Monday, July 13, 2009

The Men Who Destroyed the Constitution

The Constitution In Exile

One of my absolute favorite people on Fox News is Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. I love it when it takes a point of law and breaks it down for us non-lawyer people. He's good and very constituionally sound.

I didn't realize he was such a Libertarian. Just like us! I personally think Judge Napolitano should run for President.

After reading the article reviewing his new book "The Constitution In Exile, I've ordered a copy from Amazon.Com.

For some time now, I've been stating aloud that all this mess with our country started about 1850, and was exacerbated by 'Dishonest' Abe Lincoln and his War of Northern Aggression. He took the Constitution and used it for toilet paper by leading us into that unnecessary war.

By the way, we're up to **32 Czars** in the Administration under his 'highness' the illegal Obama. EVERYTHING this man has done is unconstitutional!! [sigh] Now Obama is refusing to call them Czars.

Well, Mr. Obama, a Skunk by any other name still smells the same.


  1. My mom and I always watch Judge N on different talk shows at night. He has such a calm way of talking where you can understand him clearly and gets straight to the point.

    BTW, if anyone could learn to fly a helicopter, it would be you friend!!!

  2. Oh Yes, Girlfriend, you are preaching the news!!!
    Pray, Pray, Pray... God IS STILL IN CONTROL!!!

  3. Thanks Mildred. I would love to at least try to learn. Too chicken to turn loose of any dollars right now.

    Yes, indeedy, Sharon. God is definately in control. May it please Almighty Father God to spare us but may His will be done.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell