Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Blessings


Ms. Terri in Florida mentioned she couldn't get into the Sunday Stealing this week either, so, here I am being a repeat parrot. 

I had to skip Sunday School and Church today due to an ongoing health issue (yeah, it's the IBS again because I'm a BIG DUMMY and can't leave the dairy alone). So, I pray everyone's Sunday is special and bright. Me and Mag's the rescue dog are gonna sit here and enjoy listening to the heater run.

Ride Safe,


  1. I'm skipping church today as well -- not b/c of IBS; rather, my attitude needs a tune-up. Love to listen 'live' on FB while still in my ugly clothes. Happy Sunday!

    1. I know I shouldn't but that made me giggle. *grin* I'm in "ugly" clothes too but so my tummy won't hurt. Hope the tune-up works. Have a blessed day!

  2. Ha, I’m not going either. I had what you had but not from dairy. Hope you’re feeling better.

    1. Thanks. Oh no! Sorry, didn't mean to rub off on anyone. I pray your IBS is short lived and you can learn what caused it. Eating anything leafy can give that too me as well. Prayers for us both to feel better. xx

  3. I'm sorry all of you (Commenters included) aren't feeling well. I'm fine and made it to church today!
    Hope you all feel better!

    1. You're so sweet. Thank you for the warm thoughts. I'm so glad YOU are feeling better! Have a wonderful afternoon. xx

  4. I'm with Mari, and went to Sunday school and church today. So very sorry so many of you weren't feeling well as the day dawned. Hoping you feel better soon and can enjoy the week ahead!! Blessings!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell