Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why CanadaCare Doesn't Work And Neither Will ObamaCare

Something Wicked This Way Comes

How, eh, 'free' health care doesn't work.
Steven Crowder Investigates Why CanadaCare Sucks

Please write, call, e-mail, SCREAM at your Senator and Representatives to *stop this madness now* or we will all suffer under the new Fascism.


  1. Great Video. We don't get the real News do we? It must come from some underground source. Pappy

  2. The evidence is there, the problem is do people care enough to try and stop it. That picture is very appropriate, BHO will probably appoint a witch doctor czar, instead of a surgeon general.

  3. Great video, Sparky! I agree with Pappy...the only 'real' news is through the underground.

    This is exactly what TMB and I are afraid of if our country goes with a united health care system. WE KNOW it won't work.

    Nothing is free. And if I have a choice between a not-so-great insurance or THIS? I chose the not-so-great insurance. At least then I have a CHOICE!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell