Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Obama Corruption Continues ~ Petrobras

A Brazilian oil company, Petrobras, is receiving a loan from the US Government to invest in off-shore drilling in Brazil with the urging and blessings of the Obama Administration. Something that the Obama Administration will not allow American oil companies to do. Stranger still Billionaire George Soros has invested 800 million dollars in Petrobras for this project. George Soros has funded all this liberal enterprises like ACORN.

How do you spell PAYBACK and BRIBES!?

And the Demoncrat corruption continues ...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Brother Gets Big Black Eye, Runs Home Crying To Mommy

More good news! It appears that all our e-mailing and complaining TO the WHITE House has paid off.

I even 'flagged' myself with a "come and get me" dare. Why don't you flag yourself too? Take the graphic and put your own picture in it. Go ahead ... have fun!

I found this article referenced at Facebook from one of the many patriot groups I follow there (Small Business Against Big Government).

FOX News' Major Garrett contributed to the on-line report "White House Makes Security Changes to Web Site Following Complaints Over E-Mails" here

Apparently, the illegal e-mail address has been taken off-line.

Keep up the good work folks! We've got them running home to Mommy, scratching their backsides, crying foul.

[playing worlds smallest violin]

[tee hee]

Sunday, August 16, 2009

News Alert: ObamaCare May Be Dropped!

Our prayers are being heard! I have been on a self-imposed 'fasting' and praying stint for our country and situation. Please, keep praying dear Saints in Christ! God loves us SO MUCH and hears our prayers! He is working miracles. Even though our country certainly doesn't deserve mercy for allowing the murder of untold thousands of unborn and other things, Jesus is graciously showing great compassion to us.

Here's the news ...

From John Thune: "It appears the administration might be prepared to drop plans for a government-run health program. As I told a South Dakota newspaper last week, all 40 GOP Senators would stand firm against a government-run plan. Please continue to s...peak out against ... health care run by government that places committees of politicians between you and your doctors.

Get the latest news and sign the petition here."

I see that there are other blogs I follow with similar information. Even in the commie lib central San Francisco, ObamaCare is not very popular!! Thank you! Thank you ... to all how are protesting, praying, signing petitions, educating our neighbors and taking a stand. It pays to be civil and trust God.

Now, we need to please keep working on elimating the Cap & Trade bill, Cash For Clunkers, Czars and other things. But we're whittling away at the evil eating our collective American souls.

Y'all have a blessed day. I know I am. Thank you for stopping by. :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our 30th Wedding Anniversary

In 1979, Steve and I stood before a Notary Public and said our "I do's". 30 years later, we're still together, more in love than ever.

I thought y'all might enjoy some of our old wedding photos.

We shared our "I Do's"

Our First Dance As Husband And Wife

[tee hee] [giggle] [lol]

This is my favorite wedding photo.
Can you tell I'm saying "mine, mine, mine". [lol]

So, we're out and about today, swinging through the jungle, celebrating our happy union. I'll let you know tomorrow what we did ... less the censored stuff, of course ... tee hee.

I hope your day is just as much fun! Awww, eeee, awwww!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Lesser-Magistrate Doctrine

I received this in an e-mail from my husband last night. Isn't that funny? We sit right next to each other with our seperate labtops and he sends me an e-mail! How modern is that!? [lol]

This is a good read folks. Very, very encouraging. I feel like, if we keep spreading the good word and having Hope there will be a happy resolution. We will not tolerate any fascism that Mr. Obuma and his thugs keep trying to force on the American people.

The Lesser-Magistrate Doctrine:
A Sword Against Unjust Edicts and Tyranny
By Pastor Matt Trewhella
The Covenant News ~ April 07, 2009

Many Americans seem to know that America's founders gave us three boxes through which we can resist tyranny, namely - the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. But a lesser-known tool which the founders themselves employed is the lesser-magistrate doctrine.

Simply put, the lesser-magistrate doctrine declares that - when a magistrate, who is lower in authority than another higher authority, opposes and/or resists the unjust orders or laws of the higher authority, he is justified in doing so and his actions are morally right, proper, and legitimate.

