Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Bits And Pieces


Sunset On New Year's Day

New Year's Day the weather was gorgeous. The sunset was stunning too, even though the photo doesn't really do it justice. I was sitting on the back deck enjoying the moment when suddenly the woods behind the tall Slash Pines became back lit by the sun's rays. It literally looked like the woods were golden. So lovely. 

I learned a new word today: perihelion.

Definitions from Oxford LanguagesLearn more
  1. the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is closest to the sun.
    "today Mercury is at perihelion"

Today marks this event with the sun and the earth being closest. I do find astronomy interesting. The stars, the sun and the moon and their movements don't effect us or determine our personalities (that's astrology which is strictly forbidden), but these elements do reflect God's nature since He is the Creator. This past year  at Christmas we watched the film "The Star of Bethlehem". I enjoyed it so much that I bought it on DVD to watch anytime. The film does glorify God as it shows how great and big and wise He truly is. All that's happened and will happen has been planned from the very beginning. He is awesome.

Not much going on at Red Bird Acres this week. Our days are somewhat askew thanks to all the holiday's. They're fun but it's nice when they're all over and things go back to normal. I did put all the Christmas decorations away on Jan. 1st. Now it's the normal routines of grocery shopping, buying supplies and the like. Rain is expected for the weekend. Again. One good thing about rain is it keeps the 4 wheelers off our narrow dirt road. Those machines are a pest here in the country! I pray for all those that whiz by because I'm worried that those underaged drivers will end up in a ditch. It has killed a lot of young folks these past few years. I guess their parents don't care. I don't get that. 

Anyway, off we go to our Adventures In Grocery Shopping. 😁 I'll be glad when it warms up so we can go for a ride again. Cold weather makes my joints ache. That's so uncomfortable. It's been too long since I've felt that delta breeze on my knees.

I pray y'all will have a safe and enjoyable day. Stay warm and Ride safe. Thanks for stopping by. 



  1. Grocery shopping today is a real adventure since it costs a small fortune. Have a great day!

  2. Reading the title of this post, why all of a sudden the DC5 were playing in my head. LOL, it's 1964 all over again!

    Thanks for the new word! Every day's a school day, right?

  3. You taught me a new word today too!
    I love being outside and enjoying moments like you did with the sun and the trees. It's such a reminder of the greatness of God. And photos never do it justice!
    We get those 4 wheelers on our road too and it can be scary!

  4. That is a new word for me! Interesting. I went to the grocery yesterday. Always fun. Ha! My head is all messed up between having days off and having company. It's all good but a bit crazy.

  5. Not much going on here as well - it will be a rainy week. Not balmy rain like you all get in the south during summer. No this is a freezing cold rain that we always need. Much of it comes from Alaska. That's our winter here on the "Left Coast."
    I like normal days - we have everything down - finished up this afternoon. Tomorrow I will decorate for winter - (not Christmas) I was a preschool teacher and I still observe the seasons, except now in an "adult way." but I do miss those bulletin boards.

    Did you get my message about using compression gloves for your hands so that perhaps you could do crafts. Might be worth a try. Hugs and Blessings to you my GA friend.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell