Monday, April 28, 2014

How Obama Is Slowly Ruining America #coal #energy #healthcare

I remember warning everyone that would listen about Obama in 2009. He absolutely HATES America. Hands down. He wants all Americans, especially whites and Jews, dead and in hell with all the other 'infidels'. He's an evil, vile man. Please share this video with others. And pray for a 'velvet revolution' that will return us to our Christian values.

Thank you.

h/t Geeeeez!


  1. Glad you posted this, too.
    It really needs to be seen by more and more people!
    Blessings, Z

  2. We need Christians who are Christians in more than church attendance, Pam. So many people hold down a pew but haven't a clue what the Bible says about anything much less specific issues. If they did, we'd not have 50M+ abortions, etc. I despise the current administration and all their ilk; may God pass judgement on them SOON.

  3. Nothing obama has done or is planning to do is a shock or surprise to us who were paying attention. He IS an 'evil and vile man' and what worries me is, what does that say about the majority of people who elected him? Here's to praying for that revolution.

  4. This is what happens when the media caters to low information voters...

    And I would not characterize his deconstruction of America as "slowly", but that's just me...

  5. I don't understand politics. I know that I'm not for a president who doesn't stand for Israel, God's people. He scares me.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell