Friday, February 2, 2024

Friday Fotos

Good morning! Welcome to Friday Fotos. It's been a quiet week. Mostly one of yard work and errands. Pollen season is early this year which put us on the sidelines temporarily. That's OK. It's part of living. 

I've been burning some of the 10 kazillion leaves that fell last year. Well, first I mulch, then I burn what is excess. Makes the acreage so much more manageable in Spring. 

What was once going to the our Pear Orchard, which didn't pan out for many reasons, has become a problem of excess leaves and too much shade. The dead or dying trees are going to slowly be removed. Steve said that Pear trees wood are good for crafts or furniture. I suppose the larger tree could be milled and used for such. We'll see if we go that route. Might simply burn it all and move on. I'm so ready for Spring this year. I've already gotta list of flowers I want to plant all over the property. Now that we're almost totally carnivores there's not much need for vegetables anymore. I like this way of living. My body and pocket book agree with it. 

Yesterday we stopped by our local Southern Sippin' in Blackshear for the weekly sugar-free Frozen Frappe'. That's my weekly "milkshake". 

We're going shopping today, I think. The weather is lovely but I can't keep up the physical labor day after day like Once Upon A Time. There have to be days of rest in between or I'll pay for it with too many aches and pains. 

I'll leave y'all with a funny or two. I hope your day is special, bright, and full of good news. Thanks for stopping by.

Calvin and Hobbes

Ride Safe.


  1. I've got a lone pear tree. The neighbor behind me had one.
    They don't always cross pollinate (good pollen๐Ÿ˜).
    Then a storm took the top of it off.
    It will probably come down in the fall if it doesn't fare well this summer. Not a fat trunk. I can't imagine milling it.

  2. We had to euthanize our pear tree last year but you know, my eyes still fall on that barren spot; months later I'm still looking for inspiration what to plant.
    Calvin and Hobbs never fail to make me smile!

  3. Ha!!! That swollen eye one makes me laugh because I feel like that's how I look so often.
    Calvin is always funny.
    That's a really nice picture of you and Steve.
    Sorry about the pear trees. I'm so ready for Spring too. When I left work it was 40 degrees and the sun was shining. Happy Day!

  4. I hear you with the aches and pains. It’s par for the course as we age. Some days are better than others. You’ve been busy with all the burning. We haven’t started yet with any heavy duty yard work yet due to the rain. Husband did mow the lawn the other day.
    Allergies are no fun and when you like being outside and gardening it can be miserable. I’m not familiar with pear wood. Well heck any tree is wood… you just don’t hear of it. Have a great weekend and God bless you!

  5. ugh, this pollen is something you a beautiful day friend.

  6. What a great blog, Sparky! I'm so glad you reached out to me so I could, in turn, subscribe to yours. Yes, as we get older, we truly have to give ourselves those needed breaks from hard work. It's good to rest here and there, to let our bodies adequately heal.
    No pollen up here in Kennesaw yet, but that day will arrive all too soon.
    Blessings, new friend!

  7. I haven't noticed the pollen here yet. We should be a bit ahead of you, but perhaps that's not how it works. The Department of Forestry has been doing burns on our property over the last week or so. They do it on the days we are closed to the public but the smoke is in the air and staff still has to work. At least I am in the office. The guys are out and about. I enjoyed your photos and the funnies, Pamela!!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell