Friday, December 12, 2008

A Christmas In Bloggyland Tour

Our dear bloggy friend in the strange far off land of Florida is hosting a Christmas in Bloggyland Tour on Monday, December 15! Everyone - and that means you - is invited to participate and share your holiday spirit with your bloggyfriends - however you wish - on the 15th.

Show your decorations, your memories, stories, pictures, recipes, music, art, poetry, nature - anything - whatever you like on your Christmas in Bloggyland post for the 15th.

1. Leave a comment on the MuseSwings post saying you'll be there!
2. Make a copy of the invitation and post it on your blog!
3. Add the HTML back to this post or to MuseSwings.
4. Tell your bloggiebuddies and bring more friends! Party! Party! Party!

MuseSwings will post the names of all of the participants on the 15th so everyone can take the Bloggyland Tour and visit all of the wonderful Christmas in Bloggyland posts.

Travel from blog to blog to see what wonderful things our bloggyfriends have done to celebrate the holidays. Leave comments! Have a wonderful adventure.

As always, the tour lasts all day and evening and covers every time zone and country.

I personally will only be able to participate half a day as I have Jury Duty in the afternoon. I love having Jury Duty here, it's actually fun! I get to see who's doing what to whom and why. I enjoy that but I'm nosey. [tee hee]

So jump in! The water's fine (or snow, if the case may be). See ya there my friends! Hope you can make it.

♥ ∞

Thursday, December 11, 2008

On-Line Typing Test

I've slowed down a bit due to arthritis, but, I've still got it!

67 words

Speed test

Years ago, in the early 1980's, when taking the test to work for a job with the State of Florida Vital Statistics, I was clocked at over 75 wpm. That was with youthful fingers and long polished finger nails. I guess, the 'ol girl has still got it. :o)

Hey, how do you like the new background? It was time for a change.

It has rained cats and dawgs all day. It rained so hard earlier that it was actually raining sideways! Southeast Georgia was under a tornado watch but thankfully that has passed uneventfully. Well, can't go outside. Decorations are up. Everything is done. Sweetie is on a western Georgia hunting trip.

Not much going on today. [sigh]

Maybe tomorrow will be more fun.

God bless y'all!

♥ ∞

Southeast Georgia Alien Plant Life

Stepping through the sliding glass doors, rather than being greeted by the deliciously sweet aroma of dried autumn leaves to which I am accustomed, I was repulsed instead by a most odious smell. I searched around this area of the house, attempting to locate the perpetrator of my nose hair burning.

Finally, I pin pointed the source.

Under a back stoop, lo and behold, there was a freshly born alien plant life. I screamed at the top of lungs "Sweetie, come here! What is this!?"

My husband came tearing outside, "What's wrong?!" Probably thinking I had cut my hand off or something.

I asked him, "WHAT is THAT!" pointing at the odious offender.

He calmly responded "Oh, that's just a Stinkhorn. We used to call it 'stink cabbage' when I was kid." Then he continued to relate how they as youths would throw these horrible things at each other! [sigh] Boys ...

I had to look this thing up on the internet.

At the web site MushroomExpert.Com, the little monster has a rather fancy name of Clathrus columnatus, aka Stinkhorn.

"Ecology: Saprobic; growing alone or gregariously; often near woody debris (and apparently sometimes growing right out of the sides of living trees); in lawns, gardens, cultivated soil, and so on; from North Carolina to the Gulf coast, and in Mexico (reported as far north as New York); October through March."

Sure enough, there's wood mulch under the stoop and it's the right time of year.

Well, next time my nostril radar picks up one of these, I'm running the other way! The mushroom is a lovely orange color but it smells like dog doo on steroids. So, it just goes to show one, you can't judge a mushroom by it's color.

♥ ∞

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Este Blog Investe E Acredita Na Proximidade! Yeah, It's Another Award.

NanaTrish (also known as Blue Foot this week .. ha ha) of Nana's Living The Dream has honored my humble bloggy home with another award! Nana lives in Blog Land that I am priviledged to call Friend.

This is the special "Proximidade" award. This award is a fine one because it focuses not on the glory and fanfare of blogging, but in the PROXIMITY to one another through this on-line world (kind of a Six Degrees of Separation sort of thing).

I wonder who the guilty party was that started all this award giving?

Anyway ...
"Blogs who receive this award are 'exceedingly charming' say its authors.This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

Nearly everyone I know has this award. I could only come up with 5 recipients (sorry) but I am proud to pass this award to:

1) Steviewren at A Little Birdie Told Me So

2) Rosezilla at All About Whatever

3) Linda at Chicken Soup

4) Marie at Cpaphil Vintage Postcards

5) Steve at Wiregrass Musings

Y'all enjoy! And thank you for being my Bloggy Friends (especially my husband, Wiregrass Steve).

Off subject, it has been EXTREMELY cold here in Southeastern Georgia! Last night it was 29 degrees! Every morning we awoke to frosty grounds. I know I got some giggles from some blog friends because they live further north. :o) Well, that's cold for us! I wish now I had been keeping track of how many days of frost we've had.

Motorcycling has been put on the back burner .... one would REQUIRE a burner in one's pocket to ride comfortably ... because of the cold. Try imagining 65 mph wind in one's face for over an hour at a time. Extreme weather can wear one down physically and that can be so hazardous on 2 wheels. I try to always dress appropriately but it's still tiresome, so, we keep them parked until balmier days.

Is it Spring yet?

♥ ∞

Sunday, December 7, 2008

This Is The Day The Lord Has Made

Yesterday, we drove our Jeep to Emanuel county here in Georgia. The roadways are so alive with color this year! The Turkey Oaks are absolutely stunning with their bright orangy red leaves. The Cherry Trees are brilliant yellows. Slash Pine trees stand out like sore thumbs now with their perpetual green leaves. There's just so much color everywhere.

This was a combination Genealogy and Motorcycle trip. I had a couple of tombstones to look up at the Old Canoochee Primitive Baptist Church cemetery for genealogy research. Then, we scooted on over to Statesboro to look at .... yeah .... you guessed it, dirt bikes. [blush] I still want one doggone it. I have looked at every possible 200 or so size dirt bike except the one I really want: 2009 Kawasaki Super Sherpa 250. But, I think this 'want' will be put on the side line. Got too many things that need to be done to the ol' homestead. Aw, well. There's always next year. I feel very, very blessed (more than I deserve) and oh so thankful. I don't know what it is about being out in the woods. I always feel so much closer to God than in any building (but if you're reading this Pastor Scott, todays sermon was very good indeed).

Here's some of the views we were treated to yesterday.

This is the day the Lord hath made;
He calls the hours His own;
Let Heav’n rejoice, let earth be glad,
And praise surround the throne.

Today He rose and left the dead,
And Satan’s empire fell;
Today the saints His triumphs spread,
And all His wonders tell.

Hosanna to th’anointed King,
To David’s holy Son;
Help us, O Lord; descend and bring
Salvation from Thy throne.

Blest be the Lord, who comes to men
With messages of grace;
Who comes in God His Father’s Name,
To save our sinful race.

Hosanna in the highest strains
The Church on earth can raise;
The highest heav’ns, in which He reigns,
Shall give Him nobler praise.

Words: Isaac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid, 1719.
Music: Ar­ling­ton, Thom­as A. Arne, 1762; ar­ranged by Ralph Har­ris­on, 1784

God bless y'all!

♥ ∞

Friday, December 5, 2008

Casual Friday

I was never lucky enough to find a job where I could be THAT casual! [lol] I always had to dress 'just so' being in accounting.

Have a good'en!

♥ ∞