Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Setting The Cruise Control

Ok, things have suddenly gotten crazy hectic around here. With my husband pre-cooking many items that need to be chilled, me washing up, cleaning the house, running errands and now I've injured my right hip again! Bummer. Anyway, I'm going to put the blog on cruise and concentrate on the Holiday.

Here's wishing everyone in my bloggy world a very Happy Thanksgiving, even the dear ones across the pond. Wish you could join us here in the States. You'd be more than welcome at our table.

From my house to yours, stay safe and have a lovely rest of the week. Be chatting with you all soon!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Double Heaping Of Blessings Hodpodge

The giblets are simmering.

This year, we get to have two Thanksgivings. The 'free' turkey won at the local IGA has already thawed, so, husband said, "Better cook it now." Works for me! I never turn down those kinds of lovely smells. The Jack Russell Terrorists, especially Jack, haven't left the throw rug sitting near the stove all morning. He's such a moocher. There will be  the traditional cornbread stuffing, homemade turkey gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, and mashed sweetened yams for dessert. There's probably more but I've drooled on the keyboard and have to stop to clean it up. *grin* Yum yum!

For the official day, we've been invited to our local dear friend's home for another happy repast. By the end of this week my belly will look like an overfed turkey. Guess I'd better steer clear of the woods. *lol*
El Cheapo Telephone Stand

Last Friday, my husband bought an antique telephone stand for only $19 at a local auction. This little number is solid wood, very well made. He's been refinishing and repairing the table as the weather permits all weekend. There's really plenty of furniture for our tiny living room but I wanted a small table next to the love seat. Fits nicely, don't ya think?

And it's finally cooled off in our neck of the woods. The sky is a deep blue, the air fresh and crisp. It's so pretty today. I think I'll start raking all the Long Leaf Pine needles that the wind left us this weekend. They would add a nice touch around the roses bed.

I hope everyone is having a good day and will be able to enjoy the holiday with family and friends. Thank you for visiting with me today.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pining For A Pantry

It's been a hoopla of activity in our neck of the woods with yet another 'remodeling' project for our almost 24 year old home. (I blame the new hormones ... they're working splendidly, much to my husbands chagrin!) Next to the last thing to be changed was the pantry I've been pining for. OK, here's a brief history of the house for the newbies: this room started out as the laundry but because it leads into the carport, it migrated into a sort of impromptu front door for the neighbors. My fellow country friends will understand why. Anywho, now that the carport is looking so lovely, I just couldn't have folks weaving past dog smells and clutter before entering the house plus our kitchen is teeny tiny with very little cabinet space. Thus, the pantry idea.


First, we sold the coffin style deep freezer on Craigslist. You know, that thing sold in two hours!? I had no idea freezer's where so popular. It was taking up way too much real estate for just the two of us, and since it was still in excellent working order, we where able to obtain a top dollar resale price.

Next, purchased a smaller upright frost free freezer on sale (my favorite word!). Whilst at Lowe's purchased a single door white cabinet with lots of shelves and matching coat hooks. Moved all the dog items to the left hand side of the room (in the back). We are so organized now.

Voila! Just add food.

Sam III was cool with the whole renovation thing, but his brother Jack was totally freaked out. Someone moved his cheese! I found him cowering in my office with a shattered look on his face. Poor little guy. Several dog cookies, a chew bone and hugs later he was much improved.

The, hopefully, last scheduled remodel is the guest bedroom or The Blue Room, as I call it. The new flooring is purchased, so, we're all set. All that remains is removing and disposing of the 23+ year old carpet. I think that should wait until after Thanksgiving. The older I get, the longer it takes to recover from all this 'fun'. *lol*