Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dis 'N Dat

Sweetie finally finished up all his visits to the Physical Therapist for the rotator cuff surgery. (Everybody sing ... Hallelujah! I say it's time to go riding on 2 wheels.)

I squeezed in a much needed haircut. (Really, Wendy, you did a super job and you're right next door. You've gotta a new customer now gal.)

Had a puncture in the car's rear tyre (that's for you soulbrush ... lol). (Oh, boy, I really love spending an extra $250 that wasn't budgeted this month ... heavy sigh).

Drove 2 hours one way to Midway to save money on a new tire, then 2 hours home. (Does that make sense with high gas prices? Actually, it does, we saved over $100 doing this.)

Looked at more property for our next dream home. (This may actually be an improvement ... NOT!)

Had internet problems all week. Local phone company putting in new DSL and it's down more than up! (OK, Alma Telephone, you have to do better than that for $35 a month. It's enough to get a saint riled!)

And, in between, I'm still surveying the cemetery in Waycross for family genealogy's. (This is my pet project and I am having fun.) :o)

So, it's just been fun, fun, fun all week.
And, that's me, I've run out of time.

CYA later friends! Have a great weekend! God bless ya each and everyone! ♥ ∞


  1. Fun the 'flat' reindeer... heehee....

    You picked good illustrations to go with your narrative....the new hairdo looks fabbo!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. What a fab haircut Sparky! ;-o) Have a great weekend! I'm sure next week will be better! Take care!

  3. ha ha what glad that sweetie's had his last therapy, now he needs to keep moving and stretching the shoulder every day, not over doing it...been there, know the drill, slowly and certainly are on a high....hope it's catchy, i need some of it too. your posts are such a giggle!

  4. That was a fun, fabulous post!!! (My hubby had rotator cuff surgery two years ago. Not fun.)

    Thanks for the chuckles!!!!!

  5. Hallelujah is right! Yea!!!! Your choice of pics today was right on! ha ha ha


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell