Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Favorite Coffee And Tea Cups

This is a nonsensical post today. My good friend Muse-Swings and cohort for bloggy 'trouble' (substitute 'fun' there), had a good idea recently. She was making some yummy orange sherbet and 'challenged' us to post our favorite coffee cups.

Good deal.

We must be REALLY bored this weekend! It's the weather ... right!?

I have one in particular that is my favorite and I always hone in on it if it's clean. No big surprise, but it was purchased at the Motorcycle Museum in Maggie Valley, NC.

The Girls (2008)

When said cup is in the dishwasher, I gravitate to the ones below.

This one Steve bought for me recently. It is so heavy it takes both hands! So, this one is just for looking at.


I bought these at the Jeff Davis Memorial here in Georgia.

The south shall rise again! :o)

Steve also has a bunch of fav's. His, of course, have Triumph emblazoned on the front or his name and BellSouth / AT&T (his former employer).

Steve's favorite cups.

I have these two below just for sentimental reasons. The one of the left was a gift from my 1/2 sister before I lost her in the 1980's. The Kliban cup on the right is an 'antique' from the 1970's.

Gift cup and Kliban cup

Now, this cup I salvaged from the Dad's house when he died. That definitely has sentimental attachments. I wish Myra had had one with her name. She had some favorite dishes, but I gave them to her housekeeper as a gift. Myra loved her plates.

Donald Willard Ackman (1924-2006)

And that's it. So what's your favorite cup or cups? Might as well stay inside and be warm this weekend. :o)

♥ ∞


  1. This is a wonderful post! You have lots of cups with true sentimental value! Thanks for sharing buddy o mine!

  2. Neat post!!! All my favorites are in the dishwasher at the moment. I know where I bought them from, so, let me see if I find the photos and do it this way. BLESSINGS

  3. I still have a few cups floating around, though I don't use them, just for decoration. I have one from an air museum I donated money to, one from Death Valley, where I took my now wife when we went to meet my family. I also have one my dad brought me from Sweeden that I like because it is very colorful. I have a Coca Cola shotglass I won at a fair game when I was about 5 (yes I still remember winning it). My favorite though is probably the most simple. It is a plain white cup with a quote from Stonewall Jackson "You may be whatever it is you desire to be." My dad gave it to me after I was in a Jazz Band concert in High School. He thought the message was appropriate. Right now it is growing my other babies, my Saguarro cactus plants.

  4. We are collectors of mugs too!! So much so that I have taken to giving them away, because I have no more space for them!!

  5. Great collection of memories there my dear. I'm working on my post still, trying to get the lighting right so the pictures don't look so washed out from the close ups.

    I laughed when you said Myra loved her plates because within the last year, my eyes are looking at plates too. ha ha I don't collect anything either so I think I've just now found something I like. Dishes! ha ha

  6. This is a great idea!!! I can't get the bowling ball heavy suzuki cup out of my head now!! I lost the cable that connects my camera to my computer about 2 months ago.. I wish I could find it! It's driving me bonkers:)

  7. Hi Cynthia, Thanks for the kind words. Sometimes it's fun to be silly. Since I'm on a roll, maybe I should count how many pairs of blue jeans I have next ... JK!! I Would not subject y'all to that boring topic. :o))))

    Hi Linda, I like your post of cups too. Pics turned out good!

    Hi Budd, I like the sound of all your mugs and glasses (especially Stonewall Jackson! I'm jealous!). I must be the only person on this planet who didn't get a Coca Cola glass to collect. :o)

    Hi Technonana, I wish I had room to collect more mugs but hubby said "STOOOPPPP with the collecting, already!" [lol] I don't even have enough room for more shelves on the walls. [sigh]

    Hi Janeen, Yeah plates are fun to collect. They take up a lot of space though if one wants to display them. Myra had a beautiful lighted display cabinet. I almost need another whole house for that! [lol]

    Oh Marie, you've got to find that cable (or buy a new one?). Not just for this, but isn't your wedding approaching? We have to see pretty pics of that. :o)

    Thanks y'all! ♥ ∞


⭐ A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~ Walter Winchell