Monday, January 1, 2024

Word Of The Year And Happy New Year


Another day, another dollar, I used to quip while still working. It's nice being retired. Every day, except Sunday, is pretty much the same as the last. I can live with that. 

I hope everyone had an enjoyable evening. I haven't checked the local news yet to see how many fatalities occurred. It was quiet out our way. Well, we live down a narrow, dirt, country road. It seems most of the silliness is confined to towns and cities for which I am very thankful.

Yesterday, since most of our small congregation is out of town or dealing with serious health issues we had all decided to skip Sunday School this one time. Steve is Sunday School teacher, so, it was kinda nice to take a short break anyway. Supposedly Steve's little sister and her family are going to be moving out of south Florida to our area very soon. They're just done with the hurricanes and being so far away. I'm happy that they are already getting rid of furniture and other unwanted items. This makes the move seem more real. Because of the distance, they have asked us to start looking around at any areas that they might find desirable. Steve was looking on Zillow and he found an affordable home on the Brantley/Ware county line that he wanted to look at. We drove down there yesterday morning to check it out before doing a turn and burn to head to Church. I think it might be a desirable area for them. I had no idea there were so many homes down that road! The house that's For Sale needs a little love but I think it's doable for them. It's up to them, of course, this is their dream. Little Sister's health is not good and her husband is in his 70s. I believe they will require a place that's mostly move in ready. That's their goal, anyway. We are all praying for an easy transition for them.

After much prayer I think my word for the year is BOLDNESS.

That's the thought that keeps weighing on my heart. Please pray with me that I will go and say and do what HE wants me to do. I want to be more bold in sharing His Good News of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Time to move on from 2023 by taking down all the Christmas decorations. Hopefully it shouldn't take too long as I didn't put so many up this time.  

Have a blessed day folks. Ride Safe. 


  1. May you (and the rest of us) have a blessed and prosperous 2024, culminated by the demise of the Biden Regime.
    Be BOLD! As if you haven't been :)

  2. Great choice, Sparky ... say it LOUD and Proud!
    Our tree's staying right where it sits until the Epiphany; even then, I'm likely to pout. (lol)

  3. I just had to fix my blog list so that your new site would show up in my feed. I had forgotten to do that when you changed, so I wasn't getting your posts in my reading list! Now I should be able to keep up with you!! So, I love your word, Boldness...I think you will do very well with that word this year. May God give you Holy Boldness to speak His Word with His strength and guidance so that others will hear the Word and be saved. Praying for your family members that are planning to move near you. That will be nice to have them closer. I hope it all works out!! I still haven't started on cleaning up decorations. Just don't have the energy yet. It might happen sometime this week, or maybe not until, like Myra said, Epiphany, which I believe is January 6th. That's when we always took down the tree when I was growing up. I thought it was because it was my mother's birthday that day and she said that was when her family always took down the tree. I never connected the two events until much later in life. So anyway, it will come down when I feel like it, and that could be sooner than later or later than sooner. Time will tell. I need the STRENGTH (my word for 2024) to get it done first. Amen. Happy New Year!

  4. A good word, Pam!! No word has jumped out at me yet for the new year. I know you will go boldly into 2024, sharing your faith will all. Happy new year!!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell