Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Day Before

So, I'm sitting here, trying to relax and the sofa feels like ...


... and I'm trying not look TOO worried ...

You're gonna put WHAT? WHERE?!

... about my impending surgery tomorrow.

I'm good ...

I'm cool ...

I'm relaxed ...

Yeah, right!!

See ya later folks. In the infamous words of Arnie "I'll be back ..."

♥ ∞


  1. Thinking of you today and especially tomorrow! Hope all goes well and your head doesn't start spinning around like in the Exorcist.

  2. Thinking about you and hope everything goes very well. Let us hear when you can.

  3. Thanks for stopping by y'all. ((Hugs)) back ♥ ∞

  4. SPARKY!! I am praying for you and that you have a quick recovery! Please have hubby keep us informed..love ya friend!! Blessings

  5. Well so instead of a verbal excahnge you're heading off for a vertebral exchange with the docs. Keep your head held up. Uh wait not the right saying, shoot darn can't think of anything... 'cept I'll put you in my prayers tomorrow for a good surgery and speedy recovery. When your back at it let me know, I've got a post waiting in the gun inspired by you!

  6. I just noticed we're both Elinor Dashwood! Fabulous darling!


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell