Thursday, July 9, 2009

Meinhardt Vineyards and Winery

Today, we traveled from our country home to the lovely small town of Statesboro, Georgia about hour and a half north of us. Statesboro is a great town located in Bulloch county is rich in history that goes back as far as 1758.

This trip we took an as yet untraveled backroad, by us, and found a nice winery called Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery. So we stopped and participated a wine tasting. I thought I'd share our photos with y'all tonight.

Hubby tasting his red wine

Eagle Run (white)
I brought 2 bottles of this home.

Meinhardt also sells jellies and syrups

There is a lovely wine tasting area
under a large pergola on the grounds
for large or small groups.

Ah, you caught us leaving
with all our loot! [hic]

Hope you enjoying the tour too. We're gonna make it a point to visit this winery again. They also have an outlet in Savannah, GA, for anyone who may be in the area. That branch is located at 306 West St. Julian Street.

Now I'm sleepy. [yawn]

'Night y'all!

Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery
305 Kennedy Pond Road
Statesboro, GA 30458
(912) 839-2458 Telephone
(912) 839-4017 Fax

Tue, Wed & Thu 11am to 8pm
Friday & Saturday 11am to 10pm

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Less Electricity = New Fee In Missouri

This is one of those "you're not gonna believe this!!"

The residents of Missouri who use less energy than average will be charged a new fee on their utility bills.

The purpose of the fee? Why, to promote using less energy, of course!! Now, would anyone use less energy if one was charged extra for doing so!?


Yeah, de be stoopid, and you can read the whole story here.

"In an insane world, the sane man must appear insane."

Wordless Wednesday (07/08)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Maxine Explains California

Do you know what happened 159 years ago this fall ... back in 1850?

California became a state.
The people had no electricity.
The state had no money.
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.
There were gunfights in the streets.

So basically nothing has changed since then ...
except then the women had real breasts and the men didn't hold hands.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The T.E.A. Party In St. Simons Island, GA

Who knew that Patriotism had so much sex appeal?

My husband and I attended our 2nd T.E.A. Party in St. Simons Island yesterday. It was nice being surrounded by other right-minded, brave people.

I'm glad we made the one hour trip to attend the event and sign petitions being presented to our politians. It is so comforting knowing that many are trying to stem the tide of higher taxes and more government intrusion.

Too bad it was so hot yesterday or we would have stayed longer. There was games for the kiddies, good music and lots of grilled food. YUM! But between husband getting over a bad bout of kidney stones (he was hospitalized last week) and me with my wacky internal temperature gauge, we couldn't stay long. But all-in-all it was a good day.

I hope y'all had a good day too! What did you do yesterday? :o)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Norton Commando Transformer by Steve Twist

This is so clever. Y'all gotta see this. Enjoy!

Happy 4th of July Everyone. :o)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

4th Of July TEA Parties

This 4th of July, as many prepare to celebrate the birth of our Nation, the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Parties are taking place all across our wonderful country. These are our non-violent way of protesting the gangster government. If you're tired of them constantly finding ways of raising taxes and infringing on our God given freedoms, join in the protests.

I fear that we're heading for such a major civil unrest in our country. I keep praying for sanity to prevail. If ObamaCare passes and the Cap and Trade bill passes there will be higher taxes, less freedom, massive unemployment and homelessness.

By the way, did you know that the Cap and Trade bill gives the EPA unprecedented power AND THEY WILL BE ARMED NOW!! The EPA can then come in your home any time unannounced with no warrants or due cause. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. (read here) Gosh, these are such dangerous times.

This insanity has to stop.

Our 'local' TEA Party will be in Saint Simon's Island (Brunswick) at the Gascoigne Park from 11am - 3pm. The Gascoigne Park party is hosted by The Golden Isles TEA Party Patriots. Y'all can find your TEA Party here.

Well, I really hate being hot and I do not seek out crowds. I usually hide all summer until about September or so in the A/C or in water somewhere but I'll suffer for a bit for my country.

I keep reminding myself that our forefathers suffered even worse while fighting the British and in other wars. I can take a little 100 degree heat [sigh] and the press of human flesh for a few hours.

So, hope to see you 'there'! Have a wonderful weekend fellow Patriots!