I thought y'all would like a nice change of pace today.
The poem below was written by a distant Sweat family cousin of mine. She's a very nice lady what lives in Florida.
Linda submitted this fun poem to the Elder Story Telling. The web site accepts submissions from anyone over 50. Their instructions are briefly "All elders, 50 and older, are welcome to submit stories for this blog. They can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, memoir, etc." If you leave one there, let me know. I'd like reading it too.
Hurricane Lily
By Linda Ann Davis
Dancing in the wind at summer’s end
Twas a lily, bright orangish red
With up-curved stamens that bend,
Makes spider-like bloom, it is said.
Why is it named Hurricane?
A lily that was meant to be
Born in rushing wind, flooding rain,
So very beautiful to see.
Created by the Master one day.
To celebrate this fierce season
Exotic African bloom mapped its way
As category-storms come a breezin’
Soon the end of summer’s heat,
All the flowers are now faded.
The gardener’s hoe, he does seek,
For dead lilies are sadly dated.
What a pretty poem. Thanks for sharing that and I remember having those lilies when I lived in AL. An older brother/sister lived next door and shared the bulbs with me! Hope you two are doing ok and have a nice, peaceful weekend. We've had lots of thunderstorms tonight.