Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shout Out: Pappy's Place Article

Just a short diddy today.

Y'all gotta read this today over a Pappy's Place titled "Quit Treading On Me". It's my thoughts exactly!! If you're not one of his 'followers' already, please consider doing so. This is just one of many thought provoking articles he's written. Pappy is a true Patriot.

Enjoy! :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Three Things: Mostly Healthcare Debate

This evening, I just received a notification from my local Representative, Jack Kingston (R-GA):

Confirmed: Both House, Senate Democratic Bills Increase Health Care Costs
December 14th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Last Friday, the Obama Administration dropped a bombshell - admitting in a memo that the Senate's government takeover of health care would increase the cost of health care. This is just the latest report which confirms that both the House and Senate health care bills don't bend the cost curve down as the President and his Democratic allies in Congress have repeatedly claimed.
Richard S. Foster, the chief actuary of the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said Friday that under Mr. Reid's bill national health spending from 2010 to 2019 would total $35.5 trillion. That is $234 billion, or 0.7 percent, more than the amount projected under current law, he added¦ Republicans said Mr. Foster's report confirmed what they had been saying for months.

The Obama Administration has already admitted that the House health care bill will increase health care costs. In an October memo from the Obama Administration's Chief Actuary for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Richard Foster, estimated that Total national health expenditures under [H.R. 3200] would increase by an estimated 2.7 percent in calendar year 2019. Over the next 10 years, CMS predicts overall national health expenditures will jump by 2.1 percent, or $750.3 billion. And the independent, non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agreed with the CMS analysis, as the Washington Post noted recently: the House bill, the CBO said, would push federal spending higher.

So what do the Democrats' health care bills actually accomplish? The following chart makes it plain: the Democrats are aiming for a government takeover of health care, and both the House and Senate bills would accomplish that goal.


And, I received the following information from Georgia Conservatives In Action.

This bogus 'health care' bill, if it passes and if it still has the Public Option, will cost married couples unbelievable amounts of money in premiums.

Marriage Penalty Hidden in Health Care Reform.

For instance, in the House version, an unmarried couple each making $30,000 a year would pay $1,320 combined each year for private health insurance. If that couple chose to marry, their premium would jump to $12,000 a year, a difference of $10,680.

I can't afford THAT!! Who can? I guess they'll just have to arrest me for not having insurance which I already have from retirement. Gosh, what a mess!!!

(NOTE 9:32PM: Atlas Shrugs claims that the Public Option and Medicare Buy-In are dead. Let's hope and pray that everything else is soon DEAD too!)


And, finally DeMint warns of 'emergency rally'
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is putting Capitol Hill on a "Code Red" alert Tuesday in an effort to stop the Senate's health care reform legislation.

I think he's calling for a march on Capital Hill tomorrow! Works for me. I say we need a real old-fashioned revolt.

In closing:

These heinous legislations have crawled up from the pits of hell and are spewing out of the mouth of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid monster. Throw in Cap & Trade, the EPA's power hungry grab, etc. and we are headed for a real show-down. I pray that none of these unconstitutional bills pass. It will wreck havoc on our already fragile economy and possibly cause another Civil War.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Rasmussen Early Christmas Gift

No wonder the Demoncrats hate the Rasmussen polls. They leave out the bozos who don’t bother voting. In other words, they only want to tally people who are registered voters and thus might actually have some effect on election outcomes. How elitist of Rasmussen to leave out the lazy. How dare they!? Obviously he hasn’t read the Demoncrat cheat sheet: everybody counts, even those who don’t know jack squat and can’t bother getting up out of the chair to vote.

On the other hand, I can see their point: with ACORN around to raise the dead for voting, the Demoncrats don’t need to bother with reality. Fraud is so much more reassuring and predictable.

Well, good news folks, The Rasmussen polls show that the Obamanation's popularity is plummeting like a rock.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.

Today is the second straight day that Obama’s Approval Index rating has fallen to a new low. Prior to the past two days, the Approval Index had never fallen below -15 during Obama’s time in office.

Looks like the The Great Unwashed (as I'm sure politicans refer to us as) are starting to really pay attention. I guess it took 17% of the population being unemployed, numerous tax increases, and the threat of rationed healthcare to wake 'em up. Well, whatever. I'm glad folks are getting on board. Welcome to the fray y'all!

And thanks Rasmussen for telling the truth! This makes me very, very happy ... :)


Friday, December 11, 2009

Honda’s CB Twister Motorcycle

Honda CB Twister

It's hard to tell from my blog, but the majority of my life does not revolve around politics. Most of the time I talk about anything with 2 wheels.

In fact, happily most of our life revolves around motorcycles.

I just had to share this one with y'all.

My husband found an article on the Honda CB Twister while perusing one of his favorite websites Motorcycle News. The bike is a 110cc single-cylinder and sells for about £550 (if my currency convertor is accurate, that's about $803.74 in American money). And at 186 mpg, this little number is a cheap date. It's really popular in India:

"In the first quarter of this year, for example, Honda sold 1,118,987 bikes India."

It's not fair, they get all the cool bikes overseas. :)


Funny Friday

This image is an unauthorised alternation
of original photograph by Ted Szukalski

Shoe Polish - $25.00
The Liar & Cheat On His Knees Again - Priceless

(At least he finally found an occupation that fits his job qualifications)

Hat tip to Pappy

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Thoughts And A Humble Prayer Request

Jesus answered "I am the way, the truth and the Life.
No man comes unto the Father except by Me .." (John 14:6)

Our country is in a terrible quagmire. We have no strong, moral leadership. Our country is historically and spiritually in it's "feet of clay" (Daniel 2:31-32). True, it could get worse. Cap and Trade is essentially dead ... Praise the Lord Jesus for this mercy ... but if ObamaCare passes in any form, it will get worse.

I see only two possible scenerios if the hell inspired Health 'care' passes.

1) People accept it like sheep and live in the torments of hell they created. There is despair and gnashing of teeth for the lack of courage to 'change' events. The economy finally collapses with no hope of recovery.

~ or ~

2) People take up their arms, march on Washington and remove those in power that we have created ... forever. Either a new age of enlightenment begins or we degress even further into despair for not following the US Constitution. We must return to the teachings of the Constitution and God's Holy word.

Because "... a little leven levens the whole lump." (Galatians 5:9)

Our Senators are meeting all weekend with the Dear Leader (you know, the one that HATES AMERICA). Please y'all pray that these demon inspired bills that slithered up from the pits SHALL NOT PASS!

Our freedoms are a delicate, living thing. We can not squash them repeatedly without paying dire consequences.

Hope? Yes, there's always hope. As long as we breathe, there's always hope.

Real 'hope', not the Audicity of a Dope.

WITNESS for Jesus Christ that the lost may know the true meaning of 'care' and turn away from these false masters.

GIVE to our neighbors our love, our prayers, our warm and kindly thoughts.

PRAY without ceasing for our nation and our leaders.

This will bring about real 'change' that will please the Lord God and blessings will flow accordingly.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Check Please!

This has to be, hands down, the most bizarre thing I've ever reported on!

Are you ready for the Bizarro World Report?

The Committee On Oversight and Government Reform reports that the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is paying it's own employees to return stolen government property!!

"Angry employees at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing say the cash-strapped agency is giving taxpayer money to government employees to return government printers. At least 534 mostly senior bureau employees have individual printers to ensure that sensitive documents -- related mostly to personnel issues -- don't end up in the wrong hands. But now the agency wants them back and plans to give employees a $75 gift card to turn them over."

HUH??!!!! Who is the bright boy that thought up this little scam?

I can't make this stuff up folks. This is so wrong I don't have enough words to describe it.