Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday Musings


It's quiet today. Another made up holiday with no mail, banks are closed or school busses to contend with. There's way too many of these days off. Does the Government ever work anymore? Maybe that's a good thing. Someone once said every time the Government is closed our liberties are safe for another day. Just sayin' .. 

Yesterday was simply awful. I had another long, drawn out bout of IBS. The only fortunate thing is I think I've finally pin pointed what's causing these uncomfortable episodes: raw vegetables, especially leafy ones. When we ate the hot dogs Saturday I like to have coleslaw with mustard as the topping. Yep. The coleslaw is raw cabbage and a few other veg's. Turned me inside out, upside down and backwards. That was so painful. I even had to leave Church early yesterday. Only just made it home before I was really in a bad way. So, that's it. No more raw cabbage or lettuce for me. Too bad because I do enjoy them so. At least it's nothing life threating. C'est la vie.  😁

Then earlier I accidently dropped a heavy object on my left foot! Ouch. I guess I'm a little unstable from the above long-drawn episode. It left me feeling weak as a kitten. Like my step-mom always quipped, "If it's not one thing it's two others!" πŸ˜œπŸ˜… Myra was from the hills of Kentucky. She grew up during the first Great Depression. I miss her humour so much. Anyway, an ice pack on the afflicted toes soon set that right. I noticed if I do that right away there's very little swelling or bruising. 

Today is laundry, cooking venison sausages for breakfasts this week, and general housekeeping chores. In between, Steve has been texting back and to with the sister that lives in South Florida. She and family are the ones that want to move to our area in Southeast Georgia. They're getting their house ready to be on the market. She was sharing that they've already had offers from others to buy it! God is so good. May the doors of opportunity stay open for an easy move. She was sharing that it seems that by mid-Summer or so they'll be ready to hit the road north to our area. I'm glad they're being careful with the finances because they are elderly and have failing health too. As many of you already know it's too difficult to work once one is retired. The don't want to be in dire financial straits just because they're unhappy where they are and leave a safe situation to start with. That would be foolish. They're being very wise, in my opinion.

Well, I heard the dryer buzz. Time to get off my sore backside and do some work. 😏 Maybe it'll help this weak feeling disappear to move around. 

Have a beautiful day friends! Oh, and if you're not already a "follower", please click the "follow" button on the right? That brightens my day to see all those cute little avatars show up. And if you are already, sending a BIG THANK YOU! Ride safe. 


  1. I'm sorry about your IBS. My oldest daughter has terrible issues with that.
    My dryer buzzed at me a few minutes ago, so I just got that done. :)
    I agree about the made up holidays. The hospital group I work for covers most of MI and is politically correct, so this is a holiday for us. I have to admit that I'm ever so thankful for it today though, because it's still snowing here and it would have been a terrible drive in to work! :)

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry for the double-whammy your body's experiencing! Right there with you on all these holidays and Month Honor themes. 'Open your mouth and we'll shove it down your throats.'
    I pray I/we'll never have to market our home and move again. The stress liked to kill me ... and I was 6 years younger.

  3. Oh I know about IBS. So sorry. Not pleasant at all. My goodness you’ve been run through the wringer with on top of the IBS you go and drop a heavy object on your foot. Ouch. Sometimes it doesn’t pay to get out of bed some days. Hope you get some relief.

    Yeah today my husband went to the VA clinic to work out at the gym and noticed no vehicles in the parking lot. I don’t like to keep complaining about holidays but I like keeping my regular days, regular and those holidays infringe on them. You have a good day whatever time it is there now.

  4. I'm so sorry you have been painfully ill and hope knowing what is causing the IBS will help you avoid future episodes! Keep us posted on Steve's sister and BiL and their move to Georgia. Take care!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell