Saturday, October 10, 2009

Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound

Amazing Grace is my husband's and my favorite old hymn. It never fails to arouse emotions and remind us of our frailties before God. Many years ago, my husband heard this hymn on a televised Billy Graham show when he gave his heart to Christ. So, it holds special meanings for him.

'Tis grace indeed that saves us from the wrath to come. We are "For by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not as result of WORKS, so that no one may boast." [my emphasis] ( (Eph. 2:8,9) My earnest prayer is for all within the sound of my voice to come before God on bended knee and ask for forgiveness from Him. Those who believe in Jesus Christ as Son of God and son of man, are saved for all eternity by His mercy. There is no water baptism, no speaking in tongues, no tithing, no chanting or any other man made works that can save us. Only the innocent blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross.

Dear Reader, if you haven't already, won't you give your heart to Him today and know eternal salvation? The time is short and every breath takes us closer to death. Accept Him freely. Right now, for a limited time, it is a FREE GIFT from God, not from man.

If you have any questions, please ask either me or a trusted spiritual adviser.

I humbly recommend the Berean Bible Society. They've helped me tremendously in learning about the grace message.

Go with God.

My testimony, if interested :)

Amazing Grace Lyrics

John Newton (1725-1807)
Stanza 6 anonymous

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Friday, October 9, 2009

No Surprise Here: Another Communist Wins The Nobel Peace Prize

When Barak "Barry Soetoro" Hussein Obama was in office for 12 days, the Nobel Peace Prize committee decided to give him an award. That's true. It's because he's an avowed communist and considered black. He has done absolutely nothing creditable to his name.

Most people know that the Nobel Peace Prize lost it's soul years ago when they started awarding these prizes to international losers like Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela, Yassar Arafat, Al Gore, etc. This is just the committee's way of rubbing the Israeli nose (and America's) in it.

You know, if they think that BHO is such a wonderful guy, we'll be happy to send him to the Euro-Weenies. They can have him.

Source: List of Nobel Peace Prize Awards

Southeast Georgia Fall Flowers

Fall. Autumn. Harvest time.

I think it's time for a walk in the country.

We both love this time of year: the cool crisp mornings, the azure blue skies. Southeast Georgia' Fall flowers are waking up from their long summer nap. Their little faces are smiling at the sun and waving in the wind to passersby.

When the wind slowed down, I got a few of them to pose for my friends.


(click photos to enlarge in new window)

Beauty Berry

Blazing Star

Cotton Flower

Cotton Field

Cypress Vine Morning Glory

Meadow Beauty

Wild Mint

Pitcher Plant


Red Morning Glory Vine

Sulphur Butterfly
amoungst the morning glory



Wild Poinsettia
Not as pretty as the domestic,
but not without it's own charm.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Europe Rally To Stop Mosque Building Demonstration 13th December - Spread The Word And Save The World

Help put a stop to the fascist Muslims

The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem including the lines: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…”

HAMMER THEIR HELMETS! BLUNT THEIR BAYONETS! (metaphorical reference to no more mosques).


Location: Square in front of Harrow Civic Centre, Station Road/Milton Road junction.

Date: 13th December 2009

Time: 14:00 – 16:00 (2pm – 4pm)


1. Approved anti-sharia and anti-Islamisation chants, banners and placards will be permitted.

Official chants:-

No sharia here

Hammer their helmets! Blunt their bayonets! (this is a metaphorical reference to no more mosques).

No more mosques!
Stop kuffarphobia!

2. English, Welsh, Scottish, N. Irish, national flags, national flags of other countries, certain other national flags will be permitted and encouraged.

Some flags already known to be represented are:-


Let us know which flag you’ll be flying!

3. Certain other flags representing communities struggling against Islamic colonisation such as Papua New Guinea and Biafra will be permitted.

4. Certain civil rights flags, banners and placards will be encouraged provided they are displayed within the no-sharia context of the demonstration.


Speakers using hand held megaphones will address the gathering. Names of speakers will be provided to the police prior to the demonstration. Speeches must be approved by the organisers.


Speakers to explain Muslim persecution in Islamic countries.

Copts in Egypt
Hindus in Bangladesh
Hindus in Malayasia
Christians in Indonesia
Christians in Pakistan
Papuans in Indonesia
Jews everywhere


1. As with previous SIOE demonstrations, political parties are banned.

2. Any racist chanting, banners and placards will result in immediate ejection of the perpetrators from the demo as will nazi salutes.

3. Totalitarian symbols such as nazi swastikas, communist hammer and sickles, Islamic star and crescent, UNLESS CLEARLY CROSSED OUT OR DEFACED WITH A STOP SIGN.

Banners, placards and speeches will be shown to the police prior to the protest starting if requested.

(There is a map of the location at the official website)

Please pray for these folks at they demonstrate to help put a stop to the Muslim intrusion. Maybe they're going to stop being Euro-Weenies now? Good luck from us here in America!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And That's The Administration In A Nutshell

I think I'll ... "
by the California artist Ed Ruscha.
It deals with the subject of indecision.

The Obamas’ taste in art is as revealing as their politics. This piece of crap was selected to hang in the White House by Michelle Obama.

Fits, doesn't it?

Reminds me of BHO's way of dealing with the war in Afghanistan.

If you're not going to fight to win the war, Obamanation, bring our men and women home now.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This has to go under the "this is really gonna hurt" catagory.

Breaking News: Al-Qaida has adopted a technique from drug smugglers that allows suicide bombers to breach even the tightest security. One of the terrorists who tried to assassinate a Saudi prince hid explosives and detonator in his rectum.

Qaida man hid bomb in rectum CBS News (thanks Atlas Shrugs)

Abdullah Asieri avoided detection by two sets of airport security and palace security, in his mission to eliminate prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, head of Saudi Arabia's counter terrorism operations. Taking a trick from the narcotics trade - which has long smuggled drugs in body cavities - Asieri had a pound of explosives, plus a detonator inserted in his rectum, reports CBS News.
The bomber persuaded the prince he wanted to leave al-Qaida, setting a trap. Al-Qaida has an animated movie showing the meeting between the bomber and the prince. Asieri says more senior Qaida figures want to surrender and convinces the prince to talk to them on a cellphone.

In the conversation recorded by al-Qaida, one can hear a beep in the middle of two identical phrases that are repeated by the bomber and his handler. Explosives experts told CBS News that beep was likely a text message activating the bomb concealed inside Asieri. The Trojan bomber hands the phone to the prince. He's standing next to him, and 14 seconds later, he detonates.

Better hope the dude doesn't have gas too ... ouch.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Meet Another Obama Deviant, Kevin Jennings

Just musing out loud here …

Obama has for many years surrounded himself with radicals, debased sicko misfits, malcontents and weirdos. So, the following news report is probably no big shock to most people. I tell ya, after watching that show on Discovery the other night about "The Vril Society" in pre-Nazi Germany, I'm not shocked anymore. I think the Obama Administration is The Vril only they are the far Left instead of the far Right.

These are dangerous times my friends. Dark and dangerous times. Especially for our nations little innocent children. I don't understand how anyone can hurt a child!? I rest assured that my fellow readers will also find this appalling. Just simply appalling and I apologize for the language and subject matter. But the truth must be shared verbatim.

Firstly, I find it very amusing that the Obamanation and Orca Winfrey flew clear across the ocean on our tax money just to lose the bid for Chicago’s Olympics. But, it’s so funny I forgot to laugh, only because they used our tax money.

Just more corruption for you "Change" people.

Next is, the latest to the mix of misfits that we are just learning about is Kevin Jennings, a supporter of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association). Another Obama connection deviant and hater of family's and good works. Someone who should be kept from children at all costs and belongs in jail, if not under the jail in chains forever. But what does the Obamanation do? Appoints this evil monster pervert deviant as a “Safe School’s Czar”! Oh, really!?

President Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) — which sponsored the conference that produced the notorious “Fistgate” scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including “fisting”) — to head up “Safe Schools” efforts at the Department of Education. (link)

This filthy creature is making me physically ill. Whatever happened to protecting children?!? This is child abuse and molestation plain and simple. I think this may be coming from the fact our nation advocates the murder of unborn innocents. We must stop murdering all these innocent babies. It’s adding to how the nation has become calloused to precious life and perverted in it’s actions.

Now it’s said that Obama is a closet homosexual. Hmmmm. Not sure about this one but there are many indicators that this could be a fact. One of his alleged lovers was murdered and one is ready to testify in court concerning this very matter. Read on …

"... Obama says "I am a Christian [now THAT'S funny!] and pray to god every Sunday." [god of the air, no doubt, surely not God the Father] Then Jeremiah Wright is shown "preaching", [where Obama allegedly prays], what he says is shocking: "God damn America" and lots of nonsense about Nagasaki and chickens coming home to roost and a lot of other BS.

Wright was not Obama's kindly, elderly mentor but his sex-partner and that's why he was so hurt when Obama broke off relations with him. They however still see one another clandestinely. But Obama's long-year lover was Donald Young, the choir master at the infamous unholy Trinity Church who was murdered on Dec.23, 2007 to get him out of the way, as knowledge of his existence could have been detrimental to the image of Obama that was being created. [It was Young who served as an in between with Larry Sinclair, who was pilfered $750,000 to keep his story quiet]. This story was only published in one newspaper, The Globe, with big red and yellow headlines and Obama is implicated in this murder in an oblique way. In another, Obama admits his Muslim belief ....”

There’s a lot about Donald Young's murder and connection to Obama across the 'net. Here's a few that might be helpful:
Larry Sinclair
American Free Press
Citizen Wells

Off subject, happily I see that Michael Moron's new movie "Capitalism, A Love Story" is so far a big flop. Is he happy or sad about the news? Must be quite a quandry for the idjit. Meanwhile, I'm too busy laughing out loud at the irony.

Also, I see that the Obamanation has also thrown Israel and, as far as I can tell, all our eastern European friends under the bus. Now they’re at the mercy of Iran too.

If this Congress lets any of his legislation pass … well, let’s just say that We The People are getting scared out here Senators and Congressman. Coming home for ya could get nasty. You’d better get some backbone and fight this vile piece of illegal crap on every piece of legislation.

Obama should be removed from office NOW!! He is tearing the country apart, endangering our freedoms and children, mocking our Christian ideals which made this nation great with his anti-American, anti-family, radical left-wing nut job communist ideals.

Those of us who believe in our loving Lord Jesus Christ, need to stay focused on Him. Witness, witness, WITNESS!! The days are dark my friends and people need Christ more than ever. There is a Light at the end of the tunnel of all this madness. We will be rewarded by our blessed God the Father for sharing Christ's love and His truth with these lost souls.

And that's My Thoughts Exactly.