Friday, November 9, 2012

I Am Confused

Anyone else having trouble with, and are confused by, the "new not so improved" blogger? I SURE AM! As anyone who visits my blog lately (does anyone still visit??) has noticed, the right hand side of my blog now seems to reside at the bottom!! And I haven't changed anything except their templates.

Or is this problem just my computer? Maybe I should clean out my cookies or something? Which reminds me, there are some cookies in the cabinet ... opps, better not go there! [lol]

Anyway, I don't like this new blogger format.

I did sign up with WordPress "just in case" but I have found using their format even more confusing.

I'm also very confused by the election outcome, and I'm tired of thinking about it. It's amazing how destructive greedy stupid people are en masse.

Looks like my gut feeling was right: THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC IS OFFICIALLY DEAD. Most people want free stuff more than care where it comes from, or who has to pay for it. More people would rather be told what to think, than think for themselves. More people care more about the cult of personality than the rule of law.

Face it, we're screwed. America has passed the point of no return. The Constitution is dead. Sorry, Lord--we had our chance and we pissed it away. I humbly beg of You that we may learn from this failure and get it right the next time, whenever -- or if ever--that may be.

Prepare, pray and lock and load, y'all.

Aw, well, I'll worry about the blog layout and other things after the surgery. Oh, which reminds me, the Thoracic outlet syndrome surgery has been planned for November 27th at the local hospital. The doctor has to actually remove one of my ribs in order for the neck artery to become unblocked.

I think I'll spend my timing worrying about that instead. For now, anyway.

Monday, November 5, 2012

You'd Think After Four Years I Would Be Ready

You'd think after four years of sharing the truth about Obama and his lies, I'd have a really bang up blog post ready. Well, I don't. I feel almost frozen with anticipation about the results. Truly, in my heart of hearts, I "feel" that this will be a landslide win for Romney/Ryan, which, I pray with all my might, is a good thing. Looking at the history of Mittens, I don't know if he's a good thing or not. But for sure almost anyone has to be an improvement over the last four years of this hell-bent for destruction Obamanation. The more I listen to Obama, the more I see that his father is the Father Of All Lies. Obama, et. el. truly hates America. He and his unholy followers especially hate the Holy Bible and our Constitution.

But back to the election results, I'm as nervous as a cat with nine tails in a room full of rocking chairs!

I pray that all those who love our country has, or will, vote by tomorrow. Because "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." [Edmund Burke] Please don't be one of the nothing crowd. It's important to vote!

So, unless something promising comes up, meet you Wednesday evening folks. Maybe by then there will be good news that Obama, his nauseating sycophants and his unconstitutional 'laws' will be sent packing back to the pits of hell from which he crawled up from. Then maybe our Country can get back to the business of being in business.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

All laughing aside, we're sending all our thoughts and prayersto the folks dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Hope y'all recover quickly and can ride again soon.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Funny Friday ~ Golf

A woman was playing golf when she took a big swing and fell.

The party waiting behind her was a group from the White House that included President Obama and Vice President Biden.

Obama quickly stepped forward and helped her to her feet. She thanked him and started to leave, when he said, "I'm President Obama and I hope you'll vote for me this November."

She laughed and quickly replied, "I fell on my butt, not on my head!"

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sticking My Neck Out (Again)

Herman For some time now I've been suffering from mysterious right shoulder and neck pain. I'm also suffering from unexplained temporary vision loss. Needless to say, I've been to doctor after doctor seeking treatment.

Some doctors have recommended therapy [Ehhhh, wrong answer! Just made it worse!]. Others recommended mind bending drugs [DEFINITELY a wrong answer!]. One even said, "Well, you have a trigger muscle. Learn to live with it."

Today, I gave yet one more doctor a try, a vascular surgeon. Well, let me back up, I gave one more Neurologist a try one month ago. After multiple tests, lots of hmmmm's and ah haw's, he suggested that I might have Subclavian Steal Syndrome.

"Oh Boy!" I thought, "Someone who takes me seriously and has a legitimate suggestion." He had even called his vascular surgeon friend and over the phone they came up with this diagnosis.

I was absolutely giddy with joy! FINALLY, someone had a diagnosis for my pain.

Today, after more on-hands, visual tests with the vascular surgeon, he shot my balloon right out of the air. Now it seems I may have Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.


Back to square one. [very heavy sigh] Now I need to have yet more tests to be performed at a local hospital. More precious time spent running back and to. Spending more money we should be saving during this economic Depression. And I still hurt. This seems to be dragging on and on and on and on. I have wept all afternoon. I felt so discouraged and abandoned.

Then, I happened upon this in our local paper:

Billy Graham - My Answer

Q: I have terrible pain all the time from a bad back, and the doctors can’t seem to do anything about it (except to prescribe strong drugs, which I don’t want to get hooked on). What good is God to me, if He won’t relieve my pain? Is it wrong for me to ask Him to take it away? — J. McS.

A: No, it isn’t wrong for you to ask God to bring healing to your body and take away your pain. Chronic pain is a terrible burden, and the Bible encourages us to bring all our burdens to God in prayer. But if your pain stays with you, I urge you not to get angry with God or turn away from Him in bitterness or disappointment.

Instead, I pray that your pain will cause you to turn toward God and draw closer to Him, so you can discover His strength and presence. In spite of your present feelings about Him, God has not abandoned you; He loves you and wants to encourage you. The Bible’s promise is true: “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalm 145:18).

Think of it this way. In your letter, you mentioned that you are married, and although your wife can’t take away your pain, her presence has been a source of great comfort and encouragement to you. In a similar way, knowing that God cares for you and is constantly with you will bring you great comfort and encouragement.

Bring your burdens — including your pain — to Jesus, and ask Him to encourage you and help you keep your eyes on eternity.

The Bible says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall” (Psalm 55:22).
I sure needed to hear that today! Plus, I made mental notes of all my blessings instead of focusing in on the failures and the seemingly endless medical adventures I've been on these past years. I have a lot to be thankful for. Now I feel better. God sure works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?! :)

I hope this encourages others to not give up too. Remember, you are LOVED!

Besides, it reminds me of that old saying, "Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out."

I just hope I don't get it chopped off.

[tee hee]

Monday, October 1, 2012

Obama Is The Bump In The Road To Prosperity

Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco
h/t Legal Insurrection

The article below was found at: The Jawa Report with [my comments] included.

Please send this to all of your Obama supporting friends and acquaintances. The graph represents the labor participation rate for the past 10 years. As you can see, when Obama took office 65.7% of adults were working. Today, that number has decreased to 63.5%
Put another way, about 4 million fewer people are working today than when Obama took office. [PS, With no hope in sight if he is not kicked out of office!] And as you can also see, since Obama's "recovery" began there are even fewer people working then in the worst of the recession he inherited. [Admittedly, George W. Bush was a lousy President, but not this bad, and at least he doesn't hate America like Barry.]

The unemployment rate is defined as people looking for work divided by the number of people actually working. The one and only reason unemployment has "dropped" from the recession high is that far fewer people are looking for work today. [AND, a lot of people are underemployed.]

Obama inherited a bad economy. No one is arguing that he didn't.

But Obama's policies have made it worse. Fewer people have jobs, incomes are down, government has grown unchecked, the debt has skyrocketed, the economy is growing at the speed of a crawl, and the US is less prestigious in the world. [Add: the "peace loving" Islam degenerates are out of control, murdering and torturing even more innocent people ... etc. etc.]

He (Obama) is an utter failure. Empirically the worst President in modern history by all fair and objective measurements.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Please remember the 40 Days of Prayer and pray that this godless atheist is soon kicked out of the White House.