of the many torrents that day. That's my dog Maxie in the shadows. Thankfully, there's been very little wind. We only lost power once for about 45 minutes. The lights flickered real bad once, but they stayed on. Ever since the Satilla REMC had Asplunda tree service cut down and back all those trees near powerlines, we very seldom do without power. Good work guys! We sure appreciate ya! :o) My Dad did that kind of work. He retired with 33 years of faithful service with Florida Power & Light in Titusville, FL. He was called out in many a bad storm.

This pic is taken from our master bedroom out into the bad yard. That's about has hard as the rain got. We live on a small sand ridge, so, rain just perculates down into the soil really fast. Our yard seldom floods, and when it does it runs off really quickly. One thing for sure, we sure have some happy plants! I'll bet if they could they'd be jumping up and down that this drought is over. We lost so many trees and plants because of the adverse dry conditions. It lasted for about 7 or 8 years in our area. Enough is enough! Thank you God for the rain.

We're just sitting around today, having coffee, listening to rock music on XM radio, watching Independance Day and planning more mini-vacations. Cranked the bikes for awhile to keep the on-board computers all energized. I wish we could ride. [sigh] Nothing else to do.

Oh, and Steve is still getting better: he's fussy as ever. [lol]

TTFN ~ Sparky ♥ ∞