Thursday, October 9, 2008

Typewriter Art

Anybody know how to create typewriter art? No not THAT kind. I like the sculture but that's not what I meant.

Yeah, that's what I meant. It's where one 'paints' a picture or image using only the keyboard of a typewriter, or computer now, as the case may be. I've never been good at things like this. I've been a business woman most of my chronologically adult life but I never did get into this kind of thing. It wasn't that I was too serious, Lord knows, I've played my share of pranks on co-workers (nothing harmful, just cute things, I don't like cruel jokes).

Anyway, there's lots of typewriter style art at Acid Head Ware blog. Weird name, talented dude. Post one at the comments if you have one too.

Have a great day y'all!! ♥ ∞


  1. those are BOTH so cool! I am SO not good at that stuff. I'm glad SOMEONE is....

  2. Hi Sparky! I've seen you around in the bloggyhood and thought I'd stop over to say hello. I've seen this guy's typewriter art online and think it is fabulous!

  3. Bummer the comments section won't let me use the symbols to leave you the picture! Oh well, I tried for ya! Have a great day!

  4. Dang, guys, I didn't realize blogspot won't allow symbols here. Deepest apologies. :o) ♥ ∞

  5. I still have a typewriter and I use it sometimes. It's my dad's old one. At one point he had 4 !

  6. never tried this..ever..what imagination and skill...


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell