Friday, August 7, 2009

Funny Friday ~ New Bumper Stickers


  1. I heard there was a black suv with a gov. license tag reading SNITCH going around recording license tags on vehicles with these incendiary bumper stickers. Watch out!

  2. Great ones!!!

    Can you BELIEVE what is going on with the Dems? They must be scared to death to ask people to report anybody who disagrees with their "plan" (ramrod) of a healthcare program. If Bush had done that...well, you can imagine the outcry!


  3. Carey ~ So THAT'S who's in that SUV?? And here I smiled and waved from my Jeep with the tag that says "If I can see you, you're within range".

    Bella ~ Thanks! I'm glad I gave ya a tickle. :)

    Sue ~ Yeah, the "fishy" campaign is such a joke (but I'm not laughing). I've e-mailed them and said all this is unlawful. I suggest others do the same. Shoot, they already know who I am anyway.

    God bless y'all! :))

  4. Thanks for your comment today on my post. I have a reply to it you might find interesting.

  5. ROFL - don't let Obama know what comes after a trillion!

  6. You know these are funny but their not because they are sure makes me sick how our country is falling apart.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell