Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sparky And The Horse

I have had a nice break from typing and posting this month. I hope everyone is having an enjoyable July? We haven't done much of anything except survive. It is unbelievably hot (the heat index is 110 as I 'pen' these words) and incredibly humid in southeastern Georgia. We can barely go outside for the gnats, horseflies, deer-flies, yellow-flies! They are atrocious this year!

We decided to go for a ride this morning anyway. We left early, of course, before the air reached the current unbearable temp. I needed a hair cut anyway, so, a nice little jaunt to the barbershop was in order. Apparently, some of our neighbors had the same idea. There were a lot of people out ... for our area anyway.

As I was cycling down our one-lane country dirt road, I spotted the horses approaching us at a gentle pace also. I slowed my speed as a courtesy, not wishing to cause the horses to become alarmed. My husband very wisely came to a full stop but I soldiered on in first gear, being careful not to make any unnecessary moves. I love horses too but know they can get weird on ya in a moments notice.

As I approached one horse, I glanced at him and noticed he was a young stallion. "Uh oh!" I thought. This is not good. He's not calming down. Suddenly, he turned so that his hind legs were INCHES from my bike! "HOLY CRAP!" flashed through my mind in an instant. He was preparing to KICK me and bike! Thank my precious Lord, the rider was able to calm him and prevent a catastrophe. It happens really quickly on the video. It's at about 3:24 on the timetable.

Well, I'll go back to relaxing for awhile. I had to share this little event. That the closest I'd come to having my life flash before my eyes in a long time.

I pray your summer is a lot less dramatic.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heart To Heart

Our pastor had a heart transplant on Mother's Day. He healed so rapidly and has had no rejections! The hospital released him last Monday so he and wife high-tailed it home the next day. For today, we had planned a big welcome for them at the church. I took my new digital video camera and recorded some of the event.

Please excuse the poor picture quality at the start. I'm still new at this. :)

Pastor said his first sermon since the surgery will be the 3rd Sunday in July. We can't wait!

This is such a blessing for the recipent, of course, and such a tragedy too. We've been praying for the donor's family, that they be comforted and know the peace of believing in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Thank you all for your prayers too.

I hope y'all have a blessed Sunday! :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gopher Tortoise

A mature Gopher Tortoise come up into our yard today. Needlss to say, the dogs were not happy! After they voiced their loud opinions, I locked them inside and helped the tortoise to move on into the woods. They are a protected species.

Gosh, I just love living out here. :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Corrupting The Gospel

May this lend to a better understanding of God's Holy Word that we may all be better witnesses to the lost.

May God bless you in Jesus' name! :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Andrew Klavan on PJ TV: Obama The New Jesus

By Painter Michael D'Antuono
Unveiled Controversial New Work in NYC's
Union Square on Obama's 100th Day in Office

Atlas Shrugs recently had a good article on the Obama blasphemy too.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

ALERT: Global Climate Scam! Please Sign The Petition!

The Obamanation is up to his old tricks but we can STOP HIM by contacting our representatives and congressman. Hurry!! Before it's too late and we've lost our Sovereignty!!

Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty

Please go here to sign the petition! Hurry!! Share this with others and get them to write. Thank you for helping and praying.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sheriff Mack On "Treasure's Lost"

I received the video below from a blogging buddy today and thought y'all might wanna hear this also.

Sheriff Mack is the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona. To quote him from his web site "Right now, it is vital that we restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our own federal government. If America is conquered or ruined it will be from within, not a foreign enemy."

He certainly is a man with courage in my book. I have been so concerned about what's going to happen if/when ACORN or the EPA show up on our property, armed and dangerous. Under the Cap and Trade and other bills, this will be legal! ACORN will also be used to take the Federal Census! ACORN!! The Left hand of the Democratic party. I'm not makin' this stuff up folks. Hubby and I have discussed the possibility of these events at the supper table and decided we are going to fight to defend our homes and lives. We not lawbreakers, never have been, but this is a hill we will die on.

May God richly bless any and all Sheriff's and their officers who will also fight to protect our rights in the coming days ahead. Please feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested. I've burned some to DVD's and will share with our police department.

Thursday, June 4, 2009