Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday, Counterthink Comic

Click To Enlarge


  1. sure could work both ways and it ought too..I wonder when the majority will finally stand up and say enough..Oh wait, that's right, we are the "RighT Wing Extremists" with their tea partys. LOLOL--Catch my dripping sarcasism for the left? (I need more coffee, you sure are up early today, Sparky, lololol.) BLESSINGS

  2. Linda ~ Gosh, you're like me with the sarcasm. LOL Steve keeps threatening to buy me that T-Shirt that sez "Sarcasm ... It's just one of the services I provide." ha ha

    Musey Woosey ~ [BIG GRIN][click]

    Thanks y'all for stopping by.

  3. Speaking of Winnie the Pooh, check out what's new in the 100 acre wood:



⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell