Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mum's The Word

My Three Mothers
Click To Enlarge
I've touched on this subject before so I won't bore my dear listeners again. All my Mother's are with Jesus. I will just add that we don't know the time nor the season when we shall be called Home. One day our loved ones may not be here to talk to anymore. Mine sure where gone in the blink of an eye.

With that said, I hope every mother out there in bloggyland has a wonderful day.

God bless. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

60th Annual National Day Of Prayer

Tomorrow, May 5th, is the 60th Annual National Day of Prayer.

One can search for a place to meet with other like-minded believers here. With all our very important requests and gracious "thank you's" to our Lord, please remember to pray for our nation and it's leaders. We have truly immoral, evil leadership. But as I think on this, I realize that our leaders are merely a reflection of our own immorality. Our nation is becoming like the fig tree that Jesus cursed and it withered. Perhaps our Lord Jesus will have mercy on us if we are of one mind and with one voice, have contrition and ask for forgiveness and His help.

Have a blessed day everyone.

"I will say to the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Psalm 91:2