For example, if Congress or the President makes an unjust or immoral edict, a state legislature or the governor could stand in defiance of their unjust edict and refuse to obey or implement it. They could in fact actively oppose it. Or for that matter, a city council or mayor could act in defiance or opposition of an unjust edict by a higher authority.

The lesser-magistrate doctrine became important to Christian men during the Reformation, though it had been spoken of and practiced prior to that by Christians. For example, the Magna Carta was written by a group of barons (lesser-magistrates) who had the tyrant King John of England sign it in the year 1215 at Runneymede, which is located southwest of London.

This great document which stands in defiance of tyranny and oppression by making clear that the State has limitations and that all are subject to the law – people and state officials alike - was penned by Christian men.

Calvin spoke of the lesser-magistrate doctrine in his Institutes of the Christian Religion. Amazingly, he did not appeal to Scripture in his support of it, rather he appealed to pagan historical examples. But other Reformers did give a Scriptural foundation to the doctrine.

John Knox for example, in his Appellation written to the nobles of Scotland in 1558, cites many passages to support the doctrine. Knox wrote his appellation (appeal) to the nobles because the Roman church had condemned him and burned him in effigy. He wrote to declare to the nobles, as lesser-magistrates, their responsibility in protecting the innocent and opposing those who had made unjust decrees.

Knox makes it clear that it is the duty of lesser-magistrates to resist the tyranny of chief magistrates when the chief magistrate exceeds his God-given authority or actually makes declarations which are in rebellion to the law of God.

He exhorts the nobles (lesser-magistrates) in his Appellation, "You are bound to correct and repress whatsoever you know him (the higher magistrate) to attempt expressly repugning to God's word, honor, glory, or what you shall espy him to do against his subjects great or small."

Some of the Scripture texts Knox cites to expound on the lesser-magistrate doctrine are Daniel 3; I Kings 12; II Kings 11; and Jeremiah 26:10-16; 36:9-31; 37:11- 21 & 39:7-10.

The lesser-magistrate doctrine had a huge impact upon the thinking of our founders, and upon our nation's people regarding government and law. We however live in the midst of a statist, slave-like people where such thinking has long been forgotten. The magistrates themselves know nothing of this doctrine today because the pulpits have long been silent regarding it.

If ever this nation needs to understand the lesser-magistrate doctrine, it is now. Immoral and unjust edicts are commonplace. The preborn are being murdered, and sodomy is being proliferated. The assault upon our freedom and liberties is a daily undertaking by those in high office. The attacks upon the law of God are ferocious and relentless.

In our nation today, the State has declared good to be evil and evil to be good. The lesser-magistrate has a duty before God to uphold the good regardless of the new definitions created by the State.

We must remember that all authority is delegated. No man who holds State office rules autonomously. The authority he has is delegated to him by God. Hence, all those in positions of authority stand accountable to God. This is why the practice of the church historically has been – when the State commands that which God forbids or forbids that which God commands, we have a duty to obey God rather than man. The Bible clearly teaches this principle.

The lesser-magistrate is to apply this principle to his office as magistrate. When an unjust edict is made by a higher authority, the lesser-magistrate must choose to either join the higher magistrate in his rebellion against God, or stand with God in opposition to the unjust edict.

As our nation sinks more and more into rebellion and depravity, the lesser-magistrate doctrine needs to be taught more than ever. May the Lord grant us the strength and favor to do so.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sheriff Mack On "Treasure's Lost"

I received the video below from a blogging buddy today and thought y'all might wanna hear this also.

Sheriff Mack is the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona. To quote him from his web site "Right now, it is vital that we restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our own federal government. If America is conquered or ruined it will be from within, not a foreign enemy."

He certainly is a man with courage in my book. I have been so concerned about what's going to happen if/when ACORN or the EPA show up on our property, armed and dangerous. Under the Cap and Trade and other bills, this will be legal! ACORN will also be used to take the Federal Census! ACORN!! The Left hand of the Democratic party. I'm not makin' this stuff up folks. Hubby and I have discussed the possibility of these events at the supper table and decided we are going to fight to defend our homes and lives. We not lawbreakers, never have been, but this is a hill we will die on.

May God richly bless any and all Sheriff's and their officers who will also fight to protect our rights in the coming days ahead. Please feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested. I've burned some to DVD's and will share with our police department.