Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Orient Express Blog Day Adventure

All Aboard!
The Orient Express is boarding in Paris on Monday, March 9th, and you are invited!

My blog buddy Muse Swings is hosting the event. Simply pop over to her blog and leave a message at the link above. That way we can all visit one another that day.

So pack your bags and join us for the fun! Everyone is invited.

Hope to see you there ...

♥ ∞


  1. Oh yes, I will be ready..I am assured by Mr. Bond, that is James Bond to you, (rofl) that he is on the look out for a jewel thief. LOL

    Have a blessed day.

  2. This is going to be such fun! If you don't count the murders, theft, intrigue, and general hankypanky. Or wait...that is the fun part! Thank you for posting the adventure! I'm off to pack my things...

  3. Linda ~ I'm ready too! You're bringing Bond, James Bond. I'm traveling with Hercule Poirot. We'll have to keep an extra eye on Lavinia ... she love's your, I mean, her sparkley's. [smile]

    Kat ~ Hey gal! You are so clever ... dining together ... that gives me an idea for the blog adventure!! Thanks!

    Musey ~ I'm packing too! Can't wait. Maybe we should ask ChaCha to handle security again?! You never know what will disappear ... might better hide that sparkley on your page ... [giggle] ♥ ∞

  4. I'm excited too! I can translate too if we have any problems in that Frenchy frog filled city!

  5. It ought to be fun. Muse's parties are the best!

  6. Hi My Thoughts........I found you through Muse Swings.....isn't she just the bestest?
    Great blog......I love it and I'm on board if that's okay??
    Take good care and.......

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  7. Dahling, you should really take a vacation this trip and visit in my private car. Lavinia can join us for cards and champagne. We had so much fun together at the Presidents Inag party!

    I know, we can lead Poirot on a scavenger hunt on the train... that will keep him busy. That's it! We'll see just how well our security team is. We'll need a mole. Where's that cat - Blicky? Sluething around?

  8. Hi Marie ~ That's right you can translate!! Wonderful! You may have to lead me about because I'm kinda dumb about other languages. I'll be riding in your car for sure. :o))

    Stevie ~ Yes they are the VERY best! And she's very talented in the jewelry department too ... no, no, I mean making jewelry, not the obsconding with it. [tee hee]

    Welcome Midlife! Thank you for the kind words. Your blog is nice too. Yes, Muse is fer shure the bestest. Thank you for following me! I'll try not to be too boring. Warning: Motorcycle Speak resides here. ha ha

    ChaCha Janeen ~ Yeah, we'll make it a real vacation. We'll just visit each others 'cars' and have tea and crumpets. I thought we could distract Hercule Poirot with a fake jewelry heist or something so we can relax and talk shopping. :o) A scavenger hunt sounds delightful!

    Thanks for stopping by y'all. :o) ♥ ∞


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell