Monday, September 29, 2008

What's Your Favorite Cartoon(s)?

I admit it. I love cartoons! I'm a cartoonacholic. :o) It doesn’t matter if they’re animated or in the newspaper.

My favorite newspaper cartoons are:
Andy Capp
Beetle Bailey
Dennis The Menace
For Better Or For Worse
Get Fuzzy
Grand Ave
Hagar The Horrible
Non Sequitur
Snuffy Smith
Wizard Of Id

I read those nearly every day in our local Georgia Times-Union.

I don't like most of the new cartoons so most of my favorite animated cartoons are considered ‘old’ (1950ish-1980ish):
Count Duckula (UK)
Daffy Duck
Family Guy
Foghorn Leghorn
Ren and Stimpy
The Simpsons
Tom and Jerry
Twitty Bird and Sylvester

Count Duckula
So, what are your favorite animated and/or newspaper cartoons? ♥ ∞


  1. I love love love cartoons, too! I love Shoe and the Lockehorns, and ALL OF THEM.

    thanks! I'll be back soon!

  2. I have such sweet memories of my daddy reading me the comics on Sunday morning while I was getting ready for church. Cartoons put a smile on your face and who could not love that! Nowadays some get to political for me. I like the funny ones. Blondie and Dagwood were always getting into some kind of dilema. Neat post!

  3. gosh, i am not a cartoonaholic at all, but i do like 'peanuts' and 'andy capp'

  4. For my all-time favorite cartoon, I'd have to go with the Simpsons, but I like a lot of them.

    My current favorite, since Simpsons has been dropping in quality for so long, would probably be American Dad.

    As for comics, I have lots of favorites, but I think The Far Side is the best there'll ever be.

  5. My favorite television cartoon was a tie between the Flintsones and Yogi Bear and BooBoo too!

    My favorite newspaper cartoon was Calving and Hobbes!

  6. Oh, I used to LOVE Foghorn Leghorn when I was little! My dad's fav was the Roadrunner. I was so surprised to find out those were real birds! I think Rocky and Bullwinkle was my favorite. I got hooked on Dilbert when i was getting my business degree. Hello, by the way! I wandered over from someone else's blog to say hi.


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell