Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Left Searches Out And Harasses Dissenters

I have enjoyed taking a week or so off to rest my aging paws and weary head from this war. Yes, dear ones, we are at war. True it’s a spiritual war at the moment but it could very swiftly digress into bullets at a moment‘s notice. Our country is making history this year but it’s not a history that many of us will desire to remember any time soon.

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Ephesians 6:12

This has been a long and painful year in our camp. We’ve had to wrestle with the President of Darkness (aka the unholy Trinity of Obama-Pelosi-Reid). We’ve lost too many beloveds to the Spectre of Death. Friends we’ve known for years and some loved as our own family. I know that most of them are now with Christ but we still miss them in our hearts.

But on to the true subject of today’s post:

There is an article I wish to share with my dear readers today. It’s the The Wilding of Sarah Palin by Robin of Berkeley

“The Left has declared war on Palin because she threatens their existence. Liberals need women dependent and scared so that women, like blacks, will vote Democrat.“

As one can tell by the photo above, I’m a wild game hunter and know the effects of weapons to flesh. It isn’t pretty. It’s violent and messy. Our words can be weapons that tear flesh from bone too. We can kill someone with our words just as surely as I can pull a trigger and stop the beating heart of an animal.

One year whilst deer / turkey hunting I shot a turkey with my Ruger M77 International Carbine (.243 Winchester) from my deer stand. In Florida it was legal to hunt both two days before Thanksgiving. I hit the bird so correctly in the gullet that it eviscerated the creature. It was a clean kill. The tactic I used to put meat on the table reminds me of how the Media and Hollywood treats Christians in general and Sarah Palin specifically.

They hate God and anything to do with Him so vehemently that they‘ll attack His messengers, even at the risk of losing money and viewers. For these "progressives" it is their religion. We are perceived as being “legal” and are their targets.

Robin’s well written article is straight from the heart about how the Lame Stream Media is using eviscerating tactics towards Sarah Palin and other conservatives. It is a mental rape performed in public meant to destroy the messenger rather than the message. Disagreeing with someone is healthy but cruelty is never an admirable trait in my book.

“And so the Left must try to destroy her. And they are doing this in the most malicious of ways: by symbolically raping her.”

I’m not endorsing Sarah Palin for President. Truthfully, she’s not my first choice. I like her, though, as a person and a mother. Mrs. Palin has what is missing from followers of the Left: good character.

Being nice is underrated.” ~ Anonymous

Socialism is a system that courageously combats the problems that it itself creates." ~ Polish anti-communist oppositionist

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Have A Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
Stay warm, stay safe and above all else, stay vigilant.
God bless!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Best Sign Yet ~ Funny Friday

Note: I received this hilarious sign from my blogging buddy, Aunt Amelia's Attic. She has a very sweet blog. Thanks Amelia! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Strange Chicago Death - School Board President Michael Scott

Chicago School Board President Michael Scott

I thought the Chicago way was to sink them but I guess a gun shot wound will do just as good. Reading between the lines is mandatory with the gangster Obama administration.

Michael Scott was found floating in the Chicago river from an alleged self induced gunshot wound to the head.

He's been in trouble before 'the accident' apparently.

Recently, Scott made news when he was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury looking into the admissions practices of Chicago's elite schools.

Scott was also subpoenaed last summer by a federal grand jury investigating how students are chosen for admission to elite public schools. The probe was to determine whether some students were being "clouted" in.

Scott said at the time he was surprised by the subpoena and flatly denied that he has ever flexed his political muscle -- during two stints as board president – to clout any student into a "selective enrollment" school.

Oh, and get this little tasty tidbit:

Scott also drew controversy while sitting on the Chicago 2016 Olympic Committee. He had failed to disclose the involvement of his real estate firm, Michael Scott and Associates, in a real estate development near Douglas Park, where the Olympic cycling venue would have been located.

He insisted he would not profit from the deal.

Wouldn't profit??!! Yeah, and I believe everything that proceeds out of the mouth of Nazi Pelosi.

As IF!!!

This could be perfectly innocent tragic suicide or are we facing yet another Obama connection conveniently removed?

I feel bad for the catfish. They shouldn’t be subject to this kind of abuse.

I'm just sayin'.

Fox News
CBS Chicago

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust

Like rats scampering off a sinking ship, the list of Demoncrats bailing out is growing daily.

"Mao Zedong" Anita is Dunn as Communications Director of January, I think it is. [Medialite] Unfortunately, we'll probably still see her ugly mug show up from time-to-time.

Now White House Counsel Gregory Craig is 'leaving' [Reuters] ... his official post, anyway. I've noticed with this communist administration, though, they usually say they're leaving but end up staying pretty close to the false idol Barry whenever possible.

Perhaps their false god President Zero isn't burning so bright anymore.

Maybe we can next get Nazi Pelosi, Barney Frank and Harry Reid to drop off the radar. Wouldn't that be a happy day indeed!! Come on California, Massachusetts and Nevada -- Wake up and FIRE them next election! Put someone Constitutionally sound and moral in their stead. You can save your souls and America all with the pull of one lever.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Health Care Freedom In Virginia

Now the State Of Virginia steps up to the plate to protect it's citizens from Nazi Pelosi and Mr. Zero.

The act in part reads:

Neither the Governor nor the Department of Health, the Department of Public Welfare or any other Commonwealth agency shall participate in the compliance with any Federal law, regulation or policy that would compromise the freedom of choice in health care of any resident of this Commonwealth.

Here's the rest of The 10th Amendment Center article. If they find a sponsor, it will be voted on in 2010.

How do you spell "nullification" Feds! Yay, you go Virginia! Definately sending heartfelt prayers for success your way. Now would Georgia please also do the same thing? Please!