How To Be Saved

Modern science professes to wanting to “help” us live longer (but, ironically, these are many times the same people who will murder an unborn child or sick person without batting an eyelash). Be that as it may, I am so thankful to my Lord God that I probably won’t live more than the allotted three score and ten. [Psalms 90:10] Oh, don’t get me wrong, I cherish life! And try to enjoy each and every moment that I’m here. It’s just that as the miles pile on, weariness begins to greet me more often than normal. Thanks be to God the Father that the cruelty I endured in childhood is now only a memory. Jesus has healed all those hurts.

If you're lucky enough to survive to Old Age you'll end up with a crumbling, failing body. Gone will be the flush of youth. A tired, humbled face will greet you in the mirror. But with Jesus, He puts joyful thoughts, feelings and deeds into our lives. The flesh won't matter anymore. The Lord Jesus Christ promises that those who believe in Him are being renewed inside daily. [Colossians 3:10] I hold onto that promise for He never lies. [Titus 1:2]

We're ALL going to wear out, then die and spend eternity either in Heaven with Jesus or in hell with the devil and his demons. If you, dear reader, do not have the comfort of knowing what your final destination will be after death, please, for your own sake, take a moment to ask our LORD Jesus Christ to come live in your heart and be saved from the wrath to come forever. HE is the Prince of Peace, our wonderful Counselor and our Comforter. HE never rejects anyone. We can have a personal relationship with God The Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. No man comes to the Father except through Him because God is Holy and does not wink at sin.

Briefly, the Holy Bible states:

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." [Romans 3:23] "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life." [Romans 6:23]
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." [Romans 10:13]

It doesn’t matter what your circumstances are or the mess you’re in. We’re all just a single breathe away from eternity. Won't you seek the comfort of knowing that Heaven awaits you if you'll trust and believe in Jesus? You can be standing, kneeling, sitting, driving, or whatever. It’s not important. He cares about you with a pure agape love. He wants you to live forever with Him in Heaven but first you must believe and trust Him.

Tell Him right now you trust and believe in Him, that He is the One true living God, Son of God, son of man and to please come live in your heart. Then you will enjoy this delightful future with all believers. Pray that the veils of this world be lifted from your eyes that you may “see” what His word means, that it may please Him. That’s all there is too it, nothing else. No human, or ritual or tradition of man (works) or any religion nor the government can save us. Then be like the Bereans in the book of Acts. Read the Holy Bible, ask questions, surround yourself with others who are like minded in Christ. Life will fall into line accordingly. It may be a slow change or a rapid one, but it will be a positive change nonetheless. Never forget to pray but most importantly, never forget to read God’s Holy Word rightly divided *. [II Timothy 2:15] Talk to Him in prayer but most importantly, listen to Him by reading His blessed book. Trust and believe in Jesus now and be saved from the wrath to come for all eternity!

May this lend understanding to your heart today and His name be glorified. Amen. If you need help or want to share this, please do! I want to sing His praises along with you like the angels in heaven when a new person comes to Christ. πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

God bless. πŸ™πŸ’“πŸ™

* To understand what is meant by that Scripture and others I recommend The Berean Bible Society.
