Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Day After Christmas

πŸŽ„Through mutual consent by all the family, our Christmas was today. It's been a nice day of tasty treats, new memories, laughter and renewed strong connections. I love these folks greatly. That love doesn't come naturally for me. It's the love of Jesus Christ that's put that there. With the renewing of my spirit I pray often that we may all lived closer to one another again some day. Hopefully, very, very soon, some of our other treasured kin will be living in our little county here in Georgia. The plan is that presently Steve's sister and her family will be quitting South Florida for good. Can't wait! 

πŸŽ„These are from yesterday. It was just me and Steve. 

πŸŽ„That's it for now. I'm bone tired. Gotta go get comfortable before I fall down, maybe watch one of my British or Irish flicks, and open that new bottle of bubbly. 

πŸŽ„I pray everyone had an enjoyable day too. Thanks for stopping by. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas

 πŸŽ„From our house to yours πŸŽ„

(comments turned off so we may all enjoy the day) πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’•

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Changes


1. Who did you spend time with this year?  Lots of people. I do get out, πŸ˜’ occasionally, you know. πŸ˜ƒ

2. Anything change with the pets in your life?

Thankfully, no. Got the same three doggies I've had for 4 years: Maggie (tan), Sam and Jack. As you can see, they're terribly neglected ... πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ 

3. What was your job like this year? What do you do? Did any roles or assignments change? If you aren’t employed, base this question on your work at home or volunteering. Nope, no jobs. I'm still retired. Yes, I'm rubbing it in.  😁

4. What was the best book you read this year? How many did you read?  I read so many books, I really couldn't chose. I've enjoyed them all. 

5. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Did you feel differently?  We drove over to Darien, Georgia on the coast for fresh fried shrimp and all the trimmings. I did feel a little older this year. Tired, mostly, but it could be because of aging bones. One does get terribly tired. 

6. What political or social issue stirred you the most?  A better question might be what didn't "stir" my ire the most!? Until I watched the film Sound Of Freedom and started listening to those on the front lines, I didn't know that s*x slavery was so prevalent. Our Government is evil folks. Top to bottom. The borders are being left open to keep trading in human flesh (especially innocent children) and also to bring in the sleeper cells of Muslims and anarchy to terrorize us when the time is right. I'm glad I live in a part of America that we still conceal carry 24/7, pray daily and protect our neighbors. The forces of darkness are in for a big surprise if they try that business here. 

7. Who was the most interesting new person you met?  I think everyone is interesting. For real. We all have something to offer, don't ya think?  😍

8. What changed in your home?  The Dust Bunnies got moved around. πŸ˜‚ That's about it.  

9. What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts)  Can be a new skill or a life lesson.  I've had several epiphany's after studying God's Word. When we ask to have something in His word to be revealed, He shares His wisdom for our benefit and instruction. I'm so grateful for that because I have a lot to learn. 

10. What was your favourite outfit for warm weather? Cooler weather?  What do you wear when you dress up? Any new clothes or accessories you really love?  I wear whatever's appropriate for the season and my modesty. I'm old but I am into comfort. Mustn't show too much skin.  πŸ‘€πŸ˜ Don't wanna gross anyone out.  πŸ˜…

11. Did you make or give up on any efforts to be healthier? Diet, water, exercise etc?  My husband Steve and I have been eating Keto (no sugar/low carbs) since late 2019. Every day is a healthy day for us now. No need for all that fad stuff that doesn't work anyway. I was a sugar addict. It's a deadly drug, you know. It's so nice not to have blood sugar "crashes" with all the infections, colds nor 'flu, plantar fasciitis, gray skin, etc. anymore. I sleep better from losing so much weight, clothes feel better, and many other benefits. 

12. Fave meals, snacks, desserts, restaurants etc? Eat out or eat in?  We eat at home 99.9% of the time for financial reasons and also because our food just tastes better than what most restaurants can make. Also, this way we have more control of what goes into our bodies. None of the meat we buy has the Fauci/Gates bioweapon in it. And we defintely will not "eat ze bugs". All our purchases are from local farmers who are just as concerned about that as we are. I like eating at home. 

13. Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favourite thing you made?  Because of advancing arthritis I can't work my crafts anymore. I do miss that terribly. At least I can still be a keyboard jockey.  🀣🀣

14. What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?  (Some suggestions-family, travel, work, lifestyle, hobbies, pets, appearance) 

Geez, you're making me think *lol* ... I wouldn't mind traveling to western South Carolina in the Fall again and touring the Revolutionary War sites. That was fun. It is so pretty there. 

15. What was the best new/new-to-you thing you a) bought b) made c) acquired in some other way?  Buying new clothes because I've lost so much weight! Steve has to as well. I've gone from a size 2X to a size 14 and I'm still losing. Salvation Army has benefited from us losing with all our contributions. 

Well, as y'all can see, I'm back on Blogger. Now I gotta figure out how to change things here again. πŸ˜‰ So, that's a Change, right? My reason for leaving Wordpress is I had so few "followers" there it became discouraging to even post. I like it when the folks that stop by leave a comment. Please do drop a line if you don't mind? If I'm not already I will follow back on your blog. Thanks.  πŸ’“πŸ’•

Love & Hugs and ...

Pamela (your blog host) 😎 & Steve

Friday, June 3, 2016

We've Moved

Anyone a fan of the “Flip or Flop” or “Fixer Upper” shows on HGTV? (I swear, if I hear “Oh Wow” one more time I’m gonna slap someone.) They make all the reno’s seem so easy, don’t they? In reality, they’re not, of course. I’ve built a house and know how insane it can get.

Sometimes my life fits in the category of their home renovations: mid-century, things I don’t care to mention in polite company are sagging, nothing matches, the whole structure is in desperate need of remodeling, has potential but will be pricey to update. I’ve learned something from those shows. Almost anything can be fixed. And life is a learning curve. One should always be ready for a change.

Speaking of learning curves, I think it's time for me to change blogs.

About July 2014, I created what was suppose to be a mirror blog at Wordpress. After many failed attempts to get it “just right”, I gave up. Either they've improved the site or I've improved because this time I finally figured out all the quirky buttons and such. Wordpress does seem to work better than Blogger. And since Blogger is aggravating the stew poopie out of me again, it’s time to unclutter my life.

Unless things change, again, I am going to begin blogging at Wordpress. Hopefully, Wordpress won’t drive me nuts also. I am a bit impatient. Just a bit. *lol*

Oh, and I will not delete this blog because it has too much of my heart and soul poured into it but after awhile I will turn off all comments just so some spammer doesn’t grind my gears.

Thank you for your patience and for continuing to follow my scatty ramblings. I'm truly blessed to have so many friends.

Please Follow My Thoughts Exactly at Wordpress

Have a blessed day!

Monday, May 30, 2016