Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge: Questions


Original Hodgepodge questions here.

1. On January 18th we commemorate A.A. Milne's birthday. Milne is the author of the beloved classic Winnie the Pooh. In many ways Pooh represents innocence and simplicity. His optimism reminds us to appreciate the little things. What are three little things you're appreciating in mid-January?  There are so many blessings, but in no particular order: we're both well (enough) to get around, we have plenty of food, and live in a comfortable house. God is good. 

2. Piglet teaches us even the smallest of individuals can achieve big things with the proper amount of determination. How do your current responsibilities make you feel?  I'm good. Have just enough responsibilities to stay busy and out of trouble.

3. Tigger is known for his enthusiasm and energy, his boundless joy and love of life. What's something you're interested in learning more about in this new year? The Prophet Isaiah. I had no idea how filled with the Spirit he was. "Here am I!" [Isaiah 6:8] His wife was courageous for God too. 

4. Eeyore, while a melancholy character, teaches us the importance of resilience and perseverance. How do you stay motivated and persevere in difficult circumstances?  Prayer. Nothing like knee mail to set my worried heart right. 

5. What's the last thing you ate that was made with honey?  That was over 5 years ago. I can't remember. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

This goes under the heading of "You know you're boring when" ... there's a new Publix (grocery store) in neighboring Douglas and we can't wait to check it out. πŸ‘€πŸ˜… Yippee!  The plan is to drive over to check it out. Then maybe swing back through Waycross around suppertime to enjoy a plate of fried shrimp at Captain Joe's Seafood. That's the plan, anyway. Hopefully none of our pipes busted last night from the hard freeze or anything else happened that needs immediate attention. 

On that note, I pray everyone has a lovely day. Warm winter hugs from two Old Boring Folks. πŸ˜… And remember to keep looking up because Jesus will be calling us to His Throne soon! "Oh glorious day!" 


  1. Oh, goodie! A new Publix! I'd be there too! LOL. Maybe they have lots of good "BOGO" items for sale! And then going out to eat sounds like a good plan too. I do hope you don't have any busted pipes. I know, we didn't cover our outdoor faucet last night, and I am a little concerned, but it just now reached 32 degrees and won't stay there long, so I think we are fine. I have to go do labs this morning at 8 so I need to get my warm things on and get a move on! Have a lovely day!!!

  2. I don't think either of you are old or boring!
    More snow here, every school around is closed again and I'm thankful that I can work from home.
    Interesting thoughts on Isaiah. Now I need to learn more about his wife.
    Have fun checking out the new Publix. We don't have them here but I hear they are good stores!

  3. I'm not familiar with the term "knee-mail" but I LOVE that. Fingers crossed your pipes haven't/don't freeze. Tom wrapped the exterior faucets and we let the interior taps drip all night. So far, the only casualty has been the on-again, off-again internet. Let us know how you like the new Publix; that's my favorite spot to do 'recreational shopping'!

  4. I love Publix and this is where it all started and where the current headquarters is!! Congrats on having a new store closer to you! I enjoyed your answers, Pam, and you are your handsome hubby are a long way from old and boring!! Love ya!

  5. I hope your new store is as good as you want it to be. As kids we dont care about grocery stores but once we start using them we sure do care a lot. Life is best when its a bit boring., Sometimes the alternative gets old in a hurry. Stay warm down there.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell