Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama's New Radical "Regulatory Czar"

We heard about this far out looney toon on the Glenn Beck show tonight. This nut case thinks that a chicken should have it's own lawyer and be able to sue! I quote "...believes that in taking steps to promote litigation on behalf of animals ..." I'm not kidding. He believes that eating meat should be banned, that hunting should be banned, that cosmetic testing should be banned and it goes on and on! It pains me to see that Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) released his hold on Cass's confirmation!

"Hey, Saxby, YOU ARE SO GONE!!! Start packing your office Bubba because we are gonna kick out OUT OF OFFICE!"

This guy is so crazy he should be in the nut house. "He is the gatekeeper between the president and the secretaries," he said, noting that "as a regulatory czar, he won't be a judge or a legislator, so he cannot make laws. ... What he can do is nudge the departments in the direction of his philosophy," which is very much in line with "hard core animal rights zealots."

And get this scary little scenerio ... if another Justice retires, Cass Sunstein is in the line up to be on the Supreme Court! He would be one of the ruling masters of the land.

Here's a couple of articles on Cass Sustein: Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

Please y'all keep praying, calling, writing, and protesting. Hope to see ya 9-12 at a Tea Party!!


  1. I posted about this guy awhile back...remember this post?

    I tell you, the people B.O. surrounds himself with are scary. And in his speech tonight he said Obamacare won't cut services to Seniors and won't fund abortions...


  2. The only ban should be on these ridiculous and feather legged czars and clowns running amuck in D.C.. "Hey Cass, I want my chicken fried to a deep golden brown and a side order of slaw,so sue me!"

  3. Prayers are constantly lifted, TRUST ME! We have all these nut jobs out there screwing up everything for our country & destroying our constitution. TTFN ~Marydon

  4. Shining the light of truth on these lunatics that infest this administration will eventually turn the tide of public opinion. Van Jones is just the first.

  5. Believing in an animal having an attorney and the right to sue humans is ludicrous...but so wacky it makes him seem clownish. The scariest thing about this guy is that he also believes that our internal organs, yours and mine, belong to the government and that the government should be invested with the right to take them as donor organs when the government deems it necessary... with or without our consent. I heard him actually say that in a sound bite on some political commentator's show last night...hmmmm.. was it Greta or Hannity...and nearly fell through our 130 year old floorboards.

    This has slid very quickly into a serious situation where blogging back and forth isn't enough. We all need to step it up and get our voices heard by a greater audience. I say we put Pappy on the radio.

    By the way... thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Sue ~ That's right, you did. It was a good post too. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the evil doings of this Administration.

    Carey ~ I'm with you Carey!

    Marydon ~ I know, there are so many wonderful Christians 'out there' praying and being good Patriots. I appreciate all of y'all so very much.

    Wiregrass ~ Thanks Sweetie. You're absolutely right. And I couldn't do this without your wonderful support. Thank you.

    mom/caryn ~ This whole thing with this Administration is so insane. I have never seen such a blatant disregard for natural laws as this bunch.
    I enjoyed visiting your blog. It's very nice. Thanks for popping by mine!

    God bless! :)


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